Mask of Hades

A major artifact of Hades, of the Jerritorian pantheon. Its full capabilities are unknown, but it was able to make a full party of adventurers, a ship's crew, and the ship itself appear as undead to all detection methods after an hour or two of one of the adventurers wearing it. It also proved impossible to remove without remove curse.   The Mask of Hades is a mask sized for a humanoid face and bears a pattern reminiscent of the facepaint of the band KISS. When worn, it temporarily melds with the wearer's face, allowing full motion and access.


Sometime before 23 ARL, the mask was lost, and it somehow found its way to a mad band of musicians. In the summer of 23 ARL, the Shadows of Existence tracked the mask to a largely barren island where the band performed an endless concert, empowered and protected by magic and turned visibly undead (along with their audience) by the mask. The Shadows responded with music of their own, winning over the enthralled crowd in a battle of the bands and shattering the protection the crowd provided. In the subsequent battle, the Shadows retrieved the Mask of Hades from one of the band members. They returned it to the Temple of Hades after briefly using it for a mission with Hades' permission.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Owning Organization


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