Naag Verm ---sc24

    Meet the docile naag verm   Spend any amount of time in Ahl'Ziyas and you will encounter the naag verm. The gentle creature native to the constantly shifting Ahl'Ziyani sand dunes, and is both revered and reviled. Revered for their use as food, shelter, clothing, ritual, entertainment, tools, and beasts of burden. Reviled because they feed on the carcuses of dead Kobiac Lizards rotting in the oppresive desert sun.   Come with me today as we explore the the creature you'll only find here on Ahl'Ziyas. We'll discuss its habits, we'll see where it lives, and I'll even try the locals' favorite travel snack Naag Verm Hand Pies .

Basic Information


Growing up to 3 feet long and 10 inches in diameter the naag verm can be an impressive sight. Despite it's size it's internal structure is an exact replica of it's smaller cousins.  

Ecology and Habitats

The deserts of Ahl'Ziyas play host to the naag verm.   The sands shift and move with the verms as they burrow underground to escape the brutal sunlight blasting the desert.   Rains are rare and often appearing in fierce, short storms. Water filters through the sand causing flooding in the verms' underground labrythn of tunnels and lairs.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Verm pods feed once every 6 to 8 months.   Primarily active in the late evenings and early mornings to avoid the direct sunlight, they live and work as a family pod searching the desert for dead Kobiac Lizards. Once found the pod creates a cocoon structure around them and the carcuss envolping all inside. Employing a chemically rich saliva, they devour every bit of animal flesh and sinew and marrow, down to the bare bones.   Depending up on the size of their meal (some lizards weighing nearly 2000 pounds), naag verm can spend up to 2 months in the cocoon, feeding and reproducing. The cocoon is so strong it can endure oppresive heat, wind, sandstorms, and torrential rains. When the animal bones are stripped clean the verm break open the cocoon and release their new young and the fully feed adult verms.   After the verms have abandoned the coccoon, desert nomads will collect the cleaned animal bones and use them to build their homes and pen their livestock.


Naag verms live and act in communal family pods.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Naag verm flesh is used for food and it's abadonded cocoons for textiles.
3 years
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