Quantum Rhapsody Artisans for Equity

Artisans for Equity is a dynamic organization within the greater Rhapsody in Realms community. Its members are dedicated to harnessing the power of creativity for the greater good. Our mission is twofold: to connect talented creatives with secular charities in need of artistic services at free or reduced pricing, and to organize impactful projects that serve as fundraisers for these charities. We believe in the transformative power of art and creativity to inspire change, foster community, and support those in need.


  1. Fostering Creativity and Innovation: By connecting creatives with secular charities, the organization would encourage a culture of creativity and innovation. This could lead to a vibrant arts scene, with more public art installations, performances, and literary events that enrich the community.
  2. Strengthening Social Cohesion: The organization would bring together individuals from diverse backgrounds, to foster a sense of unity and belonging. By working on common causes, community members have the opportunity build stronger social bonds and a shared sense of purpose.
  3. Empowering Marginalized Voices: By providing free or reduced-cost creative services to charities, the organization would amplify the voices of marginalized groups. This could lead to greater representation and inclusivity in the arts and broader cultural narratives.
  4. Promoting Civic Engagement: Organizing fundraising projects and volunteer opportunities would encourage civic engagement. Community members would be more likely to participate in local initiatives, advocate for social justice, and contribute to the common good.
  5. Driving Economic Growth: Supporting local artists and creatives could stimulate the local economy. Art-related events and projects could attract tourists, generate revenue, and create job opportunities within the community.
  6. Enhancing Quality of Life: Access to art and creative expression has been shown to improve mental health and overall well-being. By promoting creativity, the organization would contribute to a higher quality of life for community members.

Public Agenda

This is the goal, not the reality. It will take work. I will need a lot of help. It might not happen. But this is the idea.

  1. Connecting Creatives with Charities: We facilitate partnerships between artists, writers, musicians, and secular charities, ensuring that these organizations have access to high-quality creative services without financial strain.
  2. Organizing Fundraising Projects: We occasionally spearhead creative projects—such as art exhibitions, literary anthologies, and musical performances—that serve as fundraisers for secular charities, amplifying their reach and impact.
  3. Empowering Creatives: We provide a platform for creatives to use their talents for social good, offering opportunities for professional growth, networking, and community engagement.
  4. Promoting Secular Values: We support secular charities that align with our values of creativity, freedom, and justice, ensuring that our efforts contribute to a more equitable and inclusive society.

Create. Inspire. Transform.

Activist, Charity
Related Professions


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Jul 21, 2024 22:39 by Alan Byers

This is a superb statement of purpose and a wonderful goal. Your community is lucky to have you Haly! Wishing you all the best. Alan.

Jul 22, 2024 01:22 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

I mean, maybe I'll get there, and maybe I won't. But ideas can turn into goals, and goals can turn into achievements. I am starting the not-cult, tho. It's just too good of an idea.

Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Summer Camp in Avalon

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