
Anastasia Blaustrong

A little ghost girl whose family owned a castle far north of Ashington.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Anastasia was born a princess, her parents ruling a territory north of the city of Ashington out of their family castle. When she was around 6 years old, enemies of her family took the castle and killed Anastasia's parents in front of her in the throne room. The powerful protective magics Anastasia's parents had cast on her only delayed the inevitable: The villains simply waited out the duration before murdering her, and they cursed her for good measure to express their frustration.   The horrible death, the curse, and the rewards granted to the killers for their deeds combined to cause Anastasia to linger as an unusual roaming spirit. Hindered by trauma and an inability to communicate directly with the living, Anastasia wandered ineffectually for years.   Her wandering came to an end in 23 ARL when she encountered a visiting party of adventurers from Renedge. She tagged along with them after they proved somewhat able to sense and interact with her, and after some experimentation they found a way to communicate with her. She laid out her story. They resolved to go to the castle and give her the justice she needs.


Family Ties

A member of the Luvian bloodline via her father, Gerard Blaustrong.


Has a terrible stutter. Trauma may be responsible.
~6 years
Date of Death
Before 16 ARL
Circumstances of Death
Murdered by demons after being forced to watch her parents die
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