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King Cyran I

Last Monarch of the Kingdom of Kélaria during the Great War of Eiðmorall

Régin de Kélarie

Cyran Rëmael Ancelet Rogier Ar-Tabourdet (*5 September 59 BVK in Grand Sérandour, †22 January 23 AVK in Itharikamon, Alétannia), also known as King or Régin Cyran I was the eldest son of King Bénardin III and Queen Mother Adénora Jestin-la Lay. He reigned as formal sovereign over the Kélarian dominions from 20 to 15 BVK, then as an absolutist monarch from 15 BVK to 0 B/AVK. He was the last King of the Kingdom of Kélaria and its Empire.  


Early life:

Cyran was born on the 5th of September 59 BVK at the castle of Îmnatrea in Grand Sérandour. He was the first child and eldest son of King Bénardin III and his wife, Queen Mother Adénora. As such, he became the heir apparent at his birth. He was given a formal military education of an Ar-Tabourdet prince in Fort Jéhannin. During the Crisis in Severmark in the 30s BVK when eventually in 33 BVK the Severmarkish Union of Federative Democratic Socialist Republics's constitution was signed by the leaders of the Four Severmarkish Republics, Cyran found himself in a quandry as both his father Bénardin III and Premier Minister Finian de Raîs opposed a full-on declaration of war and invasion to bring Severmark back under Kélarian control. Cyran, 25 at the time and a junior Officer in the Army, voiced his opinions on the 14th of September 33 BVK in front of the Royal Imperial Senate, where he strongly advocated for a heavier handed response to the Severmarkish independence movement. Arguing that the destruction of the town of Hârjalinna in Lekhisjóða was not enough and that Kélaria should seize Lyfjagrad at once, Cyran was in disagreement with Premier de Raîs and his father, the King. De Raîs especially, whilst upset about Bénardin III's decree to grant Severmark a degree of independence, sided with the King about not wanting to escalate the situation any further. In a public speech given in front of the Royal Palace in Grand Sérandour on the 5th November 33 BVK, Premier Finian de Raîs accused Prince Cyran of irresponsibility, calling him a "hot-headed youngster."   Cyran was raised in a militarist, authoritarian and religious household and was, as the heir, expected to show utmost respect and defence to his father. Even as an adult, he was to get on his knees and kiss his father's hand before being allowed to speak in his presence, and he was expected to stand in salute whenever one or both of his parents entered a room. His education focused on discipline, physical exercise, humanities and politics in line with Kélari ideals.   Cyran was the 2nd cousin of Duke Adovardo I of Cantacasonto. He had three younger siblings:  
  • -Arnost Goscelin, born 19th March 57 BVK
  • -Elewiza Alîdis, born 8th October 54 BVK
  • -Anneîs Izolda, born 11th November 53 BVK
  After the Great Kélarian War of Eiðmorall in 4 AVK, Cyran told Federal Kélarian interviewers that former Kélarian Premier Minister Finian de Raîs was indeed assassinated, and that this was seen by Corentin Galand and him as a "justifiable risk".  

Career as Crown Prince of Kélaria:

  State Visit to South Ilfradiouna, 31 BVK   As the Crown Prince of Kélaria and Prince of Sayre, Cyran visited the Kélarian colonies in South Ilfradiouna as well as neighbouring States between April and October 31 BVK. Together with his preceptor, Clovis Guegan, and personal guard unit, he visited Sanarra, Akharide, Nàlancay and Cape Darrastâr. This trip was part of a greater political plan to tie closer together the remaining Colonies after the loss of Severmark, and to re-link the Kélari people living outside the borders of the Empire with their home country and its interests. In Sanarra, the largest Kélarian colony, visits to the Capital Ib'Nekat and the province of Sférra were scheduled. On the 6th April 31 BVK, however, Sanarran armed opposition fighters detonated a bomb in the centre of Ib'Nekat, killing 14 and injuring 29. Among the victims was Lucrétian writer Hortùn Arrus. This caused a time table change on the Royal tour. Cyran's ship had to stop in Sférra to replenish stocks, and then went directly to the other destinations before lastly returning to Sanarra once the capital was deemed safe. Local governor Matilin Hédiartt and other entities warmly welcomed the arrival of the Kélarian heir to the throne.   Military Career and attempted assassination   Cyran was educated for a military career in his youth and in time became commander of the prestigious XXI Corps, part of the central Colonial Army Group in 26 BVK. However, this role was more formal than practical, with command de facto belonging to King Bénardin III. Cyran did nevertheless travel to Kélari Sanarra, where XXI Corps was stationed, to conduct formal inspections, supervise training and boost morale. On one occasion, in the week from the 14th July 25 BVK, Cyran had himself put in disguise and inserted into Infantry units of XXI corps covertly to able to get true first-hand experiences of his Corps' conduct and daily life.   On the 31st August 23 BVK, an attempted assassination on Cyran took place in the Sanarran Coastal City of Ib'Naludun. It was the day of his affiancing to Princess Gwenaelle Avîcia Trifina Ar-Mâhortye. Cyran and Princess Gwenaelle had just concluded a visit to the local ceramics and pottery manufacture and were about to enter the Royal limousine when, with a cry of "This is for Sanna!", Izhkar Isakssen Averin fired two shots with a semi-automatic pistol out of the crowd. Averin missed Cyran, but one bullet went through the driver's arm into Princess Gwenaelle's leg.   Izhkar Averin was arrested later the same day, and, under interrogation, claimed to be a member of the Severmark Liberation League (a predecessor to the ENSDF) who had fled his hometown in Kélaria major to avoid persecution for his Severmarkish roots and political views. Averin had been an active member of the SEVPIM during the 30s BVK and was present at the enactment of the Red River concordate in 33 BVK in Hârjalinna, but was able to escape its ensuing destruction. His motive was to symbolically avenge Sanna Gavrielna Skôglind 's killing, exactly 10 years after the razing of Hârjalinna. His trial was a major political event, and although he was charged with attempted regicide and deliberate injury, he was given a relatively light sentence of 7 years in prison followed by 5 years of military service in the Kélarian Army. This sentence caused political uproar in Kélaria and rifts in the relations between Kélaria, the SUFDSR and Kélari Sanarra. For years, it was rumoured that King King Bénardin III and famously lenient Premier Minister Baldéwin Pezron orchestrated the verdict for that the situation remains at least somewhat peaceful. Averin, after serving his prison sentence, was drafted into the Kélarian infantry in 16 BVK and was killed on the first days of the Great War of Eiðmorall whilst attempting to desert towards Severmarkish defence lines.   Princess Gwenaelle was hospitalised immediately after the shooting and made a full recovery.   Visit to Kélari Taengitania   In 25 BVK, after the Kélari Taengitanian colonial authorities built the Cyhinist Cathedral in Bethune, Cyran made his first publicised visit to Taengitania's capital. He made his second visit in Summer 18 BVK.   Marriage and children   Cyran married his fiancée, Princess Gwenaelle Ar-Mahortye, daughter of Lucrétian Duke Adélard da Casademont and his wife, Duchess Lescelina, in Grand Sérandour on the 5th September 17 BVK. Together they had three children:  
  • -Princess Riwannon Ava, born 5th August 16 BVK
  • -Princess Zénaïde Kristenn, born 5th August 16 BVK (Twins with Riwannon-Ava)
  • -Prince Gwythien Faelan, born 2nd February 14 BVK.
  As King of Kélaria and absolutist monarch during the Great War of Eiðmorall   Prince Cyran was officially crowned King, or Régin de Kélarie in 20 BVK following his father's passing.   With the official declaration of war in September 15 BVK, immediately following the Kélarian invasion of Severmark, Cyran took absolute control over the Kingdom as per Kélarian tradition in wartime. Whilst the Royal Imperial Senate and the Royal Assembly of Deputies continued to exist and operate, they were no longer on equal grounds with the court as in peacetime. The Kélarian Front-led government that had been in power since 19 BVK supported Cyran and the war against Severmark anyway, as according to surviving survey material, it was perceived as a legitimate war to "put into place", as some respondents argued, a rogue stray-away colony that ought to be Kélarian, and according to KF Leader Enogat Bescond "always had been".   Like his father Bénardin, Cyran took great care to polish his kingdom's relationship with the neighbouring Duchy of Cantacasonto, as official friendship between the states had existed since 161 BVK. While in 33 BVK, the new Cantacasontian government announced it would reduce its colonial alliance pledges to Kélaria, by 15 BVK this had radically changed. Radical anti-Kélarians like Andriy Larsen Koltsov asserted that Cyran had inserted Kélari agents into the Duchy to instigate distrust and heighten support for long-term ally Kélaria. Either way, pro-Kélarian leader Conte Aguiaris was elected in 18 BVK and pledged that the Duchy of Cantacasonto would support Kélaria with all its might. As such, both Kélaria and Cantacasonto quietly prepared for armed conflict in the half-decade before 15 BVK. In Kélaria too, public opinion had shifted as evidenced by the popularity of KF. Those who openly supported Severmarkish independence or who celebrated Severmarkish traditions were, at best ridiculed, and at worst persecuted, be it by vigilante mobs or official forces. The final drop for this change in attitude was arguably two-fold, with the reasons being both the Severmarkish seizing of the Nådimev Canal in 19 BVK and the death of popular Premier minister Finian de Raîs. The seizing of the canal was represented as a Severmarkish overreach and a humiliation of hitherto common pacifist "laissez-faire" attitudes concerning Severmark. Cyran, at this point still a constitutional monarch, was outraged and demanded in front of the Senate that an Expeditionary Force must be mobilised to take back the Canal and seize Severmarkish territory as a buffer-zone to secure vital Kélari trade lines. Cyran's speech split the Senate along the lines of severity to perceived Severmarkish aggression. He managed to pull the Kélarian Royalists, Nationalists and bourgeoisie on his side, but without convincing, or otherwise removing Premier Finian de Raîs, he would have been unable to push his efforts through the lower House.   Cyran engaged his personal Guard's Commander, Corentin Symon Galând and subordinate personnel handpicked by Galand according to Loyalty to plot De Raîs' assassination. The idea was to eliminate the Premier in an elaborate setup to shift the blame onto Severmark. The Severmarkish motive to kill De Raîs would have been to avenge the Kélarian abstention from aiding Severmarkish Vostoksvîken during the 20 BVK Wheat crop failure. Due to heavy weather and storms, Shipments via land and the Northern Green Sea could not come through. Thus, the only other way was via the Sea of Kélar, over the majority of which the Kingdom of Kélaria held naval control and blocked Severmarkish delivieries of vital grain to Vostoksvîkish ports. Upon formal request to send Kélarian grain to the Republic in exchange for a payment of 23,2 Million Vikdâr, (equal to 9.44 Million Kynérin), Premier Finian de Raîs declined, arguing that the Severmarkish Union "has to face the harsh realities of independent governance".    However, Corentin Symon Galând 's adjutant, Masho Alîker, informed De Raîs' maid, who conveyed the plot to him. Consequently, De Raîs covertly attempted to flee into neutral Byzetra to save his life, but he was arrested near the border by the OKESEC and killed likely on the night on the 31st August 19 BVK by Galând's men, wearing Severmarkish uniforms and badges, and shot using a Severmarkish calibre weapon, which were deliberately left behind as planted evidence.


Régin de Kélarie (20 BVK - 0 B/AVK)
Cyran Ar-Tabourdet's official Coronation portrait to King Cyran I of Kélaria, 20 BVK
King Cyran I, aged 62, in the Mt. Itharika Penal Colony, Registration Portrait
Current Status
Date of Birth
5th September
Date of Death
22nd January
59 BVK 23 AVK 82 years old
Grand Sérandour, Kélaria
Place of Death
Mount Itharika Penal Colony, Alétannia
Dark brown
Orthodox Cyhinism
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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