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A Repairer is a Mask specializing in the restoration and repair of objects, concepts, or individuals. They possess unique abilities that enable them to mend, rejuvenate, or revitalize various aspects of the world around them.   Notable Examples:

Sub-Classifications (Internal Use):

  • Mender: Menders possess the ability to mend and repair physical objects, structures, or even the natural environment, making them invaluable in restoring damaged property.
  • Healer: Healers specialize in the mending and rejuvenation of living beings, including physical injuries, illnesses, and emotional or psychological wounds.
  • Conceptualist: Conceptualists focus on the reconstruction and restoration of abstract or conceptual ideas, knowledge, or even relationships, often resolving conflicts or misunderstandings.
  • Architect: Architects have the unique talent to redesign, reconstruct, and improve upon existing structures, whether they are buildings, technology, or systems.
  • Regenerator: Regenerators excel in the revitalization of living beings, including enhancing physical abilities, extending lifespans, or even resurrecting the deceased.
  • Reclaimer: Reclaimers specialize in reclaiming lost or stolen objects, memories, or knowledge, often bringing back that which was thought to be lost.

Encounter Protocol:

When encountering Repairers, they should be prioritized as soon as posible. Their abilities can prove invaluable in maintaining other subjects of interest whole and healthy, and such an advantage must be eliminated as soon as possible. Blasters and Movers should do their best to harass Repairers to prevent the recovery of their allies.


  • Disruption: Disrupting the Repairer's concentration or their direct access to the object or concept in need of repair can hinder their abilities.
  • Diversion: Creating diversions or distractions can interrupt the Repairer's work, making it challenging for them to focus on repairs.
  • Monitor: Keeping a vigilant watch on the Repairer's actions and ensuring that their repairs align with the intended outcomes can help prevent unintended consequences.
  • Time Limitation: Engaging the Repairer quickly before they can complete their repairs may prevent the restoration from taking effect.

Power And Danger Scale (1-10):

  Extent of Reparation:  
  • Level 1: Capable of minor repairs or restorations to small objects or concepts.
  • Level 2-4: Proficient at restoring moderate-sized objects, concepts, or individuals.
  • Level 5-7: Can repair substantial objects, complex concepts, or multiple individuals simultaneously.
  • Level 8-9: Highly skilled in restoring large-scale objects, intricate systems, or entire environments.
  • Level 10: Mastery in repairing vast ecosystems, intricate societal structures, or even abstract cosmic concepts.
Effectiveness of Reparation:
  • Level 1: Limited effectiveness, with minor improvements or restorations.
  • Level 2-4: Moderate effectiveness, capable of noticeable repairs or enhancements.
  • Level 5-7: Significant effectiveness, providing substantial restoration or rejuvenation.
  • Level 8-9: High effectiveness, with the potential for profound transformations or revitalization.
  • Level 10: Maximum effectiveness, resulting in complete or unparalleled restoration.
Duration of Reparation:
  • Level 1: Temporary, with effects lasting only a short duration.
  • Level 2-4: Relatively short-term, providing restoration for a limited period.
  • Level 5-7: Medium-term, offering sustained benefits or repairs over an extended period.
  • Level 8-9: Long-lasting, with effects persisting for a substantial duration.
  • Level 10: Permanent, causing irreversible or enduring improvements or restoration.


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