
Originally constructed by the First Engineers as purely an agricultural hub, Bad-Water produces much of the food found within [Expanse] with all excess being sold to the Great Engine. At the center of the Depot resides the Salvage Works, a refurbished Purification District, that makes up a bulk of Bad-Waters production. Through the use of extreme heat and purified water from [Lake], Bad-Water can turn nearly any salvage found by those wandering the Ashlend wastes into usable material. Because of how caustic this process is, a huge portion of the Salvage Works was lost to an immense explosion. This area, known as the Wastes, is now haunted by possessed Old Ways tech, horrific living experiments, and both Rust and Caustic elementals.
There is no true governance of Bad-Water with a community that seems fine to thrive in its anarchical and impoverished state. Anyone with the ability to perform heavy labor or excel at physical violence can likely find plentiful employment within the Depot. With plenty to eat and free housing, many scavengers find themselves settling down within the Stacks. At least, until their funds from their adventures run dry.

Residental, Rust Ward

This massive, multi-story shanty town was constructed from scavenged steel and brick from other settlements across [Expanse]. The namesake rust is caused by the near-constant flooding from [Lake]. The lower levels of the Rust Ward are nearly inhospitable to the living and function as home territory for the dredges of Bad-Water society and an impressive amount of Old Folk. As you rise to the second or third level, the quality of life drastically increases for the inhabitants and various markets can be found. The few remaining buildings of scavenged steel that tower over the rest can reach up to eight stories in height. Each of these buildings, colloquially known as Rust Towers, are inhabited by old-blood families who function as the elite of the Rust Ward.

Residental, Stacks

The primary residential area for the people of Bad-Water, the Stacks are dozens of multi-story factories that were once agricultural processing facilities interspersed by normal housing. Each of these factories, or Stacks, can hold several generational families. There is a distinct cultural divide within the Stacks between those who work in the Agriculture District as opposed to those who work the Salvage Works District.

Industry, Salvage Works

Like all continents on Hallus, Ashlend is covered in forgotten factories, ancient ruins, and abandoned settlements. Bad-Water understands the value of reusing and repurposing, the Salvage Works is an entire industry focused on exactly that. Massive forges melt down scavenged steel, cult-like factories strip apart the Old Ways, and various smaller industries process any plant or animal products that find their way into the Depot.

Industry, Agriculture

Industry, Pumps


Badwater Depot


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