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A Trump is a Mask whose primary focus lies in altering the powers of others or themselves, whether positively or negatively, as well as affecting objects or individuals indirectly through power manipulation. Trumps are known for their capacity to influence the dynamics of confrontations by directly interacting with the powers of other Masks.

Notable Examples:

Sub-Classifications (Internal Use):

  • Debilitator: Debilitator excel at scrambling, destabilizing, or debilitating other Masks.
  • Enhancer: Enhancers focus on augmenting, granting, or boosting the powers of other Masks, often with secondary effects that amplify the potency or versatility of these powers.
  • Manipulator: Manipulators have the unique capability to control, alter, or enhance the powers of other Masks, either by intensifying or diminishing their effects, redirecting them, or altering their characteristics.
  • Mimic: Mimics can replicate or borrow powers from other Masks, temporarily adopting their abilities or utilizing them as their own.
  • Nullifier: Nullifiers possess the ability to cancel, negate, or suppress the powers of other Masks or individuals within their range, rendering them temporarily powerless. Some Nullifiers may have secondary powers or trump augmentations.
  • Siphoner: Siphoners specialize in draining or siphoning the powers of other Masks, rendering them weaker while bolstering their own abilities.

Encounter Protocol:

When encountering Trumps, it is vital to employ a strategic approach that takes into account the wide range of power-altering abilities they may possess. No Trump is alike, but it is generally recommended to keep distance until it is disercened safe to be within their range. If it is not, then either Masks immune to altering effects or overwhelming numbers should be the first priority to disable the Trump.


  • Assess the Trump's Powers: Before engaging a Trump, gather as much information as possible about the nature of their abilities and their limitations.
  • Diversion Tactics: Create diversions or distractions to disrupt the Trump's concentration.
  • Isolation: Attempt to isolate the Trump from their allies to reduce the reach and effectiveness of their power manipulation. Separating the Trump from their team may also disrupt their ability to coordinate with others.
  • Maintain Range: Whenever possible, engage the Trump from a safe distance.
  • Prioritize Safety: In cases of overwhelming or uncontrollable power alterations, prioritize the safety of yourself and your team members.

Power And Danger Scale (1-10):

Numbers Affected:
  • Level 1: Trumps at this level can affect a single target or object at a time. Their abilities are highly focused and limited in scope.
  • Levels 2-4: Trumps in this range are capable of affecting a small group of targets or multiple objects concurrently. They possess moderate versatility.
  • Levels 5-7: Trumps at these levels can influence a moderate-sized group of individuals or a substantial number of objects simultaneously. Their reach extends further.
  • Levels 8-9: Trumps in this category have the potential to impact a large group of individuals or a significant number of objects at once. Their abilities are notably widespread.
  • Level 10: At this highest level, Trumps can affect an entire population or a vast number of objects simultaneously. Their abilities have a sweeping and all-encompassing reach.
Strength of the Abilities:
  • Level 1: Trumps with abilities at this level have a mild or minor influence on powers or objects. The changes they induce are limited and subtle.
  • Levels 2-4: Trumps in this range possess moderate influence, capable of causing noticeable changes in powers or objects. Their abilities have a moderate impact.
  • Levels 5-7: Trumps at these levels wield significant influence, with the potential for substantial alterations to powers or objects. Their abilities can lead to noteworthy changes.
  • Levels 8-9: Trumps in this category command high influence over powers or objects, capable of causing profound changes or disruptions. Their abilities have a profound impact.
  • Level 10: At this highest level, Trumps possess extreme influence, with the potential to completely reshape powers or objects. Their abilities can lead to radical and comprehensive transformations.
Permanence of the Effect:
  • Level 1: The effects of Trumps at this level are very temporary, lasting only for a few moments. They have minimal lasting impact.
  • Levels 2-4: Trumps in this range create temporary effects that endure for a limited duration. The changes they induce are relatively short-lived.
  • Levels 5-7: Trumps at these levels generate relatively persistent effects that endure for a substantial period. The alterations they make have lasting significance.
  • Levels 8-9: Trumps in this category produce long-lasting effects that persist for an extended duration. The changes they enact have a sustained impact.
  • Level 10: At this highest level, Trumps can cause permanent effects that are irreversible or enduring. The transformations they initiate have an indelible and lasting impact on powers or objects.


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