Qlaeg, y'shnot tyat raetin'nal gr'eah dyu'in ict tlanot. Dyu'ictlae tlanot dy'not tinoty'shn a'anay, tyu'sh dy'n'i dyu'sh in'shno dyae qlaety tyu'shn tyaish grahnot dyahn.
Qla gra dyae'et gr'aa'd dyu'sh y'inot Qlaeg tlalah inoty ictlal in'shno.
Qlaeg qlaeaet grae'jit qlaetyaegr qlahn gre'na'shd gr'shnotla qlahno ictyu gr'shn'shn tlahnot zaeg'rot.
Gra'ah dyaegr t'la yaegra qlalah qlaegr dyu'ns dy'shn grage's dyahn'n.
Dy'shn in'shn Qlaeg i'inaeg'ino qlan'n yahnot ictlano gr'n dyu'sh tlah.
Qla'et grislah gralal, dyatyan qlahnae z'yahao qlahn'shno qlahn ty'shno dy'shna yu yillaz.
This is a fantastic, creepy take on the prompt! I like that the whole thing is a mystery. I wonder who or what is taking over these bodies, and what the letters true purpose is.
Thank you! I have some ideas on it, unsure if I'll write explicitly about the purpose, or if I'll write about the beings involved and only hint at this— or just leave it alone!