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Traveling to Sly-Var--Hazlan

General Summary

You followed the three weirdos into the forest, farther away from the road. When they stopped to talk to you, it seemed like they were the results of magical experiments who were now hiding in the wilderness and stealing magic items and other supplies to protect themselves. They were convinced that the wizards were the ones bringing the trees to life, and that this recent attack meant that the wizards had found them. You saw that they had a wand of dispel magic that seemed to be made from the same wood as the crate and that was also whispering and moving, and when Vanya examined the scroll that Thornroot had given you (Curing Thornroot--Barovia ), it looked Hazlani. The partly petrified man with the wand said he had taken it off one of "Kourdara's lackeys."   Rose explained to them that the scroll had come from a treant, and the man had no idea what a treant was, but when you explained, the woman with no mouth started with recognition. She signed that when she and the other woman had done some foraging hear Sly-Var, she had heard the trees singing, and that when they finished, an earthquake leveled a wizard's estate.   You wanted to get the wand so they wouldn't be in danger from it and so you had a chance of giving it some kind of respectful treatment, but they were hesitant to part with it because dispel magic is really hecking useful when you're fighting wizards. Since they were going to leave the forest and its predatory trees and hole up in the mountains around Ramulai, they said they'd need filter masks to avoid having their lungs burned by the smoke. You agreed to bring them three filter masks and meet them at the standing stones near Sly-Var the following night.   When you left them, you agreed that you couldn't give the box to Iskander (the wizard you're delivering the brain to) and decided to try saying that Kourdara had told you to take the box back to her; if that didn't work, it was time for a heist. You weren't sure whether anyone was in the right here, but the wizards were clearly in the wrong. I know you discussed something else but I can't remember what.   When you started getting back toward the two trees, you saw that they were no longer moving. Once you got within about fifty feet of them, though, they came alive and started reaching for you. Rose cast speak with plants and they said that Grandfather was coming and that the humans would suffer. When she showed them the scroll from Thornroot, they reacted with awe and said that she was a friend of the shepherds. The shepherds had had enough of the humans' depredations and had called out to Grandfather to help destroy them. They were going to be gathering by "the great rune," which the wizards had apparently build for some destructive purpose that the treants were going to harness for their own ends.   When you continued on the road, other trees would occasionally come to life, but most would either make a beckoning gesture or bow to you rather than attacking, and you arrived without incident to the outskirts of Sly-Var.

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Previous session: The Stone Forest--Hazlan   Next session: @trend
Report Date
05 Oct 2022
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