BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


A Master is a Mask whose abilities center on the manipulation and control of others or the environment to further their goals. They have the unique capacity to exert influence over sentient beings, to summon minions, or command inanimate objects.

Notable Examples:

Sub-Classifications (Internal Use):

  • Animator: Masters capable of bringing inanimate objects or constructs to life, imbuing them with a semblance of sentience and control.
  • Controller: Masters with the ability to directly influence and manipulate the actions of living beings, often achieving a high level of control over their subjects.
  • Domineer: Domineers specialize in subjugating the will of others, compelling them to follow their commands.
  • Enhancer: Enhancers specialize in augmenting the capabilities and attributes of those in their control.
  • Enthraller: Enthrallers possess the power to captivate and influence the emotions, thoughts, and loyalty of those around them.
  • Summoner: Masters who have the capacity to summon and command entities, whether they be creatures, spirits, or elemental forces.

Encounter Protocol:

When facing a Master, it is crucial to prioritize assessing their specific abilities and tactics. Masks should establish clear communication channels to coordinate responses and minimize the impact of the Master's control. Deploying counter-Master Masks or individuals with expertise in resisting mental manipulation may provide an advantage in negating or mitigating the Master's influence. Additionally, Shakers can often negate the number advantage that Masters have, while Blasters should attempt to subdue them from outside of their range of influence.


  • Containment: Restrict the Master's movements or abilities to limit their impact on the environment.
  • Disruption Techniques: Employ tactics or abilities that disrupt the Master's concentration or influence over their targets.
  • Isolation: Isolate affected individuals to prevent them from carrying out harmful commands.
  • Psychic Resistance: Utilize Masks or individuals with strong mental fortitude to resist the Master's control.

Power And Danger Scale (1-10):

Number of Entities Controlled:
  • Level 1: Limited control, affecting a single target or a small number of entities.
  • Level 2-4: Moderate control, capable of influencing several individuals or entities.
  • Level 5-7: Substantial control, having sway over a significant number of individuals or entities.
  • Level 8-9: Extensive control, commanding a large group of entities.
  • Level 10: Absolute control, dominating a vast number of individuals or entities.
Totality of Command:
  • Level 1: Limited command, with minimal control over the actions and abilities of controlled entities.
  • Level 2-4: Moderate command, capable of directing controlled entities to perform specific tasks or actions.
  • Level 5-7: Substantial command, having the ability to orchestrate coordinated actions among controlled entities.
  • Level 8-9: Extensive command, possessing fine-tuned control over controlled entities' actions and responses.
  • Level 10: Absolute command, exerting complete dominance over controlled entities.
Strength of Each Individual Entity:
  • Level 1: Weak entities with limited combat effectiveness.
  • Level 2-4: Moderately capable entities with basic combat skills or functionality.
  • Level 5-7: Strong entities with advanced combat skills and capabilities.
  • Level 8-9: Formidable entities with exceptional combat skills and abilities.
  • Level 10: Overwhelming entities with unparalleled combat prowess.


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