Sigil of Awarnach (au · ur · naak)


To Manfolk, this sigil announces the devotion to Godking Awarnach and his eternal conquest. Most First Men settlements have this symbol promintly displayed in their most sacred of places. To outsiders, this sigil is a sign of the end times, of an endless war that will consume them, and the end of their dominion over their own realms.

General Information

Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Related ethnicities





Meta Understanding

This fantastic piece of art was created by Grace Gittel Lewis and is used in much of the Realm of Ravare's branding. You can find parts of it in most of our digital content.

It is meant to look like three things:
  • First, a crown of sorts. Something that could be worn on your head, or rather Godking Awarnach's head. This is achieved if you flip the sigil upside down.
  • Second, a intimidating tower. Just like the ones the First Men build on the realms they inhabit. This is also seen if you flip the sigil upside down.
  • Third, a portal. To represent all the traveling between realms people are doing. If you remove the center spike, it looks like a fantasy portal. (Or a nether portal from Minecraft)

Logo for Realms of Ravare

Ravare Text Logo, White by Garret Grace Lewis


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