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A Changer is a Mask whose primary abilities are centered around the capacity to alter their own form or appearance, and are known for their shapeshiting abilities. This ability allows them to adapt to various situations, changing their physical attributes and capabilities as needed.

Notable Examples:

Sub-Classifications (Internal Use):

  • Evolver: Changers who can adapt and evolve their physical attributes to meet the demands of various situations.
  • Infiltrator: Infiltrators are Changers who focus on stealth and subterfuge, using their shapeshifting to blend into different environments or impersonate specific individuals.
  • Mimic: Changers with the talent to mimic the physical appearance and abilities of others.
  • Monstrous: Monstrous Changers undergo dramatic, often frightening physical alterations, granting them enhanced strength, durability, and intimidating appearances.
  • Shifter: Changers who specialize in rapid shape-shifting, using their abilities to confound and confuse adversaries.

Encounter Protocol:

When encountering Changers, it is essential to remain vigilant and adaptable. Changers have the capacity to swiftly modify their forms and abilities, making them unpredictable opponents. Deploying Thinkers capable of detecting alterations in form or physiology can be instrumental in identifying Changers in disguise. Additionally, Brutes and Strikers may be effective in close-quarters confrontations when the Changer is cornered.


  • Eyes-On: Confirm the identities of individuals through visual cues, such as unique markings, badges, or recognition signs. Maintain line of sight to other responders.
  • Psychological Testing: Administer psychological evaluations or interviews to detect inconsistencies in behavior or memory.
  • Restrict Access: Control access to secure areas with stringent identification measures and security protocols.

Power And Danger Scale (1-10):

Adaptability in Forms:
  • Level 1-3: Limited adaptability, with minimal changes in form or abilities.
  • Level 4-6: Moderate adaptability, capable of altering physical attributes and some abilities.
  • Level 7-8: Significant adaptability, able to transform into a variety of forms and access a range of abilities.
  • Level 9: Exceptional adaptability, with near-complete control over physical attributes and abilities.
  • Level 10: Mastery of adaptability, enabling instantaneous and precise alterations to form and abilities.
  Durability When Transformed:
  • Level 1-3: Minimal enhancement to durability when transformed.
  • Level 4-6: Moderate increase in durability, able to withstand some physical damage.
  • Level 7-8: Significant enhancement in durability, capable of enduring substantial physical force.
  • Level 9: Exceptional durability, nearly impervious to most forms of physical harm when transformed.
  • Level 10: Invulnerable, virtually immune to physical harm in transformed state.
  Potential Danger When Transformed:
  • Level 1-3: Minimal threat, limited offensive capabilities in transformed state.
  • Level 4-6: Moderate threat, possessing basic offensive capabilities when transformed.
  • Level 7-8: Significant threat, capable of delivering substantial damage and utilizing advanced abilities.
  • Level 9: Exceptional threat, possessing formidable offensive powers and specialized abilities.
  • Level 10: Extreme threat, possessing devastating offensive capabilities.


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