
(a.k.a. The Red Sword)

Caex'charir, whose name means "Red Sword" in Draconic, is an ancient red wyrm who once ruled the Stoney Mountains before the arrival of the dwarves in Pandora several hundred years ago. With help from the gnomes, the dwarves were able to bind the dragon to the great mountain the center of the peninsula and use his energy to fuel their forges and control the eruptions of the volcano. This was considered a sin by many of the dwarves and the act led to a schism between them and their gnome counterparts, who left to found their own colonies in the South Sea, taking with them the knowledge of controlling the dragon. The secret of the forge fires was covered up, and now only the last of the Elder Lords, Durak, knows the truth.   Durak recently revealed this truth to King Bombo after earthquakes and mind-controlling dreams began to trouble the kingdom. Caex'charir sent a dream and a domination to dwarven miners through means unknown:

The Great Mountain erupted and fire poured from its mouth, filling the caverns of Forgehaven with lava and blood. From the depths of the caldera, a large dragon spread its wings above the Stoney Mountains and burned dwarves and outsiders alike on the streets of Fjordhaven. He spoke to the dreamer, then:   "I will be avenged, for I am Caex'charir!
None may slay me except Dragonslayer.
My vengeance for your sin
will be named Justice by Moradin.
Now dig and see!
Break your backs for me! And I will boil the blood of your kin!"   The dream ended with a flash of an ancient chamber that looked like a massive forge bathed in red light.

Caex'charir was left imprisoned by King Bombo and fellow adventurers in a series of events that sent shockwaves through the Kingdom of Fjordhaven.

Status: Imprisoned

Chaotic Evil (presumably)
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red Scales