ASPCA should not really need much in the way of introductions. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.   This is one of the two larger charities we raise for, and you can donate directly to them without me handling any of the money. I will automatically get an email informing me of your donation if you use this link.  
Goofy Player Cost Enemy Cost
Scramble! THe Team you select randomly has their locations scrambled on the battlemap $10 $5
Reskin! Change either the appearances of the characters or their gear, no stat changes $5 $5
Curse of Babel! The party loses all of their languages for the current encounter. Only grunting $5 $5
Dance Revolution! All actions for the remainder of this fight must be described in terms of dancing, or it cannot be performed $5 $5
Chest Rules! You choose a chess piece, any player may now only move/attack in patterns allowed by that chess piece $5 $5
Spell Levels For the Players For the Enemy
Cantrips $0.25 $0.50
1st level spells $0.50 $1.00
2nd level spells $1.00 $2.00
3rd level spells $2.00 $4.00
4th level spells $4.00 $8.00
5th level spells $8.00 $16.00
6th level spells $16.00 $32.00
7th level spells $32.00 $64.00
8th level spells $64.00 $128.00
9th level spells $128.00 $256.00
Epic Spells $256.00 $512.00
Special Cost for PCs Cost for Enemy
Cast Close Wounds $5 $10
Cast Revivify $8 $16
Cast Raise Dead $16 $32
Cast Resurrection $64 $128
Cast True Resurrection $256 $512
Cast Limited Wish $64 $128
Cast Wish/Miracle $256 $512
Encounter Type Cost for PCs Cost for Enemy
Grant Loot Drop at ECL -1 $1.00 $2.00
Grant Loot Drop at ECL $2.50 $5.00
Grant Loot Drop at ECL +2 $5.00 $10.00
Friendly Encounter at ECL -1 $2.00 -
Friendly Encounter at ECL $5.00 -
Friendly Encounter at ECL +2 $10.00 -
Hostile Encounter at ECL -1 - $5
Hostile ENcounter at ECL - $10
Hostile Encounter at ECL +2 - $25
Trap at ECL -1 $1 -
Trap at ECL $2 -
Trap at ECL +2 $5 -
Lost Items
Action Player Enemy
Drop main hand item to the ground $2 $2
Main hand item is launched across the room $5 $5
Main hand item is removed from play for the remainder of the current encounter $10 $10
Main Hand Item is removed from play till the end of the NEXT encounter $25 $25
Main hand item is deleted, removed from play forever $50 $50
Off hand item drops to the ground $1 $1
Off hand item is launched across the room $2.50 $2.50
Off hand item is removed from play for the remainder of the current encounter $5 $5
Off hand item is removed from play until the end of the NEXT encounter $12.50 $12.50
Off hand item is deleted, remove from play forever $25 $25
Random worn item drops to the ground $1 $1
Random worn item is launched across the room $2 $2
Random worn item is removed from play for the remainder of the current encounter $5 $5
Random worn item is removed from play until the end of the NEXT encounter $10 $10
Random worn item is deleted, remove from play forever $15 $15
Random not equipped item drops to the ground $0.50 $0.50
Random not equipped item is launched across the room $1 $1
Random not equipped item is removed from play till the end of the current encounter $2 $2
Random not equipped item is removed from play till the end of the NEXT encounter $5 $5
Random not equipped item is deleted, removed from play forever $10 $10
Gained Items Player Cost Enemy Cost
Add a mundane item(non-magical, max value 1500gp) to the next loot pile $1 $1
Add a mundane Item(Non-magical, max value 1,500gp) directly to a character inventory $2 $2
Add an item with a maximum value of 7,499gp to the next loot pile. $5 $5
Add an item with a maximum value of 7,499gp directly to a character's inventory $10 $10
Add an item with a maximum value of 27,999gp to the next loot pile $15 $15
Add an item with a maximum value of 27,999gp directly to the character's inventory $20 $20
Add an item with a maximum value of 200,000gp to the next loot pile $30 $30
Add an item with a maximum value of 200,000gp directly to a character's inventory $40 $40
Add an item with a maximum value of 1,000,000gp to the next loot pile $60 $60
Add an item with a maximum value of 1,000,000gp directly to a character's inventory $80 $80
Add an item with a maximum value of 5,000,000gp to the next loot pile $125 $125
Add an item with a maximum value of 5,000,000gp directly to a character's inventory $150 $150
Add an item with a maximum value of 10,000,000gp to the next loot pile $200 $200
Add an item with a maximum value of 10,000,000gp directly to a character's inventory $250 $250
Add a minor artifact to the next loot pile $25 $25
Add a minor artifact directly to a character's inventory $50 $50
Add a major artifact to the next loot pile $75 $75
Add a major artifact directly to a character's inventory $100 $100
Tweaking Items
Tweak Player Cost Enemy Cost
Cursed! Add a curse to an item as it's created +$10 +$10
Retroactively Cursed! Add a curse to an already existing item +$25 +$25
Curse Proof! Remove a curse on a item, and assure it can never be cursed again +$50 +$50
Sentience! At the time of an item's creation, it may be given sentience +$10 +$10
REtroactive Sentience! An item that has already been made may be given sentience +$15 +$15
Improved Sentience! An already existing sentient item may be improved by 1 tier +$20 +$20
Add up to 10,000gp of non + features to an existing item $5 $5
Add Increase the echantment level of an item by +1 $10 $10
Soulbound - A specific item may no longer be deleted permanently. +$50 +$50
Grand Soulbound - A specific item may no longer be disarmed/removed from play +$100(+$50 to upgrade) +$100(+$50 to upgrade)
Donor Perks


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