Timeline of Events in Pretheya | World Anvil

Timeline of Events

The following is a transcript of the events in the new Pretheyan Chronicle timeline, written up so that they can be read all together rather than as a list.  
Age of the Grannrormrlen
  0 Re: Reunion: At an unknown date in the original Lom calendar, Forfir, the Forty-First of the Hundred and one of the last remaining Ormr within Pretheya, arrived at the border of a small human settlement along with a host of 100 Fyrstbairn. He declared that he had come to re-establish the First Country that had been destroyed along with Zeryth, and that he intended for the Wyrms to once more become humanity's shepherd.   This event corresponded with the founding of the nation of Wyrmheim. Some years later, Forfir's return to the Riverlands would be commemorated with the creation of the new Reunion calendar; which would start in the year 0 on the day of his arrival.   10 Re: Expansion of Wyrmheim: The nation of Wyrmheim starts to expand rapidly as hundreds, and eventually thousands of people begin to flock to its borders from all across the Riverlands. At the same time, nearby villages pledge their allegiance to Forfir and his Fyrstbairn; recognising the former as the Forty-First of their Hundred Gods, whom they had begun to worship after the fall of the First Country.   28 Re: Forfir Enacts Policy of Industrial Decentralisation: After disease breaks out in Wyrmheim, Forfir decides that the city cannot sustain such a high number of inhabitants, and so decrees that its population will be redistributed. 90% of the city's population are moved out into the countryside and forced to begin living rurally.   ~30-44 Re: Delinquence on Tithes: Certain villages begin paying less than they ought to for their yearly tithe to Wyrmheim; in some cases not paying at all. The Wyrms attempt to convince them to stop this behaviour without use of force, but the problem continues to grow over the following decades.   44 Re: Slaughter of Calth: After the settlement of Calth continue to refuse to pay tribute to Wyrmheim even after being visited twice by one of the Fyrstbairn, Forfir orders that the village be destroyed. Every person living there is slaughtered, and the remains are resettled by a new population; the purpose of the exercise being to teach a lesson to the rest of Wyrmheim's subjects.   47 Re: The Secessions:Forfir's attempt to intimidate his human subjects into obeying him backfires, as entire swathes of villages that had become subordinate to Wyrmheim begin seceding from the kingdom en masse. Worst of all, the nation lacks a proper military, and so has no way to respond to this at present.   48-52 Re: Militarisation of Wyrmheim: In response to the secessions, Forfir orders the creation of a professional military force designed to maintain control of the country's territory. The process will take several years before it is complete.   52-57 Re: Suppression of Disloyal Elements: In the year 52 Re, Forfir completes work on a rudimentary military for the state of Wyrmheim. At present it consists of only 5,000 men, but this is more than sufficient to reconquer the settlements that had attempted to leave the nation. The army is dispatched to begin pacifying villages one by one, leaving behind a garrison in all of the major towns as they go. The ringleaders of the secessions are put to death, and others who were directly involved are also punished.   57 Re: Order is Restored: After around half a decade, the forces of Wyrmheim have succeeded in bringing all the territory they had lost back under their grasp. In addition, during this time the size of the Wyrmheim army has grown to around 10,000 men.   57 Re: Invention of Slavery: When Forfir completed the reconquests of secessionist territory, he ordered that all those who orchestrated the rebellions be put to death. However, the question still remained of how those who had been involved, but had not directly suggested the idea of secession ought to be punished. After some deliberation, Forfir decreed that all those who had supported the revolts would have their rights stripped from them, and be forced to labour in the stone mines. This action would mark the introduction of the mining slaves as a class in the state of Wyrmheim, and would also be the first time any humans on the continent had been put into slavery.   60 Re-99 Re: Riverlands Conquests: With the state of Wyrmheim once again stabilised, Forfir decides that the time has come to begin the conquest of the rest of the Riverlands. The Wyrms' army may not be as large as some of the forces wielded by the so-called 'barbarian tribes' of the southern Riverlands, but it is far better trained and equipped; and most importantly, also aided by the Fyrstbairn.   61 Re: Conquest of Sehuni: A secondary, smaller army was dispatched from Wyrmheim to conquer the region of present-day Sehuni, which succeeded in bringing the region under Wyrm control in under a year.   60-62 Re: Conquest of Greater Wyrmheim: Forfir's army begins by taking control of the lands in what would come to be known under the Grannrormrlen as the Wyrmheim province.   62 Re: Conquest of Fortefio: After finishing with Sehuni, the army moved into Fortefio, which was also conquered largely without issue.   63-65 Re: Conquest of Utrehu: The Grannr-age province of Utrehu stretched from the border of Centre Lake to the edge of the Blasted Mountains. At first, the southern half of it was relatively easy to conquer, and was swiftly integrated into the state of Wyrmheim.   63-71 Re: Conquest of North-Western Plains: The land in the north-western portion of the Riverlands which borders Ostokive is a plain. This region, comprising parts of the Grannr-era Utrehu and Ninoto provinces, proved difficult to control at first owing to the nomadic nature of the peoples there. Thus, the construction of forts was necessary in order to finally establish permanent control over the area.   65 Re: Conquest of Ninoto: The army of Wyrmheim sweep west and conquer the region of Grannr-era Ninoto.   66-68 Re: Invasion of Semetelur: Having succeeded in securing most of the north-eastern third of the region, the army of Wyrmheim sets its sights on the middle of the Riverlands. Controlling all of the land around Central Lake would be beneficial, and so Forfir decides to order the invasion of the Kingdom of Semetelur. The kingdom of Semetelur is mighty, however, and promises to be the first kingdom that can put up a fight against the Wyrms. This will be the Wyrmheim army's first real experience of battle.   68 Re: Victory Against Semetelur: After a drawn-out war, the forces of Wyrmheim are eventually victorious. Forfir initially wished to test the strength of his troops and so sent them in without Fyrstbairn support, but the ruler of Semetelur proved a much more able general than expected, and this proved disastrous at first. The war was brought to a swift end when the Fyrstbairn were deployed to the front line, however; their mighty arcanums reducing the Semetellen army to dust.   75-80 Re: Conquest of the Centre: After consolidating their gains in the northern Riverlands and around the Centre Lake, the Wyrmheim army begins pushing on to take over the remaining provinces in the centre of the region.   84-94 Re: Subjugation of the Remainder: The army of Wyrmheim has now grown to more than 50,000 strong, although it is rare that more than a fifth of that amount ever be deployed to a single front. Every other major power in the Riverlands has been obliterated, and the Wyrms are now free to mop up the remaining independent portions of the realm. The process is somewhat time-consuming, as rebellions break up in occupied provinces at various points during the conquests, but the work is complete by 94 Re.   95 Re: Declaration of the Grannrormrlen: Nearly a century ago now, Forfir the Forty-First arrived in the north of the Riverlands and took control of a human city, which he would rename Wyrmheim. In the following years, the nation of Wyrmheim has spread outwards like wildfire, taking control of the entirety of the Riverlands. Now, with a large region the size of former Zeryth under his control, Forfir declares the creation of the Grannrormrlen; a new great state that will succeed the First Country, which he will reign over as the Wyrm Lord.   95 Re: Administrative Overhaul: Having successfully taken control of all of the Riverlands, the time has now come to reorganise the region administratively and begin restructuring it to suit Forfir's later goals. The Wyrm Lord decrees that the country shall be divided into twenty provinces, each of which will have one of the Fyrstbairn assigned to oversee operations there. These Fyrstbairn will come to be known as the governors, and they will be in charge of administering to the operation of the provinces' industries and the maintenance of their populations on behalf of the Wyrm Lord.   101-123 Re: Invasion of Heralya: After allowing half a decade for the military to recuperate, as well as to ensure that all parts of the empire's newly conquered territories have been pacified and are securely under control, Forfir decides that it is time to continue expanding the Grannrormrlen. His target is the region of Heralya in the south-east: It is separated from the Riverlands proper by a large mountain range, and the peoples who live there are disparate from those in the Riverlands. They have refused the Grannr's diplomatic overtures, and so violence must be employed to bring them into the empire.   112 Re: Construction of Roads Begins: The invasion of Heralya is going well, but it is an arduous affair. The Grannr army, although mighty, is an unyieldy beast: It requires an uninterrupted supply of food, ammunition for ranged weapons, replacement weapons and armour, and other materielle from the homeland in order to continue functioning. Problematically, the low quality of infrastructure in the Riverlands - combined with the enormous forests which dominate much of the landscape - makes maintaining the requisite logistical trains torturous. As such, Forfir realises that in order for further campaigns to be carried out, a much more sophisticated transport system will need to be created. As a first step, he orders roads to begin being made all throughout the Riverlands, with a central route planned through the middle of the country to connect the north to the south.   115 Re: Phasing out of the Fyrstbairn in the Army: Due to the minimal resistance put up by Heralyan forces, Forfir decides that, for the time being at least, it is better to keep the Fyrstbairn out of the army so that they can be put in charge of administrative duties instead. A small number are kept in reserve in case of emergencies, but the rest are deployed to assist with work in the provinces.   123 Re: Heralya is Annexed: After two decades of near-constant warfare, the last of the independent tribes in Heralya have been conquered and brought under the empire's dominion. None of the polities which the Grannr fought against in the conquest were able to pose any threat to its armies, and so the process was more time consuming than difficult; made slow by the favourable defensive terrain in the area, as well as difficulties stemming from the logistics of campaigning outside of the homeland for a prolonged period of time.   123 Re: Repartitioning of Heralya: The process begins of dividing Heralya into provinces, as was done previously in the Riverlands. The region is divided into 12 new provinces, each of which is assigned one of the Fyrstbairn to rule over them. The provinces are on average smaller than those in the Riverlands, but this is necessary given the more difficult terrain and the complexities required in dealing with the unfamiliar cultures in the region.   123 Re-130 Re: First Invasion of Summerlen: With Heralya succesfully subjugated, Forfir decides to have the army push on north from the region and into a place known as Summerlen. Summerlen is of particular significance to the Wyrms, as it is one of the only places on the continent that they know of that has remained intact after the downfall of the First Country. It has retained its beautifully sculptured appearance, and the exotic species of plants which the Wyrms sowed there millennia ago have managed to not only survive, but thrive. Its reconquest would be a major source of pride for the empire, and so it is there that Forfir sends his armies next.   127-132 Re: Raids from Ostokive: In the midst of their attempted conquest of Summerlen, the Grannr finds itself suddenly and unexpectedly under attack from the west. Swarms of mounted raiders begin pouring in through mountain passes, armed with bows which they can fire while on horseback, and they charge into villages on the border; looting and pillaging everything valuable that they can easily carry, then turning tail and running before a retaliatory force can be organised.   130 Re: Summerlen Campaign Halted: Forfir is forced to pause the campaign into Summerlen in light of the actions of the Ostokivan raiders, much to his frustration. The army abandons much of the territory they had gained, and are only able to hold onto a small sliver in the south and west of the region. Instead, they are redeployed to the western Riverlands, and begin making preparations for a campaign into Ostokive to deal with the raiders once and for all.   132-144 Re: Grannr Ostokive Campaign: An army of 30,000 men is dispatched to pacify the region of Ostokive, aided by three of the Fyrstbairn. They cross over into the region in 132 Re, only to find it largely deserted. Days of marching leads them to find only a scant few small villages, all of which are abandoned. Later, they receive reports that their supply train was struck by the same bands of raiders that had been harassing the Riverlands previously. This will set the tone for the entirety of the invasion: The extremely mobile Ostokivan forces will refuse to engage the Grannr forces in open battle, instead opting to harass them at every turn, and to use their superior mobility to flee from the Fyrstbairn when they approach.   135 Re: Construction of Castles Along the Ostokive Border: Three years have passed since the Grannr forces pushed into Ostokive, and success has been... limited at best. A number of settlements have been destroyed, and battle has been met on one occasion - upon which the Grannr achieved a crushing victory - but there has been virtually no progress whatsoever in actually defeating the Ostokivan people. Directly occupying the plains of Ostokive has also proven impossible due to there being no settlements to occupy. As such, the Wyrm Lord has ordered that the campaign be continued in order to keep the Ostokivans occupied, while work begins on a series of castles along the border. These fortifications, it is hoped, will provide a barrier against the raids when they are completed, and serve to secure the western frontier.   136-155 Re: Second Invasion of Summerlen: With the situation in the western Riverlands having stabilised, and the Ostokivan threat being at least temporarily neutralised (albeit at the cost of tying up nearly half of the Grannr army indefinitely,) the campaign into Summerlen can resume. A new army comprising around 10,000 men - roughly half the size of the first sent there - is dispatched to continue the conquest. However, the six year truce has given the forces of the Summerlen tribes time to rest, regroup, and worst of all; to unite together. The Grannr forces now face not disparate tribes, but rather a united front hellbent on opposing them, and their commanders fear their job will not be nearly so easy this time.   155 Re: Victory in Summerlen: After a brutal second campaign that lasted almost two decades, the entirety of Summerlen is now under Grannr control. This time, the process of partitioning the conquered territory was completed mid-way through the conquest; owing to the slow pace of progress. With the successful conquest of Summerlen, the empire has now doubled in size from when it was just the Riverlands.   156 Re: The First Grannr Law Code: Prior to this point, the various settlements of the Grannrormrlen had been run with a decentralised system of regulations. Law codes were enforced on a city-by-city basis, and primarily consisted of decrees set out by the local governor verbally, which came to be treated as law. In towns and villages, enforcing order remained the provenance of village elders and other local leaders, and control over what behaviour was or was not acceptable was largely decided locally. However, with the empire now the size it was, this model was no longer feasible. So it was that in the year 156 Re, Forfir declared the implementation of the first empire-wide code of laws; which everyone, no matter where they lived, would have to abide by.   156 Re: Bureaucratic Reform: At the same time as the new legal code is introduced, Forfir also rolls out sweeping changes to the structure of the administration within the Grannrormrlen. Where roles were previously both hand-picked and individually defined, they have now been standardized. Underneath each of the governors are now three Supervisors; one in charge of construction; one in charge of land; and one in charge of the military. To enact the will of these Supervisors, the new offices of the Scribes and Document Makers are established, and these bureaucrats will come to serve as the foundation upon which the empire runs.   160-161 Re: Invasion of Grestvyt: With the construction of forts completed in the west, the Riverlands are now safe from the Ostokivan forces for the time being. As well, the empire at large has stabilised after the conquest of Summerlen, and so Forfir decides it is now time to expand north, around the edge of the Blasted Mountains. In the event that the conquest is a success, the annexation of Grestvyt will extend the Grannr's borders right to the edge of Ethlarnashem; the great forest within which the Leskeln reside. At this time, the empire's population have heard tales of the Leskeln for over a century and a half from their Wyrm overlords; but none have ever seen one in person. So it is that they cannot imagine what the Wyrm Lord will soon unleash upon their empire.   161 Re: Conquest of Grestvyt: Grestvyt is the smallest region yet to be conquered by the Wyrms, and so it can put up no resistance at all when their armies march in and occupy it. The region becomes the first newly conquered area not to be divided into provinces, and the decision is instead made to administer it as a single area. The Grannr forces stop at the edge of the giant sequoia trees on the eastern border, and the order is given not to step so much as a foot into the forest for the time being. News of this order spreads throughout the empire, and a sense of anxiety begins to brew within the people.   162-166 Re: Strange Sightings: Over the course of the next four years, settlers relocated to Grestvyt by the Wyrms begin to report sightings of strange, inhuman shapes moving about at the edge of the redwood forest. They are only seen from a distance, and vanish immediately when approached; but they instill a great sense of unease in the people living by the border.   166 Re: Destruction of Enlanv: A small village-town named Enlanv on the eastern frontier of Grestvyt is mysteriously destroyed, every building turned to rubble and the population massacred. The Wyrm Lord declares this to be the work of the Leskeln, and announces that they must have sallied out of Ethlarnashem to perform the attack. He declares that the unprovoked attack will not go unpunished, and that it will be treated as a declaration of war. In response, he mobilises the full might of the Grannr army - now around 60,000 strong - which happened to coincidentally be performing drills at the Grestvytian border, and orders an invasion of south-western Ethlarnashem.   167 Re-862 Re: The Grannr-Leskeln War: The Grannr army's entrance into Ethlarnashem triggers the beginning of a war between the Leskeln and the empire which will last for centuries.   167 Re-172 Re: First Grannr Invasion of Ethlarnashem: The army of the Grannrormrlen marches through the mountains in the east of Grestvyt and passes into Ethlarnashem, where they immediately set to work establishing a base camp. Armed with specialist cutting tools, they begin chopping down the great redwoods in order to open up space into the forest. But before they know it, they are set upon by creatures like nothing they have ever seen. Beasts that seem akin to moving hills bear down upon them with root and spore, and the men and women of the Grannr army begin dying in droves.   168 Re: First Battle of the Grannr-Leskeln War: The Grannr forces have skirmished with the Leskeln in the first twelve months of their invasion, but the first real battle occurs only a year in. For the first time, the forces of the Wyrm Lord are able to witness firsthand the Theos that destroyed Zeryth. A detachment of 10,000 soldiers engages a force of Leskeln in open battle, and they are wiped out nearly to a man as powers beyond their comprehension are unleashed against them. In response to this, Forfir - commanding from safety in Grestvyt - orders the other armies to be on guard, but it will be no use.   170 Re: Grannr Army Sustains Massive Casualties: Initially, the Grannr army's goal is simply to obtain information on how the Leskeln fight. Even this proves lethally dangerous, however; as party after party of scouts are wiped out wholesale before they can even report back after sighting one of the Leskeln. As the war continues, by 175 Re, nearly half of the 60,000 men in the Grannr army have been killed, and they have made no gains whatsoever save for chopping down a small portion of forest.   172 Re: Forfir Orders a Retreat: After having lost 35,000 of his original 60,000 men with nothing to show for it, Forfir orders the Grannr army to retreat from Ethlarnashem and take up defensive positions at the edge of Grestvyt. At the same time, the order is given to begin building fortifications at the border, alike to as was done at the border with Ostokive. But if the Wyrm Lord believed that the war would not follow his army to Grestvyt, he would soon prove to be sorely mistaken.   173-185 Re: First Leskeln Invasion of the Grannrormrlen: As the Grannr army retreats, they are harried by the Leskeln; who refuse to allow them to escape unscathed. When they pull back into Grestvyt, the Leskeln follow them across the border, and begin attacking the settlements along the eastern frontier. Although their initial assaults are repelled, their numbers continue to swell in the following months as more and more of them arrive, and the Grannr army suddenly find themselves heavily on the defensive. Forfir is forced to abandon his policy of keeping the Wyrms from the frontline, and dispatches a number of the Fyrstbairn to assist in the defence.   175 Re: Death of the First Wyrm: In a calamitous blow against the Grannr, one of the Fyrstbairn is killed in battle for the first time ever. The shock of this loss reverberates throughout the empire, triggering a wave of drastic changes at all levels of society.   175 Re: The Ruination of Grestvyt: As the Leskeln continue to push forward, the Grannr army is unable to stop them, and they are pushed all the way back to the border at Summerlen. Every village, town, and city that the Leskeln conquer, they reduce to rubble by summoning roots from the ground to burrow through houses and walls; tearing them to pieces. The entirety of all civilisation in the southern half of Grestvyt is destroyed, and the region depopulated save for those in the north-western half, where the Leskeln had not travelled.   176 Re: The Decree of Militarisation: Mid-way through the year, Forfir addresses the assembled Supervisors of each province; whom he has called to meet him at the Granite Hold in Wyrmheim. He declares that, in order to save the Grannr from the existential threat now posed by the Leskeln, the entire empire will be radically restructured in order to allow for the mass production of weapons, soldiers, and the enactment of other measures necessary to stop the Leskeln. Part of this includes the introduction of a new piece of legislation known as the Luxury Ban; which will see the production of any material, item, or other object which does not directly contribute to the health and survival of the empire outlawed.   177 Re: Council of the Leskeln: The Leskeln, which in reality exist as a number of separate kingdoms rather than the unified state which Forfir portrays them as, have all joined together to meet in the centre of Ethlarnashem; spurred to do so by reports of the incursion in the south-west of the forest. Although the present attack has been of little threat, more worrying is the report that some of the Fyrstbairn had been sighted with the human army. At present, the Leskeln cannot discern the meaning behind this, and opinions are split on what to do. Not all of the groups present trust the word of the south-western Leskeln - those actually fighting in the war at present - and so it takes time to agree on a response.   178-183 Re: The Penal Riots: As the Grannr-Leskeln war wages on, the new law code enacted by Forfir 27 years ago has only just finished going into effect throughout the empire as little as five years ago, and it is proving disastrous. The law code sees people being punished by death for crimes as minor as stealing an apple from a supply wagon, and has also gutted the ability of local leaders to enforce order in their villages. In response to this, in the year 178, an uprising breaks out in a city in Sitoehunete demanding changes to the laws. In under a year, four more uprisings have broken out in other cities in the south of the country, and civil unrest starts to spread like wildfire.   179 Re: Forfir Orders Emergency Conscription: As the Grannr army continues to fail to stop the Leskeln's advance, Forfir orders that citizens from villages and towns begin being forcibly enlisted into the army for the first time, in a desperate bid to make up the losses they have suffered so far in the war.   179 Re: Penal Riots Escalate: The slow response by the Wyrms has allowed the penal riots to continue to spread, and now more than a hundred thousand people have risen up. Only now, mid-way through the year does Forfir finally order the army to begin forcibly suppressing dissent; but this necessitates drawing crucial forces away from the frontline, and leaves the way open for the Leskeln to advance.   179 Re: The Leskeln Break Through Into Summerlen: In the summer of 179 Re, the Leskeln succeed in crushing the Grannr army at the Grestvytian border, and are able to finally cross the river into Summerlen. Instead of attempting to occupy the entire region, they opt to make directly for Wyrmheim; intending upon capturing the capital and slaying the Wyrm Lord to end the war as swiftly as possible.   180 Re: The Leskeln Enter the Riverlands: After a series of pitched battles, the Leskeln cross the boundary over the eastern river and enter into the Riverlands proper. Upon hearing of this, Forfir issues a call recalling all Fyrstbairn from the provinces, and summons them to the defense of Wyrmheim. He also recalls all remaining divisions of the Grannr army, and is able to amass a force of 15,000 men to defend the capital.   181 Re: The Battle of Wyrmheim: The battle of Wyrmheim occurs just at the turning of the seasons to winter, as an army of nearly a thousand Leskeln advance upon the walls of the capital. Battle is joined between them and the defenders, and for the first time in the empire's history, Forfir takes to the field himself. The fighting is intense, and by the end of the battle, six more Fyrstbairn lie dead; but the Grannr is victorious. Forfir's arcanums are enough to turn the tide of the battle, and the Leskeln are forced to retreat; unable to continue campaigning during winter. This reprieve gives the empire the time they needed to amass another year of conscripts from the provinces, and once the ice thaws, they prepare themselves for a counter-offensive to push the Leskeln out of the Riverlands.   182 Re: The Battle for the Grannrormrlen: At the turn of the year, the ice thaws, and the Grannr and Leskeln forces prepare for a battle which will likely decide the fate of the Grannr. The two forces meet at the river at the edge of the Riverlands, and 30,000 soldiers alongside 63 of the Fyrstbairn clash against the Leskeln. Although the Grannr forces have been outmatched up to this point, the Battle of Wyrmheim taught Forfir that the Leskeln struggled when caught out in the open. It was from this that Forfir had the idea of deploying the Fyrstbairn almost a mile behind the human line, and employing them as almost a type of artillery. The tactic was a stunning success, and in a shocking reversal, the Grannr army annihilated the Leskeln force without the loss of a single Wyrm. Despite this, more than half of their human force was once again killed, but the Wyrm Lord considered this an overwhleming victory.   182-185 Re: Grannr Reconquest: Over the next three years, the Grannr army slowly pushes back the Leskeln, retaking piece by piece of their lost territory. Eventually they succeed in reclaiming Grestvyt, and the Leskeln are pushed back into Ethlarnashem. When they retreat, the battered Grannr army does not this time give chase; instead praying that the Leskeln will remain in the forest and give them time to recuperate. As months pass, this begins to seem more and more likely, and by the end of the year, it is evident that the fighting has paused; for now.   183 Re: End of the Penal Riots: After five entire years of uprisings, the forces of the Wyrm Lord finally succeed in bringing the revolt to an end in 183 Re. The last rebel village is destroyed when the regional governor fabricates a boulder 1,000 metres in the air above it, and allows the rock to fall to the ground; annihilating the village and all of its inhabitants. In decades to come, the Grannr's human subjects will remember the ultimate futility of the Penal Riots, and the memory will serve to discourage future attempts at armed uprisings.   183-220 Re: Destabilisation: The devastation incurred in the Leskeln's invasion, both in the areas that they directly attacked, and the rest of the empire through the drastic changes to the Grannr's production model alongside the forced conscription, has been overwhelming. The empire has become severely destabilised both politically and economically as a result, and it will take decades to fully recover from this; during which time the Grannr cannot feasibly expand any further outwards.   185 Re: Fortification of Grestvyt: Having now regained control of Grestvyt, Forfir immediately sets to work bringing new settlers in to recolonize the devastated province. Labourers are drawn up from around the empire to help rebuild the destroyed cities, and most importantly; to build fortifications at the border with Ethlarnashem. The Wyrm Lord knows it will not be long until the Leskeln return, and that he must be ready when they do.   186: News of Forfir Reaches the Leskeln: At a second council, members of every independent kingdom and other polity in Ethlarnashem are enformed that Forfir the Forty-First is the leader of the human forces invading Ethlarnashem. This news shakes the Leskeln as a race, as they are confronted by the realisation that one of their ancient enemies has returned. Responses are split: Some in the north still do not believe the reports, while others in the far east simply do not care; reasoning that one Ormr and an army of humans are of no concern to them. The majority of those in the south-west, however, agree to put their disagreements on hold and band together in order to face this new foe.   189-201 Re: Second Leskeln Invasion of Grestvyt: As Forfir predicted: Four years after the reconquest of Grestvyt, the Leskeln have returned; this time with an army multiple times the size of that which they had previously brought to bear against the empire. The Grannr army on the other hand is still weakened, and cannot possibly stand against such a force in open combat. Fortunately, however, construction on the first layer of fortifications in the east of Grestvyt are complete, and so the Leskeln must first break through the eastern fortresses before they can push into Grestvyt proper.   189-193 Re: First Battle of Heltagur: The easternmost province of Grestvyt, Heltagur, was where battle was first joined between the new Leskeln army and the rebuilt Grannr army. The fortifications which the Grannr had constructed during the Leskeln's seven year absence proved enough to drastically change the tide of battle; however at the same time, the Leskeln were now fielding a proper fighting force rather than the rag-tag assembly of soldiers that had pushed all the way to Wyrmheim. The Leskeln eventually succeeded in breaking through the easternmost fortifications, and would push the Grannr army all the way to the western mountains which served as the gate into Grestvyt proper, before themselves being pushed back to the centre of the province. The fighting would continue, but no clear victor would emerge.   193 Re: End of the Second Invasion of Grestvyt: Early on in the invasion, it had become apparent that the Leskeln would not be easily able to push through the fortifications put up by the Grannr. Inversely, the Grannr also realised that if they pushed the Leskeln back too far, they would simply retreat into Ethlarnashem where they could not be pursued, and so it was that both sides realised the battle could only be resolved through attrition. What neither side realised, though, was just how many would die. Over the course of the 11 year war, more than 20,000 soldiers from the Grannr would die, and nearly a thousand of the Leskeln would also perish.   193 Re: Stalemate in Grestvyt: Although the Second Invasion of Grestvyt had ended, the conflict itself had not. Instead, the Leskeln had taken up positions around the eastern side of the province and begun building their own defensive emplacements; intent on not allowing the Grannr to retake those they had lost. Though pitched battles ceased to occur, both sides would continue to skirmish with each other at a low level as they bided their time; recuperating their forces and waiting for an opportune time to strike. This cycle of intermittent bouts of intense fighting, followed by long periods of inactivity interspersed with border raids and occasional incursions, would come to represent the Grannr-Leskeln War as a whole.   194: First Generation of the Grannr-Leskeln War: TBD, first generation born with the war ongoing   195 Re: Development of Human Esoterikii: As the stalemate in Grestvyt continues, it has become clear that the front cannot be held without assistance provided by the Fyrstbairn in the form of Arcana. The problem is that this puts them at constant risk, and several have already nearly been killed manning the defences. This leaves Forfir in a difficult position: He cannot continue to put the Wyrms in danger, but if he removes them from the front, then the Grannr will certainly be overwhelmed by the Leskeln. In order to solve this problem, he decides to pursue a third option, and begin attempting to teach humans how to use Arcana. In the days of the First Country, there were many esoterikii among humans, but the practise went extinct after the War. If they could be tought how to utilise it once again, it would free up the need to station Fyrstbairn at the front line.   196-203 Re: First Grannr Invasion of Ressengia: With the conflict in Grestvyt having become a stalemate, the status quo has changed greatly in the Grannr. The majority of the empire's army is now tied up in efforts to hold the Leskeln front, and even during periods of low intensity, the army suffers yearly casualties of hundreds - in some cases thousands of men, which always need to be replaced. In order to ensure a steady supply of new recruits for the army, Forfir knows that the Grannr must expand. So it is that he orders what troops can be spared to begin an invasion of the neighbouring region of Ressengia. The army deployed there is only 8,000 strong and has no Fyrstbairn support, and so for the first time, the human soldiers of the Grannr army must fight a relatively equal opponent and achieve victory through their own merits.   203 Re: Grannr Conquest of Frinshor and Benaime: The results of the invasion of Ressengia paint a stark contrast to the Grannr's previous campaigns. Where in previous cases it succeeded in conquering entire regions in the span of two or three decades, here eight years of warfare has yielded but a mere two provinces. Conquest is proving itself to be much harder without the aid of the Fyrstbairn, but the Grannr military will need to learn to adapt if it is to continue expanding outwards.   206-212 Re: Second Grannr Invasion of Ressengia: After a short break to regroup and adjust tactics, the Grannr army is redeployed into Ressengia for a second time. This time, they are better equipped to deal with the hilly terrain, and know what to expect of their opponents.   212 Re: Conquest of Northern Ressengia: This time, the invasion is far more successful, and after a mere six years of war, the Grannr has achieved control of most of the northern portion of Ressengia. The south, however, has proven much more difficult to conquer than Forfir anticipated. The region is composed almost entirely of swampland, and the natives who live within it have proven adept at guerrilla tactics; the bane of the Grannr army. Rather than commit to a costly campaign which would almost certainly be followed by decades of suppression efforts, Forfir decides to leave the southern marshes be for the time being.   212 Re: Creation of Provinces in Ressengia: The conquered portions of Ressengia are split into the following provinces: Frinshor, Benaime, Cantrel, Arais, Erigunde, Ellaisrev, Troise, and Ranellore. Each of these is assigned one of the Fyrstbairn to rule over it.   218-222 Re: Second Grannr Invasion of Ethlarnashem: TBD, they break through Heltagur and into the mainland, win a bit, get repulsed   223-278 Re: Truce in Grestvyt: TBD, unofficial, caused by the Leskeln not knowing what Forfir was doing; he kept not attacking so their unity sort of fell apart a bit and they didn't keep committing troops since he'd been so unsuccessful   220 Re: Difficulties Teaching Arcana: TBD   236-288 Re: Grannr Invasions of Vargmay: TBD   240 Re: Casualties Among the Fyrstbairn: TBD, but around 15 FB dead by this point. More than half of those were in the first big Leskeln push, while the other half were from border duty at Grestvyt   245 Re: Establishment of Whitefort: TBD   247 Re: First Human Esoterikos: TBD   250 Re: Generational Turnover: TBD, last people alive to remember before the G-L war started die, militarisation + luxury ban basically stabilised, people don't really oppose it any more   254-260 Re: Second Grannr Invasion of Ostokive: TBD, resulted in minor acquisitions 264 Re: Bureaucratic Corruption: The administrative reforms instituted by Forfir a century ago proved excellent for the Grannr at first. Yet, as time has passed, nepotism has begun to take hold in the ranks of the bureaucracy. The empire's human administrators have realised that the ability to suggest their own successors grants them a great deal of power, and they have begun to abuse this power for their own benefit. The upper ranks of the bureaucracy are still competent at present, but for how long will this remain the case?   278: Esoterikii in the Army: TBD, human esoterikii phase out wyrms in the army. Followed by big push into Ethlarnashem   279-283 Re: Second Grannr Invasion of Ethlarnashem: TBD Test for new Esoterikii, they also cut down a lot of redwoods and make space in Heltagur/beyond it, but it's still no good. This is where we start to see the roving bands of Grannr soldiers in the forest though, and the Leskeln's ambush tactics. Theatre generally changes out of Grestvyt for a while, but it keeps going back to it   288 Re: Victory in Vargmay: TBD   310 Re: Corruption Becomes Endemic: Bureaucrats within the Grannr's administration have now begun openly flaunting the state's rules, and engaging in displays of open corruption. Resources are diverted from the production of war materials to be used for personal construction projects, and some Supervisors have allegedly gone as far as to order the creation of farms dedicated to growing foodstuffs prohibited under the Luxury Ban. The efficiency of state apparatus has tanked, and the Wyrms have noticed as almost every part of the empire has now become sluggish.   311-326 Re: Conquest of Seiforh: TBD   320 Re-650 Re: Wyrm Crackdowns: The Wyrm Lord, frustrated by the corruption that has infested the Grannr's bureaucracy, orders the Fyrstbairn to begin cracking down on abuse in the upper ranks. In the first wave of measures, almost 50% of the empire's Supervisors are removed, and a majority of these publicly executed. Thousands of high-ranking Scribes and Document Makers are also expelled in the following years, but this will prove to be only a temporary solution; as the corruption simply returns within a few generations at most. Regular purges of the bureaucracy will become a staple of Wyrm policy in the following centuries.   335-344 Re: Clearing of Seiforh: TBD   342 Re: Droughts in Seiforh: TBD   344 Re: Catastrophe in Seiforh: TBD okay so, there are only two cloudbough forests; they left the eastern half and it still has the magic trees in it (maybe?)   345 Re: Creation of the First Cloudbough: TBD Governor of Seiforh has the idea to make a Cloudbough   345 Re: Water Returns to Seiforh: TBD Cloudbough found to work   346 Re: The Cloudbough Forests: TBD   350 Re: Climate Change: TBD Seiforh has a weird fucking climate now   356 360 Re: Grannr Invasion of Leithen: TBD   360 Re: Engineering of Flora in Seiforh: TBD Seiforhan governor starts making funny new plants   381-391 Re: Grannr Invasion of Goetia: TBD   400-434 Re: Grannr Invasion of Dalmurre: TBD   425-429 Re: Grannr Invasion of Kintreim: TBD   430-480 Re: Grannr Invasion of Belyria: TBD, both Crusreft and Astenor   498-530 Re: Grannr Invasion of Velwend: TBD most of it was done by like 510, last parts took 20 years, bit like rome in spain   536 Re-625 Re: Grannr Invasions of Eastern Belyria: TBD the ones where they try and invade the Thousandforms' jungle and it goes really really poorly for almost a century   570 Re: Forfir Orders Expedition Into Zemet: TBD   574 Re: News of Varosok: TBD   576-592 Re: Grannr Expedition to Holy Ridge: TBD but consisted of a lot of outpost building because it was just too far away otherwise   592 Re: Grannr Conquest of Flame's Providence: TBD   594-644 Re: Extension of the Saltway: TBD Forfir tries to build his stupid road to Holy Ridge   611-641 Re: Grannr Conquest of Holy Ridge: TBD where FProv gradually eats the rest of Hridge   625 Re: Belyria is Secured: After more than a century of conflict, comprising more than a dozen separate wars and hundreds of battles, the last part of Ressengia has been annexed by the Grannrormrlen. With this, the only parts of the Pretheyan mainland that remain unconquered are certain sections of Ostokive, certain small border areas intentionally left unoccupied, and Ethlarnashem itself. This victory is a cause for celebration among the people of the Grannr, as they are now only a few steps away from reuniting the entirety of the former First Country.   630-642 Re: Grannr Invasion of the Broken Continent: TBD   642 Re: The Rainbow Serpent Returns: TBD   643 Re: The Day of Purple Skies: TBD   643 Re: The Hazara Appears: TBD   643 Re: Faltahnese Empire Retreats From Ostokive: Word reaches the Wyrm Lord that in a mysterious turn of events, the Faltahnese forces that had been occupying Ostokive have simply disappeared. The Ikariye are nowhere to be seen, and their mortal auxiliaries are said to have been seen fleeing the country with great haste back towards the western continent. Previously impenetrable fortifications have now been left abandoned, and Grannr forces are able to move back in and retake the region with no resistance at all. And yet, despite this overwhelming victory in the face of catastrophe, the circumstances behind the Faltahnese withdrawal sit ill with many in the empire.   644 Re: Fyrstbairn Governor of Zemet Killed: TBD   644 Re-680 Re: Intersedran Wars of Unification: TBD   644 Re: Holy Ridge Declares Independence: TBD, they basically become a confederacy here though; not an absolute theocracy yet   644 Re: Xth Leskeln Invasion of Grestvyt: TBD   646 Re: Forfir Declares Himself The New First: In an address to the city of Wyrmheim at the turn of the year 646 Re, Forfir announces that he is actually the First of the Hundred Gods. He declares that the state religion will be reformed in light of this new revelation, and that he will be granted supreme authority above that of all others of the Hundred. This move completely flabbergasts the Fyrstbairn within the empire, who had not been made aware of the Wyrm Lord's intent at all prior to the proclamation, and many of them are left in disbelief. When they inquire as to what the purpose of such a declaration was, Forfir assures them that it is simply a political manouevre designed to increase their authority within the empire. For the first time in the Grannr's history, many of the Fyrstbairn start to feel uneasy about the Wyrm Lord's decisionmaking.   650 Re: Development of the Ashborn Religion: TBD, also where 'Ashborn' as a culture starts   680 Re: Formation of the Intersedran Empire: TBD   689 Re: Intersedran Conquest of Tansitole: TBD   690 Re: Death of Empress Rurana: TBD   708 Re: Creation of the Ofirar: TBD   726 Re: Wyrms Begin Creating Ofirar: TBD   736 Re: First Ofirar Sent to Jorulvik Hold TBD   736 Re-797 Re: Phasing Out of Human Bureaucrats: TBD   760 Re: Overthrow of the Ruran Dynasty: TBD, her dynasty probably wasn't named after her first name though lol   813 Re: Scandal in Eitouren Province: TBD   815 Re: Ofirar Debates: TBD   833 Re: Wyrm Lord's Proclamation: TBD about Forfir's verdict on the Ofirar debates   834 Re: not an event but, this is the date when Saga goes "fuck it" and starts sleeping with Brennith again   843 Re: Beginning of the Long Hunt: TBD   855 Re: Ofirar Executions: TBD where two Ofirar get executed for having sex   855-857 Re: Grannr Diplomatic Mission to Flame's Providence: TBD   856 Re: Eitoutreo of Jorulvik is Killed: TBD   856 Re: Saga Flees Jorulvik: TBD but Saga basically has to hide in the countryside, since it's not like you can actually leave the Grannr. That or she goes to Intersedra, that might actually be really cool   857 Re: Cullers Defect: TBD   857 Re: Rukhmar's Escape: TBD   858 Re: Band of the Phoenix Arrives in Pasdjit: TBD   861 Re: Forfir the Wyrm Lord Dies: While resting in his palace within the army camp during the siege, Forfir is betrayed by his most trusted confidante, Lyri of Grestvyt. The mad Paladin runs him through with her spear and then cuts off his head, before parading it before the commanders. Immediately, the Grannr army falls into chaos, and the siege breaks within a matter of hours. As this unfolds, the four other Paladins who have been secretly conspiring with Lyri massacre all those not in on the plot, and then kill the rest of the higher-ups in charge of the army. Within 24 hours, the entire force will have fallen apart, and the war effort will grind to a halt.   861 Re: Lyri the Mad Defects: After the murder of Forfir, Lyri immediately switches sides and joins the Leskeln; being made into the commander of their remaining forces. She wastes no time in marshalling the troops, and sets to work readying the army for a campaign into the Grannr. Winter is close, however, and so she will have to wait until next year to begin. Whether this will give the Grannr enough time to recover from the Wyrm Lord's death remains to be seen.   861 Re: News From the Front: News of the Wyrm Lord's death reaches Wyrmheim near the end of the year. The discovery that Forfir is dead immediately throws the empire into complete chaos, as the western Fyrstbairn panic over what to do. In the east, however, the Belyrian Fyrstbairn gather together for a secret conference. When they have finished talking, they each return to their respective provinces and begin putting into motion plans that have been over a century in the making.   862 Re: The Leskeln March South: The frost has cleared, and the time has now come for Lyri to move on the Grannr. She begins leading her host south, intent on travelling through Pasdjit into Summerlen in order to bypass the defences in Grestvyt. Yet, upon arriving at Pasdjit, the king refuses to allow her safe passage, and so she will have to fight her way through.   862 Re: The Battle of Pasdjit: Battle begins as the army of the Leskeln clashes against the army of Pasdjit. The Pasdjitan forces are bolstered by a mercenary force known as the Band of the Phoenix, consisting of five former cullers from the Grannrormrlen alongside Rukhmar the Firebird. The phoenix's presence on the battlefield proves enough to tip the balance in favour of the Pasdjitan forces, and when the day ends, it is they who emerge victorious. The leaders of both forces, Lyri the Mad and Lihwen the Hero, both lie dead on the battlefield.   862 Re: End of the Grannr-Leskeln War: The Wyrm Lord is dead and the army of the Grannrormrlen is utterly shattered. In Pasdjit, the only-recently-appointed head of the Leskeln forces, Lyri of Grestvyt, has also perished, and the remaining Leskeln that were under her command have fled back north. Both forces have been utterly defeated, and can no longer fight. No force from the Grannr will ever again cross the border at Grestvyt into Ethlarnashem, and the Leskeln will never again travel south to seek vengeance against the Wyrms. Abruptly and almost anti-climactically, the Grannr-Leskeln War - which had lasted for almost a millennia - now comes to a quiet close.   863 Re: The Eastern Wyrmrealm Secedes: A year and a half has passed since the death of Forfir, and the Fyrstbairn governors in the eastern half of the empire have finished putting their plan into motion. All at once, officials loyal to the western half of the empire are slaughtered as a massive coup breaks out throughout Belyria. The first the west knows of it is when supplies cease travelling across the border into Ressengia, and a short time later, a letter arrives at Wyrmheim informing them that Belyria has seceded, and declared itself to be the newly founded Eastern Wyrmrealm.   863 Re-1100 Re: The Grannr-Wyrmrealm War: TBD   863 Re: Rukhmar the Firebird Departs: TBD   866 Re: Rastilan Envoys to Whitefort: TBD   866-873 Re: Saga's Invasion: After ten years of exile in Intersedra, Saga of Jorulvik hears of the Wyrm Lord's death and the subsequent secession of the Belyrian provinces. Ever since her arrival, she has been plotting with the Intersedran Empress to stage an invasion of the Grannr in an attempt to conquer the region of Seiforh. With the empire now weaker than it has ever been, she finds herself presented with the perfect opportunity to put her plan into motion. After allowing a year for the Thousandforms to raise an army, they set sail in the summer of 866 Re for the Seiforhan coast with the intent of conquering the region.   868 Re: Treaty between Seiforh and the Eastern Wyrmrealm: Saga had initially made entreaties towards the Fyrstbairn of the Eastern Wyrmrealm, but they were reluctant to support her until she had demonstrated herself in battle. Now that she is very clearly winning the war in Seiforh, however, they agree not to intervene in the conflict, in exchange for Saga agreeing to remain neutral in the conflict between the Grannr and the Wyrmrealm. (this doesn't make a whole lot of political sense since Saga just attacked the Grannr, they should probably actually ally but w/e)   870 Re: Stabilisation of the Eastern Wyrmrealm: TBD   871 Re: Belyrian Salt Panning: TBD   872 Re: Ashborn Conquest of Whitefort: TBD   873 Re: Establishment of the Kingdom of Seiforh: TBD   874 Re: Opening of Trade Between Pretheya and the Broken Continent: TBD   874-876 Re: First Grannr-Ashborn War: TBD   881-884 Re: Third Grannr Invasion of Whitefort: TBD   883 Re: Ofirar Migration to Seiforh: TBD   895 Re: Inter-Faith Discourse: Spurred on by trade between the Rastilan people and the rest of Pretheya after their acquisition of the city of Whitefort, knowledge of the Rastilans' unique faith has begun to spread throughout the continent. Most consider it a foreign religion, and few other than merchants seeking a better deal on salt have been willing to adopt it, but it has proven of particular interest to the Pasdjitan people. The clergy of Pasdjit know their deity, Rukhmar the Firebird, to have hailed from Zemet, and are intrigued to hear about this 'Hazara' that the Rastilans speak of. For now, though, these discussions remain largely confined to fringe members of either faith's priesthood, and so little comes of them for the time being.   900 Re: Grannr-Wyrmrealm War Stalemates: TBD   901-??? Re: Second Grannr-Ashborn War: TBD   901 Re: Grannr Reconquers Whitefort: TBD   902 Re: Battle of Holy Ridge: TBD   902 Re: The Absolution: TBD   903 Re: Ashborn Retake Whitefort: TBD   904-906 Re: Ashborn Conquest of Grestvyt: TBD   906-911 Re: Ashborn Conquest of Summerlen: TBD   911-914 Re: Ashborn Liberation of Pasdjit: TBD   915 Re: Formation of the Blazing Empire: TBD   915-955 Re: Ashborn Invasion of the Eastern Wyrmrealm: TBD, meant to be split into multiple wars   940-949 Re: Establishment of the Vestaltir: Nearing the end of his life, the first Blazing Emperor embarks upon one last great project before he passes. He begins work on the creation of an official theological body for the Shahru religion, which will be tasked with the responsibility of deciding doctrine and steering the faith in centuries to come. He names it the Vestaltir and decides that its leader shall be known as the Alight. He also declares that his successor and all future Blazing Emperors will be subordinate to the Alight in matters of religion.   955 Re: Ashborn Conquest of Velwend: TBD, brings TBE's invasions to an end   956 Re: Death of the First Blazing Emperor: TBD   1014 Re: Blazing Empire Civil War: TBD, first dynasty of TBE gets ousted   1040-1050 Re: Belyria Secedes from the Blazing Empire: TBD, but I think the Blazing Empire basically just gets dismantled somehow? Has something to do with a conflict between the Vestaltir and the emperor, and the Vestaltir basically sides with Belyria; leading the empire to explode.   1050 Re: Vestaltir Takes Control of Zemet: TBD Vestaltir "coup" where they become the new state, replacing the now-dead Blazing Empire. There is no replacement king for the deposed emperor, the Alight just takes over as the king   1060-1080 Re: Ressengian Revolution: TBD Ressengia secedes from the Grannr after a brutal civil war, doesn't quite convert to Shahru yet though(?)   1200 Re: Formation of Karvinasstrad: TBD   1240 Re: Karvinasstrad Annexes Belyria: TBD   1256 Re: Karvina Invasion of Seiforh: TBD   1257 Re: Seiforhan Refugees: TBD Ofirar refugees arrive in Heralya   1258 Re: The Siege of Ashkelon: TBD Karvinas lay siege to the Seiforhan capital of Ashkelon   1258 Re: Invocation of Rukhmar: TBD Saga's forces are doing such a good job defending that the Karvina forces are worried they can't win. To bring an end to the war once and for all, the decision is made to summon the avatar of Rukhmar   1258 Re: Death of Saga the Kinslayer: TBD Saga is killed during the siege   1258 Re: Cloudbough Catches Alight: TBD First Cloudbough gets set on fire   1258-1261 Re: Time of Burning Skies: TBD Fire from the Cloudboughs more or less starts the apocalypse   1258 Re: Apocalypse: TBD Eastern Seiforh gets depopulated   1259 Re: Destruction of Goetia: TBD Ash from the fire wipes out Goetia   1259 Re: Grannr Cuts Diplomatic Ties: TBD Grannr blocks the Vestaltir/other Rukhmarite nations after what happened in Seiforh   1260 Re: Famine: TBD Harvests fail across Pretheya as a result of the fires   1260 Re: Excommunication of the Karvina Emperor: TBD The Alight visits Seiforh in an attempt to quell the flames, and while he's there excommunicates the Karvina emperor.   1261 Re: End of the Burning Skies: TBD   1261 Re: Crowning of Emperor Broban   1264 Re: Karvina Invasion of Intersedra: TBD   1267 Re: The Sack of Sunsreach: TBD, Karvinasstrad catastrophically loses the war against Intersedra   1267 Re: East-Belyrian Jungle Gains Independence: hilarious event name   1269 Re: Assassination of Emperor Broban: TBD   1269-1278 Re: Karvina Succession Crisis: TBD   1278 Re: Collapse of the Karvina Empire: TBD   1279 Re: Feudalism in Belyria: TBD Central power is shattered in Belyria, reducing the region to squabbling petty kings.   1299 Re: Establishment of the Wyrmkin Kingdom:   1337-1401 Re: The Landamaeri War: TBD   1366 Re: Establishment of Refuge: TBD   1400 Re: The Wyrms are Driven from Pretheya: TBD   1401 Re: Vestaltir Proclaims Rukhmarite Victory: TBD   1419 Re: Heralyan Revolt: TBD, Heralya throws off the crusader states


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