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Finian de Raîs

Premier Minister of Kélaria for 3 Terms between 45 and 19 BVK.

Finian Aostin de Raîs (*19 August 96 BVK in Lazatte † 31 August 19 BVK in Grand Sérandour) was a Kélarian politician, thrice Premier Minister of Kélaria and the last President of the Kélarian Royal Imperial Senate. He was a member of the centre-right "Association of the Royalist Left".   Son of a farming family in Lazatte, District of Marillon, he was born on former Clannoisian territory after Clannoisie's annexation by Kélaria in 447 BVK. He attended the Royal Polytechnical school at Piérinsdam and the "Réginna Engelise" College in Grand Sérandour, graduating from both with commendations. In 71 BVK, he became a material engineer and construction supervisor in Rîvierselt and Célasson. De Raîs was involved during the following years in the large-scale reconstructions and expansion of Grand Sérandour, Piérinsdam and Sancte-Croismare. It is assumed that it was in this period when he formed contacts with the local Workers, most notably imported Labourers from Lekhisjóða and the Isle of Daenashchin in the Northern Sea of Kélar. At the age of 29, in 67 BVK, de Raîs left that profession to enter politics.   In 65 BVK, he was elected as general advisor of Marillon, later he becomes Representative to the Royal Assembly. Having grown into a moderate left-leaning governist Republican, he joined the "Association of the Royalist Left" in 61 BVK, in which he would drift to the Right. Under Premier Minister Riwallan Madéc, he served as Colonial Minister between 57 and 54 BVK. He finally enters the Royal Kélarian Imperial Senate in 50 BVK as Representative of Marillon, quickly becoming one of the chamber's most influential members. During his time as a member of the Senate, he orchestrated the establishment of the Kélarian Society for Integrated Education, an executive body to manage and fund Education and Studies programmes in the Kélarian Colonies for gifted and promising young adults and adolescents. Furthermore, he introduced the famous Assembly Bill No. 321, also known as the Célasson Whitepaper in which de Raîs and his allies promote extended Kélarian Worker and Artisan Rights and Liberties. At the same time, de Raîs encouraged the privatisation of previously Court or State-owned manufactures and defence companies.   De Raîs was elected Premier Minister for the first time in 45 BVK by the newly formed Royal Assembly following the assassination of his predecessor, Jovan Câradas by Anouar Rachedi on the 3rd April 45 BVK. He was succeeded by Polydor Seznec of the Democratic Cyhinist Union in 39 BVK and re-elected in 33 BVK just before the Red River Revolution. Approving of King Bénardin III's strong response following the signing of the treaty of Hârjalinna, de Raîs was heavily upset when it was agreed upon to grant Severmarkia de jure independence. Some Scholars like Sundev and Vesålovin argue many members of the ARL and the DCU in the Royal Assembly were fearing a violent escalation, including King Bénardin himself.   In 27 BVK, de Raîs was once again de-elected and replaced by Baldéwin Pezron , elected by a coalition chamber consisting of the ARL, the DCU and the strongly Royalist and Imperialist "Kélarian Front". Pezron is often seen as an infamously weak leader, exercising little power as Premier Minister and strengthening the position of the King. Bénardin III, however, due to his age and health problems, didn't profit of Pezron's frailty. Pezron's legacy would have dire consequences on de Raîs during his last term as Premier Minister when he was re-elected in 21 BVK, the year of Bénardin III's death.   Bénardin's eldest son and successor, Cyran I was much more militant and vigorous than his father and made use of every last piece of beneficial Pezron-esque legislature to fortify his position. When the Severmarkish Democratic Socialist Republic of Lekhisjóða announced that it would seize the Nådimev Canal on the 23rd July 19 BVK, Cyran I was outraged and demanded the Military to be mobilised. De Raîs opposed, arguing for a diplomatic solution. Cyran was furious at de Raîs, calling him a "treacherous leech". The wider public opinion in Kélaria at the time was highly hostile towards Severmarkia and socialist Tåmazhevism in general, but de Raîs was a highly popular politician whose sudden disappearance would have likely stirred up rumours directed against Cyran I. Cyran knew this well, and together with the King's Royal Court Guard's Commander, Corentin Symon Galând, developed a plan to assassinate de Raîs and simultaneously blame it on Severmarkia in order to gain traction for his mobilisation effort.   De Raîs in the meantime attempted flight southwards into the neutral Byzetra but was arrested by the Outer-Kélarian Colonial Security Police (OKESEC/PSKK-E) on the 25th August 19 BVK.   Finian de Raîs was likely killed on the 31st August 19 BVK near Grand Sérandour, according to Kélari Documentation. His body was never found. His anti-war efforts were in vain as exactly four years later, on the 31st August 15 BVK, at the decree of Cyran I, the Kélarian Army would undertake a false flag operation at the Nådimev Canal and officially invade Severmarkia on several fronts. Between 19 and 15 BVK, relations between the Kingdom of Kélaria and the Severmarkish Republics rapidly deteriorated with Kjell V. Åkhrimenko shutting down all communication lines to Grand Sérandour on the 17th March 15 BVK and ordering all Kélari Officials from the KSCA to leave the country.   De Raîs was married to Mathide von Thalhain-Caradec. Together they had two children: A son Ewenn and a daughter Sidonnie.
derais old.jpg
Finian de Raîs, in front of the Grand Sérandour Palace, 20 BVK. 
Current Status
Date of Birth
19 August
Date of Death
31 August
96 BVK 19 BVK 77 years old
Lazatte, Kélaria
Place of Death
Grand Sérandour, Kélaria
Short, Black-Grey, balding
Aligned Organization


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