Willem Cayne Dawnshadow
Baron Willem Cayne Dawnshadow
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Cayne Dawnshadow's youngest brother Aldwin had a son, Allard who had a son, Willem. Allard died not long ago leaving the rule of Arna to Willem who is currently 14. He, of course, has a council of elder statesmen to advise him, but he has proven wise beyond his years. Many citizens of Arna, being of proud descent and heritage, see Willem as one who is likely to restore Arna to its former glory.
Personality Characteristics
Fairness. No one should get preferential treatment before the law, and no one is above the law.
Vices & Personality flaws
He HAD to cede Arna after most of his council suggested it, therefore he doesn't trust very many of them. Only relying on a certain few.
Social Aptitude
- I have a strong sense of fair play and always try to find the most equitable solution to arguments.
- I’m confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instill confidence in others.
- I misuse long words in an attempt to sound smarter.