
RN-77 (a.k.a. "Roen")

The android military poster-girl and singer for the magical girl band Zyth.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A grey-haired, somewhat pretty android girl. Absurdly strong and resilient for her size and appearance. She is able to tear open nigh-invulnerable armor plate with her bare hands, and none of her teammates have yet been able to do meaningful damage to her in a spar.

Special abilities

Roen is the most likely out of all her band members to have actual bard levels: Her singing has visibly encouraged the troops mid-battle multiple times.

Apparel & Accessories

Roen is the grey-themed member of Zyth and typically wears an appropriately colored outfit while making public appearances.

Specialized Equipment

Notable for wielding a variety of weapons, everything from a giant railgun to a sword 6 meters long. The sword has become sort of a meme. There are pictures of her holding out the sword and the entire rest of the team standing on it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

RN-77 was created as a kaiju-fighting android for the United Worlds Government of Halloran. She served with distinction, but as time went on and technology progressed, she increasingly fell behind the new top-of-the-line replacements. Rather than "retiring" her (whatever that would entail), someone in the military suggested that since she was sort of cute, they could let her try being an idol. This plan was wildly successful.   Since then, "Roen" has proved an exceptional fundraiser for the UWG military. She's been refurbished several times, mostly just getting more human-looking with each iteration. In the midst of her time with Zyth she has apparently begun to develop the first inklings of a soul.

Intellectual Characteristics

Roen is the "innocent, thought-provoking" member of Zyth. She has never had a life outside the military and is still in the process of becoming a person, so she tends to come off as young and innocent for her apparent age. She's plenty well-read, though: She enjoys philosophy and can keep up with her bandmate Una in philosophical talk. She's also the most stoic member of the band.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Roen's movements are a little too tireless and smooth to be natural.


Contacts & Relations

Roen first met Buzz Gizmo and Knight of Darkhome at an underground fight club in Ashington in late December of 23 ARL. Due to perform in a concert later in the week, Roen had slipped out to the fight club in disguise, hoping and searching for some new insight as to how to go on living now that she no longer had her original purpose. (It was a very YA graphic novel "search for purpose" scene.) Knight caught her eye, she approached them, and soon she was deep in a philosophical conversation with them and Buzz about purpose, life, souls, and how to be a person. Then Buzz impulsively slapped her with a miracle that boosted the growth of her soul. She ended up trading contact details (and a burner phone) with Buzz. Her disguise didn't last beyond the fight at the end of the night, and some time after she made her quick and embarrassed escape, she got a telepathic call from Buzz about an imminent threat to the lives and minds of herself and all of her friends.
Current Location
~ 6 ft.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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