Crimson Eye Mercenaries

A mercenary group on Argerus that is primarily composed of orcs, goblinoids, humans, and dark elves. They are highly competent warriors and are at least trying to develop a reputation as a disciplined and reliable force, though there is a sense that it wouldn't take much for them to turn savage. They are likely excellent offensive troops as long as their employer is not concerned about collateral damage.   The organization is large, with multiple "main battalions" of 750,000 troops being hirable for 2.5 million gold each per month. They also offer smaller formations for appropriately lower costs. In addition to their formation offerings, their catalogue includes various tiers of "heroes", highly experienced individual warriors ranging in price from about 15,000 gold to about 50,000 per month. When our heroes perused their offerings in December of 23 ARL, 20 heroes of the highest tier were available, and they may have more who were on contracts or otherwise occupied at the time.   The individual who was occupying the front desk at that time was a large male orog.


Discipline in the Crimson Eye is implied to be about what one would expect from orcs who are trying to appear disciplined. Fighting pits commonly serve as entertainment, training, and ways to resolve disputes. Betting on such fights is commonplace. Buildings constructed by the group are ramshackle but functional.   Members of the group tend to be wary of elves but won't initiate conflict by default. They appear to expect all of elves to be egotistical elf-supremacists, and have been seen to be notably surprised by those who don't live down to that expectation.


Two teams of five heroes, including the orcish spearmaster Longfang, were hired by New Hallownest in late 23 ARL to participate in the New Hallownest-Yellow Formian War.
Military, Mercenary Group
Notable Members
Related Species