

Originating from Ravenpeak, Whisper-Scribes collect rumors, secrets, and personal information from their local settlement and use them as a commodity to be sold. Information can either be bought for a price set by the Whisper-Scribe or more commonly traded. It is a requirement for all Whisper-Scribes to offer "A whisper for a whisper.", in other words you are meant to give them a secret in return for a secret they believe you'd like to know.
I wish I hadn't traded with that filthy Rumor-Merchant Tulozin for the name of the woman my husband had slept with. But more so I wish I didn't have to share eight secrets just to get the entire list of names.
— Undisclosed wife within Woodcreek.

General Information

Alternative Names
Rumor-Merchant, Liar, Homewreckers
Intelligence Gathering
Every settlement across the Verdant Expanse would like one.

HIstoric Figures

Aelli Westwin
Known for being the first Whisper-Scribe, Madame Westwin was able to use her connections throughout Ravenpeak to rise herself from Outer Court all the way to The Peak.
Xulan Tok'ala
During a time of trouble for Whisper-Scribes, Master Xulan introduced a new order amongst their rank, the Inquisitors. Trained in subtle, poison, and wetwork these Inquisitors were tasked with finding and disposing of any threat to the Whisper-Scribes.
The first and last Whisper-Scribe to not be of the Elvenkyne, Soulfang was an Awakened Great Raven who eventually mastered several schools of Arcane magic. Rumor has it, Soulfang has a perch on the Raven Council.

Cover image: by Logo by Garret Grace Lewis, edited by Oneriwien.


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