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A Stranger is a Mask whose primary focus lies in the art of passing unseen or unnoticed, emphasizing stealth and the ability to operate in situations without drawing attention. This does not necessarily imply complete invisibility but rather the capacity to evade detection through various means, including camouflage, misdirection, and subtle manipulation of perception.

Notable Examples:

Sub-Classifications (Internal Use):

  • Ambusher: Ambusher Strangers excel in setting up and executing surprise attacks, often catching their targets off guard.
  • Deceiver: Deceiver Strangers possess the ability to alter sensory perception, creating illusions or distorting reality to confuse and mislead.
  • Infiltrator: Infiltrator Strangers are experts at evading detection and seamlessly blending into their surroundings.
  • Puppeteer: Puppeteer Strangers have the power to influence and manipulate the actions or thoughts of others, allowing them to act freely.
  • Saboteur: Saboteur Strangers specialize in undermining or subverting the intentions or actions of others, creating opportunities for themselves.
  • Veil: Veil Strangers excel in cloaking and obscuring their presence, making them nearly invisible to the naked eye.


  • Detection Tools: Use specialized detection equipment or abilities to reveal concealed or disguised Strangers.
  • Isolation: If a Stranger's presence is suspected, isolate the affected area or individuals until their identity and intentions can be verified.
  • Psychological Resistance: Train personnel to resist mental manipulation and mind-altering effects.
  • Verification: Confirm the identity of individuals through multiple means, such as authentication protocols.
  • Vigilance: Stay alert to unusual behavior, discrepancies, or changes in the environment that may indicate the presence of a Stranger.

Power And Danger Scale (1-10):

Stealth Capability:
  • Level 1-3: Basic stealth abilities, capable of evading casual observation.
  • Level 4-6: Moderate stealth skills, effective at avoiding detection in most situations.
  • Level 7-8: Advanced stealth proficiency, difficult to detect even in heightened awareness scenarios.
  • Level 9-10: Masterful stealth expertise, virtually impossible to detect without specialized equipment or abilities.
Intrusion Capability:
  • Level 1-3: Minimal ability to infiltrate secure areas or systems.
  • Level 4-6: Capable of infiltrating moderately secure areas or systems.
  • Level 7-8: Proficient at infiltrating highly secure areas or systems.
  • Level 9-10: Exceptional ability to infiltrate even the most fortified areas or systems.


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