Frost Elf

Lifespan: 500 years.
Height: 5'5" to 6'5"
Weight: 130 - 170 lbs


It is said that the frost elves' transformation began when they became devoted to the worship of Oblivion, the eldritch god of nothingness and the end of all things. As their devotion grew stronger, they became more and more obsessed with the concept of death and the idea of transcending mortality. They started experimenting with dark magic, seeking to extend their lives and gain more power.   Over time, the frost elves became more isolated and reclusive, retreating deeper into the Frostlands and cutting themselves off from other races. They became known for their cruelty and bloodlust, preying on any living creatures that crossed their paths. Some say that the frost elves even began to turn on their own kind, draining the life force of weaker elves and using them as vessels for their own power.   Despite their fearsome reputation, there have been some among the frost elves who have sought to resist the pull of Oblivion and find a different path. These rebels have faced persecution and ostracization from their kin, but they continue to hold onto hope that one day the frost elves can break free from their dark past and forge a new future.


rost elves place great importance on loyalty and obedience to their leaders, as they believe that a strong and unified society is necessary for survival in the harsh environment of the Frostlands. They have a complex set of laws and customs that govern their behavior, and any deviation from these rules is met with severe punishment.   The frost elves are also skilled craftsmen, particularly in the art of weapons and armor-making. They take great pride in their work and often decorate their weapons with intricate designs and symbols that reflect their devotion to Oblivion. Their armor is crafted from a combination of metals and magical materials that provide protection against the cold and other dangers of the Frostlands.   Finally, the frost elves are known for their expertise in magic, particularly ice and frost-based spells. They use their magical abilities both in battle and in everyday life, manipulating the cold to create ice bridges and even create sculptures and other works of art. However, the use of magic is closely monitored by the religious leaders of their society, and any misuse or abuse of magical power is met with severe punishment.  
Unique Naming Conventions
Frost elves commonly choose names that reflect their worship of Oblivion and the concept of emptiness, darkness, and death. Examples of frost elf names include Voidwalker and Shadowfrost. Titles such as Dreadlord and Icereaper are used to denote rank within society, while sigils and symbols with sharp angles and swirling vortexes are used to represent their devotion to Oblivion.  
Relations with Other Races
The frost elves are mistrustful of outsiders and tend to keep to themselves. They have a tense relationship with the neighboring dwarves, who they see as crude and barbaric, but they have a fascination with the elven clans to the north, who they see as potential allies or worthy foes.


The frost elves live in isolated, walled cities deep in the Frostlands. Their society is highly regimented, with a rigid caste system based on one's level of vampiric power. They are led by a high priest or priestess who serves as a direct conduit to Oblivion.   In addition to their religious beliefs, the frost elves place great importance on personal strength and power. Those who demonstrate greater vampiric abilities, such as strength, agility, and the ability to manipulate ice and snow, are held in high esteem and given greater privileges in society. The lowest caste consists of those who have not yet fully embraced their vampiric nature, while the highest caste is made up of those who have achieved the greatest level of power and control.   Frost elves are also known for their love of art and culture, particularly music and dance. Their cities often have grand halls where musicians and dancers perform for the elite, and competitions are held to determine the most talented performers. Frost elves take great pride in their artistic achievements and view them as a reflection of their society's greatness.



Frost elves have pale, almost translucent skin and hair that ranges from silvery white to jet black. Their eyes are often a deep, hypnotic shade of teal, purple, or gold, and they have sharp fangs that they use to feed on the blood of other creatures.


Religion of the Frost Elves

The frost elves' religion revolves around their worship of Oblivion, the eldritch god of nothingness, emptiness, and the end of all things. They believe that Oblivion is the ultimate fate of every living being, and they view death as a natural and necessary part of the cycle of existence. They believe that in death, their souls will be absorbed into Oblivion, becoming part of the void and the ultimate nothingness.   To honor and appease Oblivion, the frost elves engage in various religious practices, including sacrificial offerings, meditation, and prayer. They believe that by offering blood sacrifices, they can demonstrate their devotion to Oblivion and earn his favor. The frost elves also practice meditation and self-reflection, seeking to understand the nature of existence and their place in the world. Finally, they engage in prayer and ritual worship, offering praise and supplication to Oblivion and seeking his guidance and protection in their daily lives.   Despite their reverence for Oblivion, the frost elves do not view their god as a deity to be worshipped out of blind obedience. Instead, they see Oblivion as a force of nature that must be respected and understood. They believe that by embracing the inevitability of death and the void, they can better appreciate the preciousness of life and the beauty of existence.  
Frost elf fanatics of Oblivion are individuals who have devoted themselves fully to the worship of their god. They believe that Oblivion is the ultimate truth and the only worthy goal of existence. Fanatics see the natural cycle of life and death as an opportunity to embrace Oblivion fully, shedding their mortal coils and joining the great nothingness. They often engage in self-destructive behavior, seeking to bring about their own end and embrace the void.


Frost elves possess heightened senses, strength, and speed due to their vampiric nature. They are also able to manipulate ice and snow, summoning blizzards or creating walls of ice to protect themselves. Additionally, they have a hypnotic gaze that can ensnare their enemies and a powerful bite that can drain the life force from their victims.  
Vampiric Strength: Frost elves possess strength beyond that of a normal elf, thanks to their vampiric nature. This strength allows them to overpower most enemies, even those who are larger or more heavily armored.   Ice Manipulation: Frost elves have the ability to manipulate ice and snow, allowing them to create structures and weapons from frozen water. They can also summon blizzards and snowstorms to hinder their enemies.   Regeneration: Frost elves are able to quickly heal injuries and regenerate lost limbs, thanks to their vampiric abilities. However, severe injuries such as decapitation or disintegration can still prove fatal.   Shapeshifting: Some frost elves have the ability to transform into bats or wolves, allowing them to move quickly and evade danger.   Night Vision: Frost elves are able to see in the dark, making them effective at operating in low-light environments. They can also see through most forms of magical darkness.   Mind Control: Frost elves have the ability to hypnotize and control weaker-willed creatures, such as animals or weaker-minded humanoids. They can also influence the thoughts and emotions of others, making them effective at gathering information or swaying opinions.


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