Peacekeeper Chal L'Ief

Emissary of the Peacekeepers Chal L'Ief

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Chal has trained for years to be as nondescript as possible. He is fit and healthy, and has honed his body to look perfectly average. He is extremely good at blending in to the background and has trained his face to express a calm neutrality in all situations.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Chal wasn't from one of the more well to do families and had a decidedly middle class upbringing. He excelled in his schooling, and was top of his class in many of his subjects.   He joined the Peacekeeper Training Academy determined to make a name for himself as an expert negotiator. Years of training has taught him how to stay in the shadows and to pass undetected in to rooms where he may not otherwise had access. He was taught to read the room, to understand when staying silent and when to speak up to build a diplomatic bridge between people.   He now works for the Peacekeepers as an Emissary, brokering treaties on potentially favourable planets which could become valuable assets within the Peacekeeper Empire.


Chal isn't an overtly sexual, dedicating himself to his work rather than his personal or social life.

Intellectual Characteristics

Chal doesn't like leaving anything to chance. He believes in being prepared and plans for every possible eventuality. He enjoys a challenge and likes to pursue things which may seem impossible, because he knows that the reward will be worth the effort and has enough self-belief to trust in his own ability to achieve the impossible.

Personality Characteristics


Chal wants to be recognised for his achievements by the Peacekeeper Empire, but aims to go unnoticed by those he is working with to broker treaties with.

Vices & Personality flaws

A woman? Who in their right mind would send a woman?   Chal understands that there are some races where females play an equal role in society, and a handful at most were they were the dominant gender, but they are not groups of people he has much time for. He doesn't believe that women are as good at negotiations or holding on to their emotions as men are. This is one of his big blind spots.
He / Him
soft brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale peach


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