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A Striker is a Mask whose unique abilities are focused on close-range engagements. They possess the exceptional capability to excel in combat at short distances, delivering devastating attacks and incapacitating opponents in melee confrontations.

Notable Examples:

Sub-Classifications (Internal Use):

  • Chains: Chain Strikers employ disabling effects and binding techniques to limit their opponents' movements.
  • Claymore: Focusing on technique and damage, Claymore Strikers wield massive weapons with the intent to inflict devastating blows and overpower adversaries.
  • Grappler: Grappler Strikers focus on movement, positioning, and the manipulation of objects and opponents, using their abilities for pushing, pulling, and controlling the battlefield.
  • Rapier: Emphasizing speed and precision, Rapier Strikers excel in rapid, agile attacks and adapting to the altering flow of battle.
  • Sledgehammer: Sledgehammer Strikers prioritize impact, size, and raw force, often seeking to violently break down or ruin whatever stands in their path.
  • Spear: Spear Strikers specialize in extending the range of their melee attacks, possessing exceptional reach and the ability to keep opponents at bay.
  • Torch: Harnessing elemental or esoteric effects, Torches wield powers that extend beyond direct damage.

Encounter Protocol:

When engaging Strikers, it is essential to consider the type of Striker and their specific combat style. Masks should prioritize teamwork and coordinated efforts to minimize the Striker's ability to close the distance. Maintaining a safe distance, using ranged attacks, or employing incapacitating effects can be effective strategies against Strikers. Shakers can often prevent Strikers from approaching all together.


  • Crowd Control: Employ crowd-control tactics to immobilize, disorient, or incapacitate Strikers before they can close the distance.
  • Evade and Retreat: Masks should prioritize retreating and regrouping when facing a formidable Striker in close quarters.
  • Defend and Counter: Coordinate with other Masks to form a defensive line while countering the Striker's advances.
  • Ranged Attacks: Utilize ranged attacks or projectiles to keep Strikers at bay and limit their ability to engage in close combat.

Power And Danger Scale (1-10):

Close Combat Prowess:
  • Level 1-3: Basic proficiency in close combat, poses a threat in one-on-one engagements. Requires minimal caution.
  • Level 4-6: Competent in close combat, capable of handling average confrontations. Caution advised in group encounters.
  • Level 7-8: Highly skilled in close combat, excels in taking on multiple opponents in confined spaces. Approach with heightened caution.
  • Level 9: Virtuoso in close combat, virtually unrivaled in one-on-one engagements. Extreme caution is warranted.
  • Level 10: Renowned as a living weapon, capable of overwhelming even highly skilled adversaries in close-range combat. Extreme caution is imperative.


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