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Silgarene Era, 17th Age

A section of the Silgarene Era (208.17 - 167.21), encompassing the events of the 17th Age, with an emphasis placed on the events that would most strongly contribute to the events taking place at the end of the era.

  • 1st of Reaper's Landing, 208.17
    Silgarga's Intrusion
    Era beginning/end

    The Keepers of Ath Hadra finally make direct contact with their patron, so they think. What answers them from the void with a new, terrible task for them is absolutely not their patron.

  • 23rd of Sower's Leave, 210.17
    The Second Breaking of Faigan
    Military action

    The Keepers cross the medial vortex and begin to purge indiscriminately as they progress south.

  • 15th of Reaper's Leave, 211.17
    The Fall of Tshurei
    Military action

    The largest island between Riei and Foszarei is overrun by Keeper forces. The city of Tsak is repurposed into a penitentary site, overseen by Oracular Dr. Jardalei Dhirn.

  • 16 Hours Later
    Nayrean-Grym Ceasefire
    Diplomatic action

    The Nayre Dominion and Grym Prelature temporarily put an end to all mutual hostilities in order to dedicate their colonies to stand with the rest of Faigan against this new threat.

  • 33rd of Storm's Landing, 212.17
    Site 06 Riot

    An uprising at Site 06 results in the overthrowing of Dr. Dhirn and the escape of several prisoners, among them four of six who would become instrumental in ending the Intrusion crisis.

  • 20th of Storm's Leave, 212.17, to 1st of Hearth's Landing, 212.17
    The Summonings
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Silgarga did not act alone when it betrayed the rest of its kind. Its cohorts arrived in the flesh before it to better prepare the world for its ritual.

  • 10th of Hearth's Landing, 212.17
    The Retaking of Tshurei
    Military action

    A concentrated strike is made on Site 06, ousting the Keepers and using it as a staging ground to interrupt Silgarga's manifestation beneath the Halogen Sea.

  • 40th of Hearth's Landing, 212.17
    Counterattack on Fort Verdant
    Military action

    As resistance preparations near completion, the Keepers employ scorched earth tactics on the mainland's most populated city, in the vicinity of Renalt, before the designated team can be sent to Tshurei. Without optimal preparations made, they are secreted out of Fort Verdant to head directly for the ritual site.

  • 1st of Hearth's Leave, 212.17
    Banishing of Silgarga
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    At the bottom of the Halogen Sea, the heroes stand off against a creature that shaped their worlds and evolution. Performing a ritual of their own, the sacrifice of one sends both her and Silgarga back into the void, sealing them both away.

  • Within Hours
    The Keepers Surrender
    Diplomatic action

    Freed from the thrall of Silgarga, the oracles among the Keepers call for ceasefire. Reparations will be made for years to come, after which point, the Keepers go quiet, isolating themselves from the rest of the system.

  • 14th of Sower's Landing, 213.17
    Beginning of the Foszar Coalition

    The city-states and nations of the last continent on Faigan unify, founding the Foszar Coalition. Choosing to side with the Dominion after the truce, they will go on to become one of the largest and most influential nations in the Ravel.

  • 1st of Reaper's Leave, 221.17
    End of Ceasefire
    Political event

    Prelature expansion resumes as normal. Dominion continues to fortify, invests in its less centralized colonies.

  • 1st of Sower's Landing, 235.17
    Prelature Resumes Resurrection Plan
    Religious event

    The Grym Prelature makes plans of acquisition for the scattered bones of their deity uncovered between the beginning of ceasefire and now. Some pieces are behind Dominion borders, some of which the Dominion may not even be aware of.

  • 1st Stricken Day, 236.17
    An Unfortunate Discovery
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    During a rather dishonorable breach of international goodwill, the Prelature launches a covert attack on an excavation site on Ardessira, a majority-Dominion world. The bone they discover there does not belong to Soma, and is instead identified as a potential new manifestation point for Silgarga, if given time.

  • Remainder of Stricken Days, 236.17
    Information Quarantine Begins
    Political event

    An emergency conference is made including the leaders of the Coalition, and a proposition is made to suppress all findings related to the Serene within the respective spheres of influence of these three governments from the public eye. By the early hours of the last Stricken Day, there is an accord. The Dominion motions to destroy the shard, but its Archivists sequester it for study instead.

  • 22nd of Storm's Landing, 237.17
    Expansion of Info Quarantine
    Diplomatic action

    The Jeshar Kingdom agrees to sign onto the agreement, given sufficient financial motivation. The Keepers of Ath Hadra give no answer.

  • 34th of Storm's Leave, 277.17
    The Coalition Goes Interplanetary
    Political event

    The Foszar Coalition allies itself with smaller nations in its solar system facing subjugation from others. After helping to achieve either peace or conquest, they went on to federate with many, with some even integrating in full decades later.

  • 20th of Reaper's Landing, 280.17
    Unrest in Jeshar Kingdom

    Contemporary Serene information gets out, worsening the already significant distrust between the populace of the Jeshar Kingdom and its rulers. This will come to a head over the next three years.

  • 17th of Hearth's Landing, 280.17
    Silgarene Fossil is Relocated
    Discovery, Exploration

    In light of the chaos that even minor details regarding the Serene caused among the Jeshar, the Nayre Dominion Archivists sack the faculty of their observation post on the distant, abandoned world of Paliputra, repurposing the facility to store Silgarga's bone.

  • 19th of Reaper's Leave, 283.17
    Jeshar Civil War Begins
    Military action

    The Kingdom's colonies separate from homeworld administration and aim to take it by force. The war will last for over four years, during the last year of which, the Coalition joins on the side of the defectors, forcing the Kingdom's surrender.

  • 2nd of Sower's Leave, 289.17
    Beginning of The Jeshar Republic

    Exactly one year after the war's end, the Jeshar Republic is founded based on philosophies of democracy, freedom, and a society without caste. The state will outlast its principles by far.

  • 40th of Storm's Leave, 300.17
    Nayrean-Grym War Exhaustion
    Diplomatic action

    Seething against one another in the longest cold war ever seen, lasting two Xeeok lifetimes, The Dominion and Prelature finally agree to another armistice with a guaranteed peace of at least fifty years. As a show of good faith, the Prelature returns several territories to Dominion control, and negotiations regarding the excavation of Soma's bones remaining in Dominion territory are made.

  • 11th of Reaper's Landing, 308.17
    Coalition Administration Diminished on Ystraka
    Civil action

    After decades of dissatisfaction with the Coalition's methods, the protests of the natives of Ystraka reach their peak. Additional outcry from Coalition citizenry motivates the beginning of their withdrawal from all but one city on the planet.

  • 40th of Hearth's Leave, 315.17
    Completion of Starfields Archival Base
    Construction beginning/end

    After years of discretely training new faculty and security personnel, and shipping construction materials to the northern polar region Paliputra, the Starfields Archival Base is completed. This facility will be damaged, repaired, destroyed, and rebuilt over the next two millennia in order to contain its dangerous secrets.

  • 1st of Hearth's Leave, 316.17
    The Princess Visits Paliputra
    Life, Relocation

    Nayrean Princess Ayaan finishes her nearly year-long journey through space, arriving near the Starfields on Paliputra to oversee occult research, but finds a significant number from among the faculty experiencing a strange illness. She will experience the same only a year and a half into her planned five year stay.

  • 18th of Sower's Leave, 319.17
    Lineage Broken, Trust Broken
    Life, Death

    Ayaan succumbs to her illness on Paliputra, shortly after the emperor dies of sudden but natural causes. Central power transfers to a cousin, but feuding among relatives soon ensues until power is eventually ceded to a distant relative. Their knowledge of ongoing Serene research is minimal, and the Archivists are more than content to keep it that way, showing them only a small fraction of the whole picture but leading them to believe they are informed.

  • Starting 326.17
    Nayrean-Grym Relations Improve
    Diplomatic action

    Empress Tsadr opens discussion with Prelature to sign a mutual migration treaty. In addition to ancestor worship and a section of the living pantheon, worship of Soma would also be allowed in Dominion territories.

  • 10th of Storm's Landing, 355.17
    Catastrophe in the Starfields
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Despite the frequent occurrence of fatal brain tumors and mutations the nature of which would be redacted along with the sufferers' histories, research continued for years. Until the base atomized itself.

  • 18th of Storm's Landing, 357.17
    Revision of Starfields Archival Base
    Construction beginning/end

    Advances in space travel technology allowed for quicker transportation of materials and equipment to Paliputra.   Silgarga's bone is buried in a tomb of concrete and rebar, the surface above is fortified, and on this day a new facility is completed on a different site to analyze its activity remotely and (hopefully) safely.

  • Throughout the 60s
    Religious Shift in Dominion
    Religious event

    While singular worship of Soma remains primarily limited to migrant communities from the Prelature, she becomes a popular addition to the endorsed pantheon of semi-secular society.

  • 31st of Reaper's Landing, 392.17
    The Maxim Enters The Fray

    The Maxim of Raazdu, a small nation operating as a science directorate, detects mysterious readings coming from the Fray. In the interest of studying these, they make plans to establish research bases of their own.   The Dominion offers assistance to maintain obscurity.

  • Sometime in Sower's Leave, 404.17
    Error 404, Bones Not Found
    Civil action

    The House of Ulgengir moves the bones of Soma in its possession to its homeworld of Aenku, out of sight of the powers concerned with them. They will be moved from time to time so as to keep them out of the hands of demons other than Ulgengir, but will not leave the planet for Ages.

  • 14th of Hearth's Landing, 445.17
    Prelature Invests in Yalashtei
    Diplomatic action

    The Grym Prelature becomes a benefactor of the nation of Masnai on Yalashtei, granting them funding in exchange for landing privileges and insights into Serene star reactor technology, an edge that few aside from the Nayreans and Kaimaht possessed until now.

  • 25th of Sower's Leave, 544.17
    The Resettling Declaration
    Population Migration / Travel

    Looking to the new Age beginning next year, the Maxim announces its intent to establish permanent, civilian settlements on Paliputra to better access the resources of the Fray.