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"Masks" is the term used to describe individuals who engage in heroic, villainous, or independent activities in Periton. The term gained popularity in 5029, as many people who had previously operated under their personal identities, whether as members of the Guild or their criminal counterparts, began to fear potential retaliation during the Month of Red .   While many individuals worked with masks or had their identities obscured before the transition, this period pushed that number from many to almost all. Some of those who already had their identities known publicly, such as Indigo and Fast Draw, would keep their faces uncovered and simply adopt a Mask name. Others, like Avail, would take on a masked persona to create distance between their masked and public identities.   While the Unwritten Rules help to safeguard those whose identities are known publicly, they rarely prevent those who are intent on causing harm. Caustic is one such example, having discovered the identities of three luminaries and killed them at their school . Many do their best to avoid revealing their public identity.  

Defining a Mask

  Masks distinguish themselves from common thugs or Sentinel Regulars through their ability to influence conflicts. These individuals possess incredible skills, mastery of weaponry, proficiency in magic, or possess Changed abilities, often placing them in this category. By adopting a Masked identity, an individual not only protects their public persona but also acknowledges their exceptional abilities, drawing the attention of those who may seek their aid or wish them harm.  

Classifying Masks

Due to the variety of abilities that many Masks within Periton posses, the CC and Sentinels have created the following system to classify them.  


A super-classification is the general description of where a Mask is assumed to have gained their abilities.
  • Spellcaster. Masks who have acquired their abilities through the study, utilization, or bestowal of magic fall under this category. Spellcasters often possess numerous sub-classifications, although they are typically identified primarily by their areas of specialization. Furthermore, Spellcasters are universally assumed to possess the Trump sub-classification.
  • Changed. Masks whose abilities have been manifested as a result of being Changed are categorized here.
  • Blessed. A Mask designated as Blessed has acquired their abilities through divine blessings from a greater entity or by entering into a pact with one. Blessed individuals are often associated with spellcasting, although their powers may extend beyond conventional magic.
  • Psionic. Masks who have unlocked the latent powers of their mind, allowing them to possess psychic or telekinetic abilities, fall into this category.
  • Skilled. The Skilled classification encompasses Masks who lack an overt connection to the previous three super-classifications. These individuals are distinguished by their exceptional skills, which may be honed through rigorous training, innate talents, or unconventional means. The Skilled classification serves as a catch-all category for Masks with unique abilities that do not neatly fit into other classifications.


A sub-classification is narrow descriptor used to describe what a Mask is capable of doing. Most masks are capable of being described with two sub-classifications, but individuals with more only use two unless another is integral to describing their capabilities.
  • Blasters. A mask with a long-ranged offensive attack.
  • Breakers. A mask with the ability to shift into another state.
  • Brutes. A mask with enhanced strength or durability.
  • Changer. A mask that can alter their form or appearance.
  • Master. A mask that controls others or creates minions.
  • Mover. A mask that possesses enhanced speed or mobility.
  • Reparator . A mask that restores targets to prior states.
  • Shakers. A mask that can affect an area.
  • Stranger. A mask that focuses on stealth and/or infiltration.
  • Striker. A close range focused mask.
  • Thinker. A mask that focuses on information gathering.
  • Tinker . A mask that can create or alter devices such as Arcanatech.
  • Trump . A mask that affects others directly.

Articles under Mask


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