Aku Namasu

Aku Namasu

An extremely powerful monk, and the founder of the Namasu Clan on the Mountain of the Monks. He teaches students of more monstrous races to channel their natural advantages and their hate to crush their enemies.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aku Namasu was captured and imprisoned by the Anima Society sometime in late 22 or early 23 ARL, but was freed on April 30th, 23 ARL by an adventuring party seeking aid for the replacement of Knight's mask. He and his clan subsequently aided Knight in creating solidified willpower to use as mask material.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Aku Namasu is the person (or one of the people, at least) who figured out how to bypass coruscating shield: If you grapple the user's limb or weapon as they lash out from behind the shield, the shield treats you as "connected" and won't prevent you from passing through.
Current Location
Current Residence
Mountain of the Monks, Eastern Realms


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