Eruption of Mt. Farruta, Yierras ---sc24


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Mount Farruta Finally Errupts

  After months of heavy scientific monitoring, Mount Farruta finally erupted this morning in a grand pyroclastic display. Scientists have been warning of an upcoming "catastrophic" volcanic eruption for months. The threat of massive eruption so emminent that the Empire has been helping evacuate the moon by supplying interplanetary transports, pilots, and crews with most refugees being taken to Empire funded refugee villages. Scientists predicted that even a small-scale eruption would decimate nearly half of the planet.
  When Mount Farruta erupted the evacuation efforts were still underway, but we are told that the transports are still capable of flying and they are doing their best to make sure everyone is safely taken from the moon. Scientists are now saying Farruta is experiencing an eruption that will cause massive moon wide devastation and authorities are doing their best to account for all Yierrian citizens.
  The moon had been closed to all but essential interplanetary travel. Yierrians who were off moon before the moon wide evacuations began have not been allowed back to the their homes. With many asking for temporary permissions to fetch loved ones and belongings still on the moon. The eruption has effectively stopped all travel to Yierras. Completely closing the moon.
  We have just been informed that the last of the evacuation transports has cleared the Yierrian atmosphere and are safely en route to established refugee camps throughout the Sorr'aani Empire. Once the eruption is complete scientists will send drones and robotic researchers to assess the extent of the damage. And only then will we know if Yierras will be habitable again any time in the future. Now it's a waiting game to see how far nature will go.
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