2020/11/18: Downtime and Prep Report

General Summary

Knight, Pele, Ba’alzamon, Avalon, Bael, Senal   Several paladins and junior clerics sent from John’s temple to reinforce New Hallownest against beholder army and provide additional healing.   Bael has cultist robe. He doesn’t know where it came from. He speculates that it belongs to whoever was responsible for what happened to him and his people.   Senal is tank, Knight and Bael are mid-range hitters, Ba’alzamon is magical support, Pele is pinch hitter, Avalon steals things (preferably before the rest of us go in).   Dusk is very attractive, very goth elf healer. If she takes her clothes off, look away and/or run. Also has a short bow. Currently colorblind due to curse. Can probably take a hit.   Avalon lost a kingdom (his father’s; Avalon was never coronated after his father died). He’s gathering funds and followers (to reclaim it?).   Can construct an altar of sorts, an “elder sign” to hold off beholder army north of Darkhome for some time. Complicated beholderish symbol that is an icon of one of their gods. When we get a chance, we should coordinate with the Beholder King and group with his forces to challenge Dreadgaze (or whoever is running the beholder army). Once that leader is gone, the Beholder King can take over the beholder army himself. The Beholder King also noted that he thinks he was born around this area.

Character(s) interacted with

Dusk, the Beholder King


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