Yierrians ---sc24

      "Look at this, Dorggus" Ruta put the tel-com in front of her cousin's face and played the vid. It flickered with the dying battery but managed to run.  
Ravlier Needs Women! Are you a childbearing woman? Are you interested in inter moon travel? How about having more babies? Do you dream of marrying a hardworking farmer and homesteading on and populating a newly open moon? If you said yes to 1 or more of the these questions then: Ravlier Welcomes You!
  A sudden and earth shaking BOOM! rattled the transport depot. People screamed. Dorggus and Ruta instinctively covered their heads with their arms and turned in towards one another. Three more earth shaking booms jarred the building, raining dust and debris.   Silence settled for several moments until the first tentative movements and speech began in the terminal. Ruta looked at Dorggus who looked down at the tel-com where the image of a happy couple watching a sunset faded.   "These are the last four transports off of Yierra, people! We will not make it through another eruption," a depot employee announced over the murmur of voices. "We are departing now! Please make your way to the loading docks." The employee moved further away and announced the same thing.   Hundreds of people began streaming out of the depot and towards the interplanetary transports. Each one capable of carrying 35000 people, transports of this size had been shuttling people from the moon for over a month. They were the last people left on the moon. In three days the eruptions would be so bad that the clouds of volcanic ash would cover the totality of the moon, wiping out all life as they knew it.   "Let's go there, Ruta." Dorggus said, clutching the sack that contained the few belongings she'd managed to get from her home after the first eruption. "We'll get to Sorr'aan, Planet of and make our way to Ravlier."   "I watched the whole vid while you were getting food. It looks like Yierra." Ruta clutched her sack, too, and then took her tel-com and placed it in that sack, and then she grabbed Dorggus' hand. "We'll go there."   Together hands clasped, they joined the last of their family, their kinsmen, their countrymen and they moved flee their home. When Dorggus grabbed Ruta's arm. "It's Neim, Ruta!" she turned the tel-com to Ruta who's face drained of color.   Dorggus stared at Ruta. Ruta stared at Dorggus and, together, they raced away from the transports.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

  • Dorggus
  • Ruta
  • Neim
  • Uuta

Family names

  • Innim
  • Buwer


Major language groups and dialects

Yierrian was the offical language with three main dialects:
  • Yierrian Proper
spoken in the capital and the surrounding northern and eastern districs
  • Yierri
spoken in the southern mountains
  • Ulyierri
spoken in the western marshes

Shared customary codes and values

Yierras was a primarily an agricultural moon.

Average technological level

Yierrians enjoyed all of the technologies offered by the Sorr'aan Empire, however their agricultural technologies were more basic due to the rugged nature of the terrain. Most work was done by hand and simple, yet effective tools.

Common Etiquette rules

Greeting each other with the blessing, "may your day be watered."
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