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A Shaker is a Mask whose unique abilities are focused on affecting the environment within a designated area. They possess the extraordinary capability to influence, modify, or manipulate physical surroundings, often leveraging these powers strategically in confrontations and scenarios.

Notable Examples:

Sub-Classifications (Internal Use):

  • Barrier: Barrier Shakers have the power to erect protective walls, shields, or obstacles within their area, offering cover and impeding the advance of opponents.
  • Concealer: Concealers have a knack for obscuring visibility, generating illusions, and creating deceptive environments to disorient and conceal themselves or others.
  • Distorter: Distorters possess the ability to warp and twist the physical properties of objects and space within their area of influence, causing disarray and deformation.
  • Ensnarer: Ensnarers excel at setting traps, creating intricate snares, and manipulating the environment to immobilize and capture unsuspecting targets.
  • Inhibitor: Inhibitors specialize in hindering the movement, actions, or abilities of those within their designated area, imposing limitations and restrictions on adversaries.
  • Molder: Molders can reshape and manipulate materials, terrain, or substances within their designated zone, molding the environment to their advantage.

Encounter Protocol:

When engaging Shakers, it is crucial to assess and adapt to the specific environmental manipulations they employ. Masks should prioritize communication to coordinate responses and minimize the impact of the Shaker's abilities. Deploying counter-Shaker Masks or individuals with expertise in environmental manipulation may provide an advantage in negating or mitigating the Shaker's effects. Additionally Blasters and Brutes can often outrange or maneuver the affects of the shacker respectively.


  • Evacuate: When facing overwhelming environmental alterations, Regulars should prioritize retreat and call for Mask assistance if available.
  • Maintain Communication: Report the Shaker's actions and environmental changes promptly to coordinate an effective response.
  • Disruption Techniques: Focus on disrupting the Shaker's focus or concentration, interrupting their control over the environment.
  • Outrange: Avoid confronting the Shaker in their area of control when possible.

Power And Danger Scale (1-10):

Area of Effect:
  • Level 1: Limited area of effect, affecting a small surface or localized target.
  • Level 2-4: Moderate area of effect, capable of affecting multiple targets within a confined space, such as a room.
  • Level 5-7: Substantial area of effect, capable of impacting a significant portion of an area or space, such as a building.
  • Level 8-9: Wide-reaching area of effect, capable of affecting a large area such as several building.
  • Level 10: Immense area of effect, capable of causing widespread devastation on the scale of a city block or more.
Lethality of the Area:
  • Level 1: Minimal threat to life or property within the affected area.
  • Level 2-4: Low to moderate threat, potential for injury or localized damage.
  • Level 5-7: Significant threat, high risk of injury and property damage.
  • Level 8-9: Severe threat, imminent danger to life and extensive property damage.
  • Level 10: Catastrophic threat, imminent loss of life and widespread destruction.


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