Peacekeeper Ty R'ry (Tie Rer-eey)

Head of Peacekeeper High Command Ty R'ry

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ty entered the Peacekeeper training academy as soon as he was old enough and within the first three years was excelling at his lessons, particularly in the areas of diplomacy, politics, negotiation, conflict resolution and leadership. While never at the top of his class in any one of these he was always the third best in each subject area, and showed a thorough understanding of the old adage of working smarter not harder.    Once he'd worked his way through the academy, he took some very high profile positions, successfully negotiating the Treaty of Taylo which was previously thought to be an impossible treaty.    Less than two years after the Treaty of Taylo, he married Aidlan, the daughter of the then Head of Peacekeeper High Command, and they bought an estate on P'Ache Minor.    Five years later, he inherited his father-in-law's position, taking over as Head of Peacekeeper High Command when the older man stepped into retirement. He has maintained this position for almost a decade and has made great strides in advancing the Peacekeeper Empire.


Ty is not a very sexually driven character. He is hetrosexual because it has served his purposes to be so, but sexuality and orientation are not defining factors for him.

Personality Characteristics


He likes to be in control. He has reached the position of Head of Peacekeeper High Command because he can't bear the idea of someone else being in that position above him. Loss of control is not only unacceptable, it's unthinkable.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Ty doesn't consider himself smart, but understands how people work. He sees people as tools for his own use, and is good at making people believe his ideas are their own. He is smarter than he thinks he is, and is an excellent strategist.   His blind spot is his own ego. He takes joy in his ability to control the behaviours of others and that can sometimes lead to him getting more involved in situations which don't concern him.
Currently Held Titles
He / Him
Soft, grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale pink
6ft 1
Quotes & Catchphrases
You didn't have to be the smartest man in the room; you just had to know who that man was and how to make the most of him.


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