Primal Life

This article is part of Summer Camp 2024 and will need to be expanded upon after the event.


The physical manifestation of Life Prime. It is an essential material for all Primal Conduits that wish to channel the Concepts of Life. Prolonged exposure to Primal Life can bring out the more bestial instincts of a Sophont, causing some to refer to Primal Life as Primal Passion.



In a liquid state, Primal Life can present as a thick sap or vibrant blood held in jars, trinkets, or even quickly consumed. It is through consumption that beasts often pass around Primal Life, spreading it across entire continents.


In a solid state, Primal Life can present as meat or fruit ready to be consumed. Many sophonts spend lifetimes learning how to masterfully cultivate this form of Primal Life.


In an etheral state, Primal Life can present as the need to procreate and spread or the hunger to feast grow found within every plant or beast.

General Information

Elemental / Molecular
Related Species
Related Faefolk


Unlike other forms of manifested Primal, Primal Life is completely immune to all forms of decay. This allows for Life Cabals to survive and adapt to anything with enough time.

Cover image: by Logo by Garret Grace Lewis, edited by Oneriwien.


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