Etrop Ruler

Ruler Etrop

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the village of Dorillin, south of the Milam Mountains, Etrop always said they didn't choose the Rulers path, it chose them. Whichever way it was, they took to that path and soon became Village Ruler, younger than many in recent times.   As Village Ruler, Etrop worked with Lobos Ruler and Yanta Ruler to combine their villages of Zaranta and Velki to create the first major settlement in Vellikka of The Vell. Together they wrote The First Scroll of The Vell, and set in motion the framework for settlements across the world.


Etrop trained in the Rulers profession from a young age, following the advice of those who came before, but also endlessly curious. They were considered hardwork by their predecessor who felt they asked too many questions. This trait ultimately served them well, never accepting anything at face value, or because it has always been a certain way.

Accomplishments & Achievements

As Village Ruler, Etrop met with the other two leaders of the nearby villages, and worked with them to create the settlement of The Vell. Their work was instrumental in persuading the people of Dorillin to accept this new way of working.   They spent their life as a proponent of working together and working to understand people rather than dismissing them as wrong. Without their presence at the creation of The First Scroll of The Vell it arguably would not still be being used today.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Dorillin (Now The Vell)
Place of Death
They / Them
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Chameleon skin, lighter when hot and dark when cold
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Walking together gets everyone there faster, than running alone."