
Basic Information


The rednax were large ungainly four-legged creatures, with large heads and long bushy tails which dragged along the ground. They were somewhat rotund, with a ruddy coloured fur and snub faces.

Ecology and Habitats

The rednax were mighty beasts which walked the grasslands of Vellikka. Their flat faces allowed them to pull grasses and plants up by the roots, consuming the entire plant. They didn't stay in one place for long, constantly moving and grazing, carrying spores of plants in their ruddy fur as they went, allowing plants to spread their seeds across the land. Their dung was also a great fertiliser, another way they give back to the planet.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The rednax travelled in groups and herds, made up of several family units all of whom intermingled and intertwined. Generally there was one dominant family who made decisions about where the herd travelled and when, but their telepathy allowed a much looser structure with a more democratic and open-minded attitude to decision making.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

When the Vellich discovered that they could hunt and kill the Rednax, they used every part of the animal. Their meat was delicious and one creature could feed up twelve people. Their fur pelts could be used for bedding or stripped and tanned and used for clothing. Even their bones were used for tools and weapons.

Average Intelligence

Rednax were very intelligent creatures and likely would have at some point become the dominant life forms on Vellikka, if the Vellich had not evolved and become their only predator.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Rednax were said to be able to communicate telepathically within their herds. Certainly, the way in which they all seemed to know simultaneously when something was wrong and the almost instant reactions to stimuli were a positive indication of this.
Geographic Distribution


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