The Horde

The Horde is a mishmash of goblins, giants, orcs, trolls, ettins, dragons and some humans all united by one of the Demons of Renedge, Ben Regal (a.k.a. the Demon of Wrath).   Ben is a Chaotic Evil asshat who fights Corruption when he finds it and the rest of the time he has his Horde rampage around attacking targets of opportunity to keep his warriors busy.   These days General Dargest runs the day-to-day of the Horde. Ba'alzamon keeps Ben from getting too far out of line and the Horde has become fairly disciplined and quiet. Ba'alzamon is mostly left alone and the Horde members no longer give Dargest much of a hard time because they don't want Ba'alzamon to take an active interest in what is going on. The Horde in general knows Ba'alzamon's opinions of goblin- and orckind, and if they piss him off, harass the barbarians, or don't listen to Dargest he wipes out a village or three of their people every day until they get back into line.   Aside from Ben Regal himself, no one in the Horde is as powerful as Ba'alzamon is by a large margin, so they mostly behave.


  • Archmage of the Horde: the most powerful arcane spellcaster in the Horde. Since Ba'alzamon's takeover, the Archmage has been the ruler of the Horde. Acts as the final arbiter for decisions and disputes.
  • General of the Horde: the military leader of the Horde, and in effect its head of government. Runs the day-to-day governmental apparatus.
  • General: highest-ranking military commanders. A general controls a portion of the Horde's military forces, as well as any noncombatants associated with those forces.
  • Culture

    The Horde is primarily a kratocracy, where might makes right and leadership challenges determine the hierarchy.   Ben used to play a game where he would find a new favorite adventurer and pit them against the current General of the Horde to cause infighting to keep the Horde strong. Now, by policy, Dargest and Ba'alzamon immediately kill everyone that Ben brings in to play that game.


    The Horde consists of (at a minimum) hundreds of thousands of warriors and tribesfolk, all of them ready and eager to pick up a weapon and fight whatever enemy becomes available.


    Years ago, in the course of their usual rampage, the Horde attacked Guardia. Ba'alzamon successfully fought back against them for a while, but there were easily a hundred thousand attackers and they eventually breached the city through weight of numbers. Ba'alzamon was forcibly resurrected and forced to join.   Ba'alzamon did the bare minimum he could get away with and followed the old adage that if he do something badly enough the first time they may not ask him to do it again. He tried to relocate the refugees but none of the countries of Meridan would take them in so the horde held them hostage to keep him in line.   Eventually Ba'alzamon died killing one of Sindar's Nazghul. As a reward for his sacrifice, when he was brought back by Blythe Derguil, he became a warlock of Renedge with some power over the Demons and Angels of Renedge and some amazing innate powers and unique Renedge spells.   Around the same time, the old archmage of the Horde was caught playing around with Corruption, so Ben put him down. Since Ba'alzamon was the strongest arcane practitioner in the Horde, he was made the Archmage of the Horde whether he liked it or not. In response, Ba'alzamon walked into Ben's fortress and, in front of all his generals and elite troops, hit him with a high-level Renedge spell to show him things had changed. Ba'alzamon explained that he was in charge now and that if Ben gave him any trouble he would turn the demon into a chamber pot.   Uninterested in ruling directly, Ba'alzamon worked out an arrangement with General Dargest to put him in charge as long as the Horde no longer harassed the barbarians of Guaradon, who had always been nice to Ba'alzamon.

    Demography and Population

    The Horde is a mishmash of goblinoids, giants, orcs, trolls, ettins, dragons and some humans all united by one of the Demons of Renedge: Ben Regal, a.k.a. the Demon of Wrath. The Horde has a large population, in the hundreds of thousands at minimum, largely spread between many villages and military camps.
    Alliance, Military
    Head of State
    Head of Government
    Government System
    Power Structure
    Unitary state
    Related Species