Realmic Atlas
Terms for Realms
Originating from the expeditionary journals of one Elias Dods, First Chronicler of Seawatch, this collection of terms and definitions has become the widely used standard for identifying and classifying the Cosmos' many Realms. It is rooted in what the legendary scholar believes to be the defining pillars of all Realms, traits that encapsulate a world's heart and soul and characterize its peoples. These pillars include a Realm's general level of technological achievement and its people's adherence to the quest for scientific progress; its denizen's grasp of one or more of the magical arts and their acceptance of such power into their daily lives; the Realm's overall level of safety and survivability for traditional forms of life in the Cosmos; the Realm's diversity in life both native and exotoric in nature; and finally the Realm's connection to the rest of the Cosmos.
I have seen the utter majesty of the universe, having witnessed both wonders and horrors in equal measures across the Cosmos. I have gazed upon barren worlds scorched featureless, vibrant planets full of technological marvels, alien utopias built by magical genius, chaotic rocks frozen solid for eons, and so many...many...more.
Meta Knowledge
Generally, no characters will have knowledge of the Realmic Atlas. If you believe your character should have knowledge of the subject, talk with your GM.
Simplistic Categories
The purpose of the Realmic Atlas is simple: to offer a quick and comprehensive way to depict the state of a Realm, describe the life found within it, and inform Realmhoppers of its relative standing in the Cosmos.
Realm of Tests
Realm Index
M E - H H A
This is really interesting and I love the detailed thought that has gone into the sections. I'm looking forwrd to seeing how the different classifications interact with each other.
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