Garrison of the Sun

The Garrison of the Sun was rebuilt in order to accommodate a local militia for times of uncertainty. However, New Haven has known little trouble in recent years and the Garrison was then occupied by the Ambassador to the Prime Imperium. For the last 10 years, the Ambassador has been Lady Brenna. She was a local girl that wanted to serve her people, so she went to Hygahr and became learned in politics. She has served the city well, allocating the necessary resources between the Empire and New Haven. The Embassy is also home to a small security force of 77 soldiers of varying skill sets.


The architecture of the Garrison is simple by design. The curtain wall extends into the city creating a sense of separateness. The idea that the designers wanted to convey, for now, is that the Empire is still a separate entity from the city. The embassy has rooms for all personnel as well as offices for the officers.


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