Vessel, Hallownest

Appearing as humanoid insects similar to Hallownest bugs, the Vessels were created by the Pale King and White Lady of Hallownest as weapons against their enemy, the Radiance.

Basic Information


A Vessel has two arms, two pointed legs, one head, and a natural biological structure resembling a cloak. A Vessel's body appears at first glance to be covered in a black carapace, but in reality all parts of their body save for their mask are formed from Hallownestian Void, a pitch-black liquid formed from memories, nightmares, and trapped souls. This material is focused into a solid form by the white mask that acts as their head and skull. As Void is technically hollow (or at least is a sort of material nothingness), Vessels tend to be much lighter than their size and appearance would suggest.   If a Vessel's body takes sufficient physical damage, that focus can be disrupted, usually (but not always) leading to a dramatic evaporation of everything but their mask. Some Vessels are known to naturally recover from this, with their Void supply regenerating and their body reforming after roughly 24 hours, but how common this ability is is hard to determine; nearly all of the Vessels died a long time ago, and stayed that way.   A Vessel's mask is critical to their cohesion, and they will come apart instantly if it is cracked completely open or shattered. Smaller cracks, broken horns, and other such lesser damages are known to be survivable, if painful. Fortunately for the Vessels, the masks have the resilience of strong magic items, so it is rare for them to take meaningful damage unless they are specifically targeted. Vessels are completely mute by design.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vessels are sexless and lack any apparent reproductive organs or capacity to reproduce.

Growth Rate & Stages

When Vessels hatch, they are approximately 3 feet tall and have proportions similar to a human baby, though they are immediately capable of moving and fighting. Over time, they can grow to a lanky adult form approximately 9 feet in height, though almost a third of that height is the horns on their mask. How long this growth takes and whether it is catalyzed by some external stimulus is unclear; the Pale King's chosen Pure Vessel grew to an adult form quickly, but nearly all other known Vessels remained in their neonate form perpetually. The only known exceptions are the Broken Vessel, which was notably larger than a neonate Vessel, and Knight, who began to grow to the adult form only after the Radiance was destroyed and the kingdom's stasis removed.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Vessels do not have mouths and have no need for nourishment.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vessels have human-equivalent senses in most categories, but they completely lack senses of smell and taste.
Genetic Descendants
Biologically immortal.
Average Height
Neonate: 2' --- Adult: 9'
Average Weight
Neonate: 15lbs. --- Adult: 100lbs.


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