Oue Tyz's Guide to Alchemical Ingredients


Hello reader, and welcome to the great Oue Tyz's guide to alchemical ingredients! Within these pages you will find my life's work; a beginner's guide to alchemy, and a comprehensive list of the many ingredients that one may want to brew into some alchemical substance!
— The Great Oue Tyz

Keep in mind

Alchemy is dangerous— and not to be explored in depth for those averse to risk. Alchemy does not grant the same power as the original item may have possessed— unless incredibly lucky. A proper alchemist should always inspect an ingredient before making the callow decision to ingest it fearlessly. Check this guide or your own knowledge beforehand.

Reading this guide

Positive Negative
This is the positive effect— if any— of the ingredient when prepared correctly. I-II-III-IV, these denote the tier of the effect. This is the negativeeffect— if any— of the ingredient when prepared correctly. I-II-III-IV, these denote the tier of the effect.
Positive (mutation) Success (mutation)
This is the upside to ingesting an ingredient once processed. This is a critical success, a rare benefit from ingesting the ingredient.
Negative (mutation) Failure (mutation)
This is the downside to ingesting an ingredient once processed. This is a failure, the positive is lost—unless stated otherwise— and a terrible outcome is met.
Found in:
General areas the ingredient may be found in
  Specific information, when necessary, will be shown in tooltips like this.  



Generic parts

Positive Negative
Base I - This is used as a base for many potions! X
Found in:
Positive Negative
Base I - This is used as a base for many potions! X
Positive Negative
Enamel I - this hardens one's teeth, strengthening and cleaning them simultaneously. X
Positive Negative
Callus I - this promotes the growth of calluses on one's body. X
Positive Negative
Hair growth I - this promotes the growth of hair on one's head and body. X
Positive Negative
Hunger I - this makes one feel as if they have eaten a full meal. X
Positive Negative
X Acidic I - this makes one's saliva acidic— slowly burning them from the inside.

Specific parts

??? Buds
Positive Negative
Sleep prevention I - This allows one to stave off sleep and the effects of losing it temporarily. Exhaustion I - After these effects wear off you feel exhausted.
Found in:
??? Pods
Positive Negative
Pain suppressant I - This dulls one's senses to the feeling of pain. X
Found in:
??? Pods
Positive Negative
Adrenaline I - This increases one's adrenaline, heightening their strength and senses. X
Found in:
??? Seeds
Positive Negative
Poison Resist I - This increases one's resistance to vile foods and poisons. X
Found in:
??? Leaves
Positive Negative
X Noisome I - This gives one a horrid odour.
Found in:
??? Sap
Positive Negative
Slippery III - This causes one to sweat greatly, a particularly slippery sweat. X
Found in:
??? (Beuttep)
Positive Negative
Grip II - This gives one steadier, stronger grip. X
Found in:
Fettep Heads
Positive Negative
Speed II - This gives one greater stamina. X
Found in:
??? Leaves
Positive Negative
X Swelling II - This causes one's orifices to swell painfully.
Found in:
??? Leaves
Positive Negative
X Swelling II - This causes one's orifices to swell painfully.
Found in:
??? Stems
Positive Negative
X Flammable III - This causes one to sweat a flammable liquid. A crime, if used on humans.
Found in:
??? Cone
Positive Negative
X Noise I - This creates a loud, booming noise when released as gases expand within its enclosure.
Found in:



Generic parts

Positive Negative
Claws III - This causes one's nails to grow longer, sharper, and stronger. X

Specific parts

??? Blood
Positive Negative
Clotting III - This causes one's blood to clot quickly. X
Found in:
??? Eyes
Positive Negative
Farsight II - This allows one to see farther away, and more precisely. Objects up close are harder to see.
Found in:
??? Sac
Positive Negative
Aphrodisiac II - This gives one an alluring aura, capturing the attention of those around them, and making them more agreeable.
Found in:
??? Skin (aquatic)
Positive Negative
X Bloat III - This causes gases to expand inside creatures, enlarging them and limiting movement.
Found in:



Generic parts

  Monster intestines/stomachs
P: Makes the user able to process the magic out of things they consume.

N: The user gains a larger stomach, and must eat more.
PP: The user is able to process more out of what they consume.

NN: Consumers become carnivores— unable to properly digest plantlife.
Found in: Anywhere


Specific parts

  Ezytlichou wings
P: Small wings sprout through the drinker's back, not enough to fly with— but enough to enable them to jump higher and farther.

N: Users will gain a ravenous appetite— but lack the stomach to match.
PP: The wings are larger, and the user can hover for a short time.

NN: The consumer's appetite grows even more ravenous— leading them to salivate even at scraps and some non-food items.
Found in: Anywhere not cold

  Cichetet legs
P: The user's legs grow stronger, bend, and elongate, allowing them leap greater distances.

N: Cichetet's legs are oriented the opposite direction of the average biped— the consumer can only jump backwards.
PP: Drinkers can jump side to side, as well.

NN: The drinker's legs twist and bend-- making it harder to walk.
Found in: Deserts, Canyons

  Cichetet hands
P: The user's hands will grow in size and strength.

N: Their hands will be too large to wield tools designed for the average person— including weapons.
PP: The consumer gains even stronger hands.

NN: Their wrists will join together— making them effectively useless.
Found in: Deserts, Canyons

  Holcho mandibles
P: [tooltip: Attacking with these deals 1d4 piercing.] These are able to grab things as well, and will grant you advantage in grappling, should you be close enough to use them.] Drinkers will grow small— six-inch— yet strong, hooked mandibles.

N: They lose the ability to taste.
PP: The mandibles will grow to one-foot long.

NN: A consumer's mouth will attempt to form into mandibles, botching the attempt, and smoothing over most of their teeth.
Found in: Rivers, ponds, marshes, edges of lakes and oceans

  Holcho hairs
P: Users will be able to stay underwater for longer periods of time without needing to go up for air.

N: Users will find difficultly sleeping, reducing the effects of rest.
PP: The drinker can stay underwater for up to an hour.

NN: Drinkers will find long green hairs sprouting from the insides of their noses, making breathing difficult with ones mouth closed. These grow back quickly and are nigh impossible to get rid of.
Found in: Rivers, ponds, marshes, edges of lakes and oceans

  Bneuptt horns
P: Users will grow new four-inch bony horns from the center of their foreheads.

N: The shape of the back end of this horn makes one more susceptible to head trauma.
PP: These horns can spin, making them more deadly.

NN: The horn tries to form on the consumer's nose, twisting it into a mass of flesh, bone and cartilage-- useless as both a nose and a horn.
Found in: Underground

  Qeplueoytz bones
P: Consumers will find themselves lighter than before— allowing them to run farther and faster than before.

N: Their bones are now weakened, they take more damage from attacks, and can carry less.
PP: When concentrating, the drinker can find themselves able to slightly change their facial features.

NN: With the bones of a qepleuoytz, one will either find their skulls naturally caving in, or their newly telescopic limbs being unable to stay in place— making them nigh useless.
Found in: Populated areas

  Qeplueoytz skin
P: Users can change their skin color.

N: This new skin is weaker than their normal skin, and they lose some of their natural defense.
PP: Users can create blurred patterns with their skin.

NN: The drinker's skin becomes covered in black-red dots which bleed pigment intermittently.
Found in: Populated areas

  Qeplueoytz teeth
P: Users grow small mouths inside their ribcages.

N: Their hearts shrink to accommodate this change, they now need more rest to regain their energy.
PP: They grow a larger mouth.

NN: Their sternums separate, but no mouth grows— leaving their chests weaker.
Found in: Populated areas

  Llibttell scales
P: The user's skin will become shiny and reflective.

N: Sneaking is made incredibly difficult by this.
PP: The user will grow large scales around the core of their bodies, giving them tougher hides.

NN: The drinker's eyesight will worsen.
Found in: Underground

  Llibttell tails
P: Consumers grow short, one-to-two-foot, bone-bladed tails.

N: Users will find that this newfound tail pulled from their existing skeletal structures, weakening them.
PP: Their tails can be up to four feet long.

NN:[tooltip: -10 max hit points, during strenuous activity you may have to make a constitution save to avoid 1d4 damage.] The drinker's spine tries to form into a tail, shortening the user, and limiting movement as segments meld together to form the "blade" which fails to break the skin-- becoming a constant painful reminder of their failure.
Found in: Underground

  Heutoue teeth
P: The user’s teeth become strong, backed by small muscles each— allowing them to bite through tough objects such as wood.

N: Drinkers will find themselves unable to close their mouths.
PP: They will be able to bite through weaker stone.

NN: Teeth grow inside the user, causing constant pain.
Found in: Anywhere

  Tuezyloytz crystals
P: Reflective crystals grow from the consumer's back.

N: Users need to bury themselves to sleep.
PP: Larger crystals.

NN: Crystals grow out of their hands, making things very difficult if not removed.
Found in: Deserts

  Tuezyloytz stingers
P: Poisonous stingers grow under the user’s toenails, with a weaker version of the tuezyloytz's venom, only weakening rather than outright killing those that are stung.

N: The venom produced in users bodies weakens them.
PP: Their venom can inflict paralysis.

NN: The stingers grow under the drinker's fingernails instead, they are prone to stinging themselves and others by accident.
Found in: Deserts


The Unknown

It is strongly recommended that these are avoided— as their costs are great.  

Generic parts


Specific parts

  Shulhoa (Dream Worm) ears
P: Users can hear dreams.

N: This cannot be turned off, and the user will glean some eldritch knowledge from the creature— lowering their sanity.
PP: Smaller radius.

NN: They cannot hear them, but can see pieces of dreams meshed with the living world.
Found in: LOCATION

  Xoth-Kubori (Gates) liquefied remains
P: Drinkers are able to store objects within themselves safely by swallowing and regurgitating them, these objects do not truly enter their stomachs, but some other, strange realm. Somehow, they are still able to eat and drink.

N: Restful sleep is a thing of the past, users will walk strange and terrible alien realms in their sleep— lowering their sanity and typically being unable to get a full night’s rest.
PP: Users need only to place desired objects in their mouths.

NN: Part of your body switches between this realm and another— at random, making them unable to touch.
Found in: Populated areas

  Obkuith (Possessed Debris) cores
P: Users can cause objects around them to float around themselves.

N: This isn’t necessarily voluntary— unless the user concentrates, random objects in a certain radius around them will begin to float around them.
PP: More objects can fly around the user at any given time.

NN: The user floats constantly upwards, unless weighed down.
Found in: Anywhere


Minerals, gems, and other miscellaneous ingredients


Generic parts


Specific parts

This article has no secrets.


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