East-Pretheyan Thousandforms Ethnicity in Pretheya | World Anvil

East-Pretheyan Thousandforms

The east-Pretheyan Thousandforms are an ethnic group of Thousandforms who originally resided within the jungles of Belyria, as well as parts of the Asutoan peninsula in small numbers. In the present day, they have long since spread out across the continent, and can commonly be found in neighbouring countries such as Seiforh; Ressengia; and central and western Belyria.   The distinction is drawn between Pretheyan Thousandforms and Intersedran Thousandforms due to the significant cultural and religious differences between the two groups.  


The first Thousandforms are thought to have set foot in Pretheya around a century before the country of Wyrmheim was established in Landamar. They arrived in the eastern jungles of Belyria by boat, and began to create a civilisation there. It is thought that the reason they decided on this location may have been its similarity to the jungles supposedly found in parts of the Broken Continent; though there is no way of confirming this.   Over the roughly four centuries that the indigenous Thousandforms civilisation existed, it grew to encompass the entirety of the Belyrian jungle; but did not extend beyond it. At its peak, it is thought to have held a population of around 500,000 people, and was also home to a unique culture and technological advancements.   When the Grannrormrlen arrived in Belyria, they first attempted to entreat the Thousandforms to become part of the empire diplomatically. When they refused, the empire resorted to violence, and invaded the Belyrian jungle. The war of subjugation would be the longest the Grannr would ever face; continuing for 11 years in total before the last portion of the jungle could be subjugated, and incurring hideous casualties on the side of the Grannr.   In the years after their assimilation into the Wyrms' empire, the Pretheyan Thousandforms were forced to convert to the Ormr Tradition and renounce their old religious beliefs. This conversion appears to have been a slow process, but by the time of the Wyrm Lord's death in 863 Re, the Pretheyan Thousandforms' old faith had largely vanished, and they too now worshipped the Hundred Gods.   Despite the loss of their religion, they were able to retain much of their unique culture; and this would begin to be spread across the continent by emigration out of the jungles after they became part of the Grannr. The Thousandforms living on the coast started to travel west further into Belyria, where they established new settlements and communities; as well as south down the east coast into the edge of Seiforh and Asutoa. In the present day, the largest communities of non-Intersedran Thousandforms still reside in these locations.  


In the years after their arrival, these Thousandforms began to develop a unique culture that would come to differ greatly from that of their Intersedran ancestors. In Intersedra, worship of Lyrielle the Rainbow serpent in the Estrellan religion is endemic, and constitutes the sole major religion practised in the region. When the East-Pretheyan Thousandforms arrived on the continent, however, they appear not to have brought the Estrellan religion with them. The Pretheyan Thousandforms still revere the Rainbow Serpent, but do not pray to her. She is thought of more as an ancestor to their people who has long since passed away; more akin to a legendary figure from a founding myth than a still-living goddess as she is treated in Intersedra.  


The name "East-Pretheyan Thousandforms" is not used by anyone other than scholars, and most people simply refer to them as 'Thousandforms,' or "eastern Thousandforms." This nomenclature can sometimes be confusing, as it may be misinterpreted as implying some kind of racial difference between the East-Pretheyan Thousandforms and other varieties of Thousandforms where there is none. Genetically speaking, all members of the Thousandforms race are identified to be largely similar biologically, and no significant or even minor differences have been observed between those living in Pretheya and the Broken Continent.  


The term is mainly used as a distinguisher for a cultural group. Thousandforms hailing from eastern Pretheya differ both culturally and religiously from their Intersedran cousins, as well as from those Thousandforms who have migrated further inland. The low population of mainland Thousandforms has resulted in no name yet being developed to refer to them. As well, the culture and religious practises commonly associated with the East-Pretheyan Thousandforms has diffused further inland over the years, making the term's geographical implications no longer accurate in the present day.   As such, the term has come to be commonly used as a catch-all term for Thousandforms individuals that follow either the cultural or religious beliefs commonly associated with people of their race who live in Belyria; regardless of what geographical location they are actually in.


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