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A Blaster is a Mask with the unique capability of launching long-ranged offensive attacks, often manifesting as ranged energy projectiles, elemental control, or precision marksmanship. They excel in engaging adversaries from a distance, making them formidable combatants in various scenarios. Blasters can emerge from any of the super-classifications, harnessing their specific powers and abilities to project force over extended ranges.

Notable Examples:

Sub-Classifications (Internal Use):

  • Artillery: Artillery Blasters are known for their long-range, high-impact attacks, often capable of delivering devastating firepower from afar.
  • Barrage: Barrage Blasters unleash a rapid and concentrated hail of attacks, overwhelming foes with a relentless onslaught of projectiles or energy bursts.
  • Focused: Focused Blasters channel their power into a concentrated, laser-like beam, capable of cutting through obstacles and delivering intense, pinpoint damage.
  • Marksman: Marksmen excel in precision shooting, delivering highly accurate and targeted attacks with exceptional aim and control.
  • Sniper: Snipers specialize in stealth and long-range precision, combining concealment with deadly accuracy to eliminate targets unnoticed.

Encounter Protocol:

When engaging Blasters, it is recommended to prioritize cover and strategic positioning to minimize their line of sight. Team coordination and synchronized movement are crucial for evading or neutralizing their ranged attacks. Additionally, deploying Masks with defensive or barrier-based abilities can provide valuable protection against Blaster assaults, while Movers and Strangers can approach them quickly or unobserved respectively.


  • Take Cover: Deploying energy-absorbing or deflecting shields can mitigate the impact of Blaster attacks. But responders should find cover where avaible.
  • Smoke or Obscuring Agents: Creating a smokescreen or employing other visual obstructions can disrupt a Blaster's line of sight, rendering their attacks less accurate.
  • Teleportation or Blinking Abilities: Rapid relocation can confound Blasters, forcing them to readjust their targeting.
  • Stealth and Infiltration: Approaching Blasters undetected or from unexpected angles can provide an advantageous position for engagement.

Power and Danger Scale(1-10):

  • Level 1: Highly variable accuracy, with a significant chance of missing intended targets.
  • Level 2-4: Moderate accuracy, generally able to hit targets within a reasonable margin of error.
  • Level 5-7: Exceptional accuracy, reliably hitting intended targets with a high degree of precision.
  • Level 8-9: Near-perfect accuracy, consistently hitting targets with pinpoint precision.
  • Level 10: Impeccable accuracy, virtually guaranteed to hit targets under most circumstances.
  • Level 1: Limited ability to penetrate basic defenses like body armor or light barriers.
  • Level 2-4: Capable of bypassing moderate barriers, but still stopped by advanced protective measures.
  • Level 5-7: Possesses significant penetration power, able to overcome most conventional defenses.
  • Level 8-9: Highly penetrating, capable of defeating advanced fortifications and defensive systems.
  • Level 10: Virtually unstoppable, able to punch through nearly any barrier or defensive measure.
  • Level 1: Limited area of effect, affecting a small surface or localized target.
  • Level 2-4: Moderate area of effect, capable of affecting multiple targets within a confined space such as a room.
  • Level 5-7: Substantial area of effect, capable of impacting a significant portion of an area or space such as a building.
  • Level 8-9: Wide-reaching area of effect, capable of affecting a large area or several buildings.
  • Level 10: Immense area of effect, capable of causing widespread devastation over a city block.


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