Trees of the Creepy Crawly Woods

...They focus on their surroundings and what they can feel nearby...

Some of the trees in the Creepy Crawly woods are very interesting and quite a bit different to some of the trees you might find living near you.

Creepy Crawly Woods near the Faery Oak

They focus on their surroundings and what they can feel nearby. The dampness of the earth through their roots, the way the light catches their leaves, the wind as it moves over their branches and the soft play of rain on their bark.

They cannot see like you or I but they are totally focused on their other senses and they replace the sense of vision with feelings and emotions.

A tree's lifecycle is long and slow, for example an Oak will take a whole year to grow new leaves, flourish and then shed them, and their corresponding thoughts take a very long period of time to process.


The more time you spend with a tree in the enchanted forests, the more you THINK about them, then very slowly, the more the trees will sense YOUR emotions and begin to display those senses in their own personality. Just like the way they collect the daylight and the goodness from the sun and the soil, trees collect emotions and feel them.

Now this process takes a very long time, so you will not really notice it unless the tree you are near is EXTREMELY old.


Examples of Trees that are so old they have developed their own sense of personality and emotions are:

  • The Oldest Oak
  • The Great Oak
  • The Furthest Oak
  • The Unhappy Elm
  • The Crazy Hawthorn
  • The First Cedar
  • The Friendly Alder
  • The Faery Oak

Articles under Trees of the Creepy Crawly Woods


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