
Catfolk, or "leanids" as they were called in ancient times, are a species of humanoids that sport feline features and physique. With so much variety between them genetically, it's difficult to class them into distinct subgroups of their species. The total population of catfolk is around 30 million; a vast majority of that population lives within the Basillian archipelago. The remainder of catfolk are scattered on islands all over the seas, such as Sicily. Several thousand of them live on the mainland, mostly within the United Lands of Caelsimil Teme-Rasadar.   It's unclear why the use of "leanids" as their species name faded into obscurity. The term "catfolk" was coined by human slavers as a form of degradation, but also as a means of selling leanids as a novelty. Its usage is so common by the present day that not even the scholarly among their kind will protest its use. Theories persist that they claimed the term for themselves as a means of reclaiming their autonomy from their captors. The majority of catfolk will say that it's nothing that serious.

Basic Information


Catfolk are incredibly varied in appearance, with many colors and patterns, as well as differences in the distribution of the fur on their bodies. They can be small and striped like a common tabby cat or large with mottled fur like that of a panther. Tribal catfolk are much more beastial in appearance, often being mistaken for lycanthropes by outsiders. Common catfolk are more humanoid in appearance due to their mixed lineages with species such as humans or elves. They might also inherit strictly feline looks, but it's a rare occurence.   Catfolk are bipedal with digitigrade legs. Due to those other humanoid genes they carry, some are born with plantigrade legs, which makes them prone to arthritis as they age. Catfolk are naturally dexterous because of their flexible bone structure, especially in their upper bodies. Common catfolk don't have whiskers like their ancestors, but they do have paw pads. It's untrue that a catfolk's tail acts as a balancing aid. Their tails don't grow relative to the size of their bodies, which makes them a poor counterbalance in most cases.   Long tails are common in their population, but there is a small percentage of catfolk that are born with bobbed tails. Their tails, much like that of an actual cat, are an extension of their spinal cord and is susceptible to nerve damage if treated harshly. In severe cases, catfolk can experience paralysis in their lower bodies.

Genetics and Reproduction

Catfolk are fertile and seldom have trouble getting pregnant when conceiving children with another of their kind. Gestation is generally around six months, but it's not uncommon for a pregnancy to reach seven months. Twins and triplets are very common in leanid society. Nearly every family who can trace their lineage to Basilla have a history of twins, some even having multiple sets in a single generation. Catfolk are strange compared to other humanoids because they don't experience menopause. They remain fertile through most of their life, but rarely have children later in life due to their aging bodies.   Ancient catfolk experienced difficult pregnancies on a frequent basis. They gave birth to litters, which was anywhere between four to six children, which led to hours of agonizing labor. Elders in the tribe would act as a team of midwives during every pregnancy, greatly improving care during and after birth. Post-partum care was particularly important to ancient catfolk due to the amount of stress and injuries they would obtain during active labor. With so many mothers risking death while giving birth, the god of fertility prevented litters from implanting in the womb. With significantly less children per pregnancy, the survival rate of leanids increased.   When catfolk try to conceive a child with someone outside of their species, complications arise. Common catfolk and their mixed lineages could be a great boon or burden in their effort to have a family. Miscarriages are the biggest concern, and while many humanoids run the risk of miscarriages before a certain point in time, leanids have an increased risk. With advancements in medicinal magic as well as science, wealthy catfolk can easily navigate around these problems. Unfortunately, the same luxury isn't afforded to commoners.

Growth Rate & Stages

Leanids mature at a similar rate to humans. They reach physical maturity by their late teens and reach mental maturity several years into adulthood. Their curious and inquistive nature can make them seem younger, which may be perceived as immaturity. During adolescence and puberty, catfolk are struck with bursts of high energy for no discernible reason. They become restless, impatient, and are unable to focus on anything outside of the urge to move their bodies. Young catfolk often run about wildly to burn off this excess energy, which is a condition that their culture refers to as a "frenzied heart".   An episode of a frenzied heart is nothing to be concerned about. It's hyperactivity caused by hormonal changes. Parents are recommended to make sure their children have active hobbies during the day, otherwise a frenzied heart can strike at strange hours of the night. Adult catfolk aren't immune to these bursts of energy, but they become less common as they age. A frenzied heart that appears frequently in an adult catfolk is a sign of a neurological disorder or mental illness.   Catfolk live very active lives. Because of the constant pressure they put onto their own bodies, aging can be rough on their bones. Arthritis is a problem among older catfolk, as well as spinal deformities, and chronic inflammation. This leads to decreased activity with age, which can be a detriment to their overall health.

Ecology and Habitats

Catfolk prefer environments they can freely move around in. Despite their enjoyment of collecting things, they need a space with little to no obstructions that could hinder their movement. Doors are an uncommon sight on the Basillian archipelago. Instead, most buildings have decorative archways, with curtains hung up for privacy. Leanids are respectful of the lands they call home and rather than zone off natural areas for civilization, they integrate their homes with the surrounding landscape. Homes will be built into the cliffsides or around trees, allowing nature to grow freely.   Within the cities of Basilla, buildings are densely packed. Residential areas are built on top of one another, forming complicated pathways to traverse on the daily. Even nobles aren't exempt from this architectural choice as the majority of their families reside on the same property. While the constant closeness can cause conflict every once in awhile, catfolk genuinely enjoy it because of the sense of community it brings.   As such, privacy is a luxury that many catfolk don't care for. While they won't go out of their way to be intrusive, walking in on private moments doesn't carry the same humiliating weight it does in other cultures. Depression and agoraphobia are a rare problem for catfolk due to their closeness to each other. It's physically impossible to experience loneliness on the islands, after all.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Catfolk are not strict carnivores like some would believe. They're omnivores and like most humanoids, they require a balanced diety full of protein and nutrients from various sources. Catfolk vastly prefer meat from big game and wild birds rather than livestock, which they put to work on their land. Saltwater fish are another staple of their diet, usually paired with steamed vegetables and rice. Dairy products are uncommon on the islands and fetch a high price in the markets. Goat's milk is a favorite among their people as well as creams for their drinks.   Leanids are natural grazers due to their fast metabolisms. They tend to eat several small meals and snacks throughout the day, rather than set aside time for larger meals. When they're unable to eat as freely as they need, they suffer from headaches and fatigue. Catfolk prefer filling snacks that offer an energy boost such as bananas, sunflower seeds, or smoked meats.

Biological Cycle

Mainland catfolk experience something that their island brethren don't. Due to the temperate climates they live in, their fur grows thicker in the colder months. That excess fur begins to shed in early spring, thinning out fully by the summer months.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Catfolk society was subject to noble rule, which reported to the royal families of the archipelago. These families and their followers were out of touch with the daily lives of commoners, as well as the hardships they faced. They successfully kept the people under their thumb by weaponizing the society's love for art and using to push their propaganda. An already tense situation was turned downright hostile after many decades. The royal families had the coin to spare to hire private mercenary crews to terrorize the public. This put them at odds with The Stargazers, as well as the Society of the Sapphire Lotus.   Despite being religious orders that intended to keep to themselves, they found themselves roped into the local politics quite often. After The Phantom Insurrection, both orders could back away from such affairs. Unfortunately, they're wary and distrusting of the government, and keep close tabs on the Basillian Council. Despite lingering tensions, the rise of the council was considered a victory for revolutionaries. The archipelago was on the cusp of civil war, but the sudden collapse of royal families prevented any bloodshed.   The Basillian Council is a transitional phase for the archipelago's government. They exist to circumvent the possibility of civil war and to be a connection between commoners and nobles. They're currently working dilligently to undo the corruption that the royals let loose with Jahangir's influence. Once things have settled down and Basillian society finds a new normal, the council hopes to build a proper democracy and put the power back into the people's hands.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

When humans first landed on the Basillian isles, they subjected ancient catfolk to violence and torture for centuries. Humans viewed leanids as little more than animals with no will of their own. The novelty of their appearance attracted all sorts of buyers; some being sold to traveling carnivals or to nobility who wanted an exotic "pet" like no other. Their captors perpetuated the myth that the tails of catfolk could bring good luck. As such, ancient catfolk routinely had their tails docked and then sold to merchants who dabbled in the occult.   In order to keep their operations running smoothly, these slavers did everything they could to ensure that catfolk were seen as oddities or wild animals. The acts of cruelty that catfolk faced at the hands of humans was eventually noticed by the elven nation of Estos. Their military went to war with the slavers and taught the leanids how to defend themselves. After several bloody decades, the catfolk were triumphant in winning their freedom and reclaiming the Basillian Isles.   Unfortunately, due to the rarity of catfolk living on the mainland, they're still viewed as oddities. Modern catfolk face a lot of prejudice due to their appearance and cat-like behaviors. They're often fetishized by other races, namely humans. Catfolk living on the mainland tend to live in impoverished conditions, working for awful wages on farms or as servants to notable families. They form enclaves in large cities, building a caring community for their own kind as no one else will.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Catfolk thrive best in tropical climates and tend to stay on the islands close to the equator of Yneros. Though it's their preferred climate, they're adaptable and can be comfortable in most environments. Catfolk are a rarity on the mainland, so much so that the general populace doesn't know of their existence. They form enclaves in large cities, using the vast population as a means of hiding themselves in plain sight. The majority of these communities are within the United Lands of Caelsimil Teme-Rasadar, but there are the ruins of an attempted city on the continent of Eisoth.   A large group of leanids migrated from Basilla and settled in Eisoth, establishing the city of Felidae. While the city was somewhat successful in the beginning, it wasn't long before neighboring countries noticed them and wanted them gone. Felidae was known to these countries as a "nest of vermin", leading to acts of violence against the city and its people. Over time, Felidae fell into disrepair. Most of its population trickled out of Eisoth in search of safer lands, which they found on the Caelsimilan Peninsula.

Average Intelligence

Catfolk have an intelligence that is on par with most humanoid races. Their intelligence is cultivated through their natural curiosity, giving them a well-rounded view of the world and the cultures around them.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Compared to humans, leanids have heightened senses. Their hearing and sight are especially impeccable, allowing them to notice the slightest change in their surroundings before others can. The heightened senses can be overwhelming at times and many catfolk suffer from hypersensitivity. They can see in low-light conditions and in special cases, they can develop a sense of smell that's on par with tracking dogs.   Their sense of touch is heightened as well, but it hasn't seen the same evolution as their other senses. It can be trained to aid in their perceptive capabilities with time, but common catfolk don't see the purpose in doing so when their eyes and ears are so finely tuned. Catfolk can purr and like cats, it triggers a state of relaxation that allows their body (and those around them) to heal from mild injuries or illness.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Female leanid names sound delicate and often musical to the ears. They're pleasant sounding and roll off of the tongue easily. Their names end with soft vowels and are generally two to three syllables long. Examples: Nisha, Tolsi, Jephra, and Ulora.   Male leanid names have a rougher, grittier quality to them. They sound like they're meant to be said with a growl and end in consonants. Many leanids go by a shortened version of their name as other cultures find them harsh. Examples: Drengith, Croughden, Toras, and Ostrikar.

Beauty Ideals

A staple of catfolk beauty standards are their manes. They're said to be the "centerpiece" of the body and as such, leanids spend a lot of time and money on their hair. Catfolk often keep their manes in intricate hairstyles, usually decorated with jewelry, flowers, or small trinkets. While they get their manes trimmed every few months, elaborate haircuts aren't uncommon. Claws are viewed as accessories by most and are painted or capped with ornate jewelry.   Certain patterns and markings are more desirable than others. Leanids born without any markings at all can achieve a similar look through the use of cosmetics or body modifications. Catfolk who consider themselves outcasts shun these ideals, opting for an unrestricted and creative approach to their appearances. This subgroup of catfolk are recognizable by vibrant tattoos, unnatural hair colors, and unconventional fashion choices.   In general, catfolk fashion is colorful and lively. Clothes are lightweight and breezy, tastefully showing off their bodies. The use of excessive patterns and adornments isn't frowned upon in their culture. With an abudance of resources in terms of fabrics and jewels, even commoners are dressed well.

Gender Ideals

Catfolk culture is matriarchal as a sign of respect to those capable of bringing new life into the world. Childbirth is considered a blessing from the gods and as such, women carry a great deal of power. Despite this, there isn't a stark divide between sexes and gender is as fluid as the waters of Basilla. Catfolk care more about the power of their community rather than the power of a single person. Matriarchs are less of true leader to their people and more like a guardian.   A gender binary does exist in their culture, but it doesn't carry the same weight that it does for humans. Catfolk are free to express themselves however they see it, no matter how unconventional it may be. Self expression is important to them and any attempts to stifle that freedom is seen as an insult to their culture.

Relationship Ideals

Courtships between leanids is intense and downright obsessive to those outside of their species. They're taught to express their emotions freely and so, they feel those emotions deeply. Courtships can last anywhere between a few weeks to a few months, sometimes less. To other cultures, the idea of romance for leanids is very much "love at first sight". Which isn't untrue considering that it's taboo to doubt themselves when they feel true love. Catfolk courtships are awkward, impulsive, but also fun, and care-free.   They seldom court anyone outside of their species because they understand that other cultures look upon their customs as intense and risky. They fear being ostracized for their feelings, especially when living in mainland communities. Those that are determined to find love outside of their kind are willing to play along with longer courtships if they feel that they've found their perfect partner.   Barring mainland populations, leanids are non-monogamous. While they will have one or two soulmates that they spend much of their lives with, they also have many casual relationships and flings outside of that. Their casual relationships are a way of growing as a person and discovering what they need from a potential soulmate. It also teaches them how to communicate openly in order to tackle the complications non-monogamy may cause. Even though their culture is non-monogamous, catfolk still have feelings of jealousy or possessiveness. Such feelings will bring conflict to any relationship, but can be worked through with experience.   Contrasting personalities are desirable in long-term relationships. Any shortcomings they may have are balanced out by their partners. This serves as a solid foundation for catfolk who are looking to start a family. The ingredients to a healthy relationship between catfolk are empathy, affection, individualism, and communication. Physical affection is a big part of their culture, which can be off-putting to outsiders.

Average Technological Level

The real life equivalent to the Basillian Isles technological level would be the late middle ages. As an island-dwelling species with a history of exploring the surrounding seas, catfolk were among the first people to create modern compasses. With this tool at their disposable, ancient catfolk were invaluable as navigators aboard merchant vessels.   Astronomy is one of the most promimently studied sciences due to the devotion to their goddess, Junori. Astrolabes weren't a thing on the islands until after the war between human slavers and Estos. Before then, catfolk relied on their sight and natural sense of direction, as well as divination magic in order to track celestial bodies. The introduction of elves to the isles brought along the brass astrolabe, which furthered the leanids obsession with the stars.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The ancient Basillian language was unfortunately lost over time. Its existence was only discovered through the rare pieces of writing ancient catfolk left behind. Traces of the language still exist on the island of Rashi, where the native tongue is Giyabi. Modern Basillian is an amalgamation of several languages, notably Estian and Rasidian.   Modern Basillian, much like its ancient iterations, uses forms of body language that make it difficult for non-leanids to understand. They use shorthands or omit words entirely, letting their tails and ears get their point across quickly. Catfolk have many dialects, each of them containing their own slang. Being able to communicate with catfolk in northern Basilla doesn't guarantee that a traveler will be able to understand the villagers of Maeisha.   For a long time, modern Basillian didn't have a proper writing system. It came about in recent years, especially with the isles becoming a popular tourist destination. For non-leanids, catfolk have developed a form of sign language to function as a speaker's ears or tail. While it's still in its beginning stages, this language has made communication clearer between catfolk and non-leanids.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Basillian leanids are laid to rest within the shallow catacombs that run beneath the islands. The majority of funerals are performed by members of the Society of the Sapphire Lotus, as they have dedicated their lives to the natural cycle of life and death. Bodies are cleaned up and laid out in the family home. Rather than a day of mourning, their lives are celebrated. Song and dance are common at catfolk funerals, as is drinking and laughter. When the celebration has died down, the Sapphire Lotus brings the departed to their final resting place.   The catacombs are well-maintained and could even be described as luxurious. Every chamber is lined with plush velvet and items that the departed loved dearly are laid out beside them. Necromancy finds a positive purpose with the Society of the Sapphire Lotus. They use their magic to tend to the dead, ensuring that their appearances are peaceful for their loved ones. Ancestor worship is a part of catfolk culture and by caring for the dead, the Sapphire Lotus gives the surviving family a direct line of communication with the departed.   Each chamber also holds a book that tells the departed's life story. While some books are large and ornate, others had their lives cut too short, and are given simple journals. The catacombs of Basilla serve as a sanctuary for the grief-stricken, as well as a time capsule for the younger generations. Tracing one's family history on the isles is easily done through the books of the dead, as well the genealogical records that the Sapphire Lotus has available.   The royals once tried to claim this custom for their families alone, but backed down after earning the ire of the Sapphire Lotus. The best the royals could do was create private tombs on their properties, though they aren't secure. Over the centuries, bodies have gone missing from these tombs, their life stories being the only thing left in their chamber.   Dying during childbirth was and still is an honorable death. Catfolk who have died in these circumstances are considered champions of Iathis, later becoming house spirits that protect expectant mothers and children. Their tombs are decorated with seashells and waterlilies. People outside of their families often visit the catacombs to make offerings to the fallen mothers and in return, are given blessings.

Common Taboos

Fertility and pregnancy are widely celebrated on the Basillian Isles. The use of contraceptions is seen as an insult to the gods, especially Iathis. Older generations hold onto this belief dearly, but younger catfolk aren't as rigid on the subject. With freedom being a major part of catfolk culture and its history, judging another for going against religious norms is believed to be a form of oppression.   Another taboo that will leave a catfolk ostracized is divorce. Divorce is a topic of conversation that's often swept under the rug or ignored outright. Catfolk put their whole heart into a relationship and when things fall apart, it can leave an entire community shaken. Couples who wish to end their relationship are advised to do so quietly. To avoid judgement, the couple remain friends to keep up appearances, but find romance elsewhere.   Necromancy, despite the Society of the Sapphire Lotus' use of it, is a polarizing topic. It's not banned outright on the Basillian Isles, but is viewed negatively due to nearby Caelsimil's history with the Oracle of Bones. Even those that find it abhorent will tolerate it though because of the importance it plays in Basillian funerary traditions. After the rise of the Basillian Council, necromancy become a hot topic due to the presence of a lich among the council. The current queen of Basilla has faced public backlash after attempting to establish undead rights.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Leanids get along well with elves and gnomes. Elves were important in putting an end to the violence catfolk suffered due to humans, and they were instrumental in helping them establish the start of a modern society. Mainland catfolk gather around elven and gnomish communities, all of their sharing their love of art and nature. They can acclimate to most species, so long as that species extends reciprocal goodwill.   Catfolk aren't fond of goblins or kobolds as they believe that they're unpredictable and violent. They are cautious and distrustful of humans, but warm up quickly because modern humans are hospitable and friendly.
Scientific Name
Humanoid- Felinan Silvestris
85 years
Average Height
4'0" - 6'5"
Related Ethnicities
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