sentient --- woodstock

"I call it Woodstock."   "What is it?"   "I have no idea, but I found its likeness in the ancient archives section of the Temple and I liked it."   "What does it do?"   "I'm not sure. I know it flies. It is happy and good natured, and I think it might be mechanically inclined."   "That thing?"   "Yes, well, not this one, this is just a prototype, but the ancient Woodstock just may well have been. some of the historical data suggests that it possibly fixed airiocarros."   "That?"   "Yes, well,  not this one. This one is sentient but still in it's infant stage. I've got four more in the workshop."   "Whatever, man, you have the zKyrgor gun I ordered?"   "I do. It's in the back. I'll get it."    "This thing won't leave me alone."   "Woodstock, get off of his shoulder. Sorry, sir, here you are, the engraving on the side turned out beautifully."   "And the added flint pressure?"   "Just as you requested."   "Perfect. Thank you."   "Woodstock, no!"   "It's ok."   "It looks like it wants to go with you."   "How much for it?"   "400 Hillia."   "Here you go. My Lugsors Bombs will be here on Tuesday?"   "Yes, sir."   "See you then. Come on, Woodstock."


No one is really sure, but the historical archives suggest that the strange creature had a symbiotic relationship with what we know to be a "beagle" which is a sort of "dog." From what we can assurtain, "Woodstock" tinkered with airiocarros and spent time sitting on a red building with the beagle know as "Snoopy."
Currently only five in exsitance
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