2024/02/28: Matorvia Shenanigans Report

General Summary

Othar, Malakai, Nyx, Garrek   We returned to the party in Malakai's Forge in Matorvia, where Malakai and Arghent had just registered a deep necromantic flash of anger passing over the land. Union said the source was to the east before promptly disappearing. Arghent guessed that it was some sort of elemental thing.   The party headed out, with Garrek riding Nyx's wolf and everyone else flying. The party passed a limping golem house-sized bull as they went. 50' long, 20' tall, 20' wide. One leg wasn't working. It was heading to the same location the party was. The party flew down to check on it, and it seemed hostile.   It was a very square thing, carved in roughly the shape of a bull. It was apparently made from raw iron ore. It had gemstone eyes and some basic engravings. It seemed to be acting very much like a wounded animal, possibly to the extent that it had been made with an animal soul.   The party knocked out that golem with Othar's sword, then carried on. They passed more kidnapper spider golems, and then an unusually watery area where an army of golems was fighting zombie pirates near the wrecked remains of the pirate ships.   The party stopped to rescue the guards of a town who were losing to golems. Nyx and Garrek tore through the golems in seconds while Malakai reassured the defenders. The captain of the guard (who appeared to be an ex-pirate) introduced himself as Genalt Rumsby, Captain of Heartzvelt. Malakai stayed behind to meet the neighbors while the rest of the party scouted ahead towards the storm.   The party's next encounter was an army of golems fighting an army of undead pirates over a child. The undead seemed to be defending the kid. Some looked unusually fresh.   The party dove in. Shortly before arriving, Garrek called out "Oi! You looking for a rescue?" The lead pirate, dual-wielding cutlasses, yelled back "Get him to the ship!" and practically threw the kid at Nyx and Garrek. The boy was practically skin and bones and was armed only with a broken dagger. While Garrek got him situated and safely held, Nyx and Othar got to rampaging. The group gradually got the kid closer to the single intact pirate ship nearby.   As Othar teleported closer to the ship with the kid, an explosion launched a sort of demonic-looking skeleton off the ship. Turned out to be a demon prince.   The subsequent battle was touch-and-go, but the trio managed to kill the demon prince with soulfire, extreme violence, and a finishing nut-shot. The soulfire meant that he stayed dead and the party got to loot the corpse. They got the kid and the corpse onto the ship, which then was dragged out to sea by the water.   The kid's name was Egwin. He had no idea what was going on. The pirate captain said he and his crew were not undead, but dead, and had come there on a mission to save Egwin, who is the son of the king of the sea. Egwin, meanwhile, was uninentionally manifesting a blue energy blade from his broken dagger. Who the king of the sea is, how Egwin was creating the blade, and where the ship was now headed all remain unclear.

Rewards Granted

3 xp (4 for Garrek)   Demon lord loot

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content


Arghent was made to be very strong, not logistically efficient. He's always starving, and he's so dense that he can't swim. He's 7'4". Nyx's wolf companion is about 7 feet tall at the shoulder.   Nyx doesn't like her hybrid form. Feels unnatural. It's most combat effective, though.
Renedge Campaign
Garrek Bardinson
Report Date
28 Feb 2024
Primary Location


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