Custom Templates

Article Templates

  • Activity (ritual) = activity, ra ra-arena
    Organized activities such as games, sports, competitions, etc.
  • Area (location) = area, fas fa-location-dot
    Geographic areas which are not star systems, stars, planets, moons, dimensions, etc.
  • Beings (species) = beings, ra ra-aura
    Intelligent/semi-intelligent creatures, humans, humanoids, artificial life, dimensional entities, etc.
  • Commodity (material) = commodity, ra ra-diamond
    Raw materials, resources, elements, etc.
  • Conflict (militaryConflict) = conflict, ra ra-lightning-sword
    Wars, battles, sieges, combat, competitions (sports, etc.), and similar
  • Culture (ethnicity) = culture, fas fa-palette
    description tbd
  • Custom (ritual) = custom, ra ra-cycle
    description tbd
  • Dimension (location) = dimension, fas fa-layer-group
    Dimensions, bubble dimensions, crossovers, and other dimensional locations
  • Engineering (technology) = engineering, fas fa-microchip
    Technologies, the applied science used to create advanced tools and equipment (but not the actual tools or equipment which are items)
  • Exposition (article) = exposition, fas fa-book-open
    General content, introductions, etc.
  • Folklore (myth) = folklore, ra ra-circle-of-circles
    Forklore, superstition, "common sense", urban legends, general lore, etc.
  • Item, Generic (item) = itemgeneric, fas fa-cubes
    A generic object, class, or type of thing
  • Item, Specific (item) = itemspecific, fas fa-cube
    A specific item or object
  • Legend (myth) = legend, ra ra-all-for-one
    Legends and myths, especially historical
  • Lifeform (species) = lifeform, ra ra-butterfly
    Species and subspecies of animals, plants, aliens, sentient or intelligent or not
  • Lingua (language) = lingua, fas fa-language
    Language forms of communication (e.g, written, spoken, symbols, visual, etc)
  • Malady (condition) = malady, fas fa-disease
    Diseases, afflictions, disorders, syndromes, mutant adaptations, transformations, etc. usually considered negative
  • Occupation (profession) = occupation, fas fa-briefcase
    description tbd
  • Org, Activity (organization) = orgactivity, fas fa-spa
    Organizations focused on activities such as education, entertainment, chartered causes, sports teams, etc.
  • Org, Business (organization) = orgbusiness, fas fa-scale-unbalanced
    description tbd
  • Org, Clan (organization) = orgclan, fas fa-network-wired
    Clans, Families, Houses, and other kinship related organizations
  • Org, Polity (organization) = orgpolity, fas fa-flag
    description tbd
  • Org, Religion (organization) = orgreligion, fas fa-infinity
    Organizations focused on religions or life philosophies
  • Personage (person) = personage, fas fa-person
    Specific people and beings
  • Polis (settlement) = polis, fas fa-city
    Settlements, cities, towns, space stations, etc. (space stations and star bases may be a settlement or a location or both)
  • Portal (landmark) = portal, ra ra-crystal-cluster
    A wormhole type portal, either dimensional or not
  • Position (rank) = position, fas fa-id-card
    description tbd
  • Power (spell) = powers, abilities, fas fa-burst
    Powers and abilities such as psionics, dimensional abilities, etc. (but not mutant abilities) usually considered positive
  • Record (document) = record, fas fa-database
    Visual, audio, or written documents, records, and artwork of all types
  • Site (landmark) = site, fas fa-landmark
    Geographic areas such as ruins, temples, court houses, buildings, natural wonders, etc.
  • Star System (location) = starsystem, fas fa-sun
    Star systems, planets, moons, and similar astro-geographical locations
  • Transport (vehicle) = transport, fas fa-rocket
    Specific and generic transports of any type (e.g., animal, technological, dimensional, etc.)
  • Variance (law) = variance, fas fa-wand-magic-sparkles
    Beyond normal natural or supernatural laws and events of nature and physics
  • Writing (article) = writing, fas fa-scroll
    Written stories, poetry, chapters, documents displayed with simple formatting

Modified Prompts & Other Inputs

Star System

Revised from Mar 2024 version of location.html.twig.

Sidebar Key Facts

Todo: Document that this is actually for all Star System and has conditional code.

In general, the sidebar key facts are reformatted to handle lists and single line data consistent with the Ruartei CSS theme. Specific changes:

  • Key Facts / h2 / heading text only
  • Alternate Name: <Alternate Name(s) prompt>
  • Status: <usermetadata.status>
  • Type: <usermetadata.spectralType> <type dropdown>
  • Coordinates (next line)<usermetadata.coordinates>
  • Member of (list of) <usermetadata.memberOf>
  • Location Under: <parent location prompt>
  • Owner/Ruler: OR <usermetadata.leaderType>: <Ruler/Owner prompt>
  • Key Features (list of) <container key-features>
  • Warp Paths (list of) <usermetadata.warpPaths>
  • Member of (list of) <usermetadata.memberOf>
  • Included Locations (list of) <article.children>
  • Included Organizations (list of) <article.includedOrganizations>

Type = Star System

  • Geography => Astrography / h1 / overview of the star system structure (i.e., the "contains" list)
    • Ecosystem => Population Centers / h2 / celestial bodies with significant population centers
    • Ecosystem Cycles => Notable Orbitals / h2 / other notable celestial bodies
    • Localized Phenomena => Phenomena / h2 / any special astrography phenomena
  • Climate => Governance / h1 / description of star system governments and relationships
  • Flora & Fauna => Commerce / h1 / general description of star system commerce
    • Natural Resources => Imports and Exports / h2 / imports and exports, including specific natural resources
    • Tourism => Notable Characteristics / h2 / notable features that draw business, tourists, and visitors
  • History / h1 / history overview and significant events
  • h1 titled: Notes
  • h2 titled: Origin of Name (Earth)
  • paragraph: Ethnic source. Descripton.
Sidebar: Content Panel Top

Put the list of key features within the container key-features, making sure each feature is on a separate line. These should be the primary features for the entire star system.

Json Metadata

Note: IDs are optional. They allow the name to be linked to its article page.


"warp": "true",
"status": "text",
"spectralType": "xn",
"coordinates": "n.nnnnn, n.nnnnn, n.nnnnn",
"memberOf": [ "org-name:org-id", "org-name:org-id" ],
"warpPaths": ["starsys-name:.n:starsys-id", "starsys-name:.n:starsys-id" ]


  • warp: currently not used
  • status: Elder, Central, Major, Minor
  • spectralType: star's spectral type, e.g., F0
  • coordinates: x, y, z
  • memberOf: "org:ID", e.g.,"The Caelum:ID"
  • warpPaths: world:value:ID, e.g., Nefertem:.1:ID

non-Star System



Sidebar Key Facts


Type = Sports Event

  • The Conflict => The Match / h1 / heading text only
    • Prelude / h2 / background info, context, etc.
    • Conditions => Publicity / h2 / publicity, popular media, etc.
    • Deployment => Lineup / h2 / players' position, conditions, etc.
    • Battlefield => Playing Field / h2 / location, etc
    • The Engagement => The Encounter / h2 / actions, interactions, play by play during the match
    • Outcome / h2 / short-term results of the match
    • Aftermath / h2 / long-term results of the match


Revised from Mar 2024 version of landmark.html.twig.

Sidebar Key Facts

Sidebar key facts are formatted to handle lists and single line data consistent with the Ruartei CSS theme. Specific changes:

  • Key Facts / h2 / heading text only
  • Alternate Name (next line) <Alternate Name(s) prompt>
  • Type: <type dropdown> OR <usermetadata.portalType>
  • Discovery Date (next line) <Construction Date prompt>
  • Location Under: <Parent Location prompt>
  • Included Locations (list of) <article.children>
  • Principal Manager (next line) <Owning Rank prompt> <Ruler/Owner prompt>
  • Governing Organization (next line) <Owning Organization prompt>
  • Contesting Organizations (list of) <Contesting Organizations prompt>
Unused/Ignored Sidebar
  • Including Vehicle
  • Vehicles Present
  • Characters in Location
  • Ethnicities
Planned Changes
  • Add usermetadata.ruinedStatus and change how Ruined is displayed.
  • Add processing for multiple alternames, separated with semicolon.
  • Change additional rulers/owners or remove them.
  • Change connected rooms to work for Gates
  • Format professions, ethnicities, rituals (if any), important traditions (if any), plots, materials (if any).

Need to figure out what reportprimarylocations and reportsecondarylocations are.


  • <added> Functional Aspects / h1 / heading text only
    • Purpose => Purpose and Function / h2 / general purpose and function
    • Design => Technology and Operation / h2 / technology used (e.g., APIR or CPET) and operational notes
    • Special Properties / h2 / any special properties (e.g., dimensional)
    • Hazards & Traps => Hazards and Effects / h2 / hazards and their effects (e.g., portal storms)
  • <added> Cultural Significance / h1 / heading text only
    • Sensory & Appearances => Sensory and Appearance / h2 / appearance and any other notable sensory effects
    • Tourism / h2 / if tourist attraction, why, who, and where (e.g., Portal Observation Room)
  • History / h1 / history overview and significant events
Unused/Ignored Prompts
  • Alterations
  • Architecture
  • Defenses
  • Entries
  • Denizens
  • Contents & Furnishings
  • Valuables & Treasure
  • Environment & Effects


  • h1 titled: Notes
  • h2 titled: Origin of Name (Earth)
  • paragraph: Ethnic source. Descripton.

Json Metadata


"portalType": "text"


  • portalType: Dimensional Portal, Regular Portal, Gate

Org, Clan

Revised from Mar 2024 version of organization.html.twig.

Sidebar Key Facts

Sidebar key facts are formatted to handle lists and single line data consistent with the Ruartei CSS theme. Specific changes:

  • Key Facts / h2 / heading text only
  • Type: <type dropdown>
  • Alternate Name (next line) <Alternate Name(s) prompt>
  • Leader (next line) <Leader prompt>, <Leader Title prompt>
  • Founders: (list of) <Founders prompt>
  • Headquarters: <Capital prompt>
  • Main Geographic Zone: <Geographic Location / Base Settlement / HQ prompt>
  • Members of (list of) <usermetadata.members>

Note that while the Geographic Location prompt also mentions Base Settlement and HQ in the title of the prompt, the description says "which geographic location your organization exists in, in its entirety." For Clans, main geographic zone indicates the primary or central area where the family clan predominantly resides, works, and has major involvement.

Unused/Ignored Sidebar
  • Family Leader
  • Head of State
  • Head of Government
  • Formation
  • Training Level
  • Veterancy
  • Government System
  • Power Structure
  • Economic System

Note that while Family Leader is ignored in the custom template, adding a person to that field will still cause the family tree for that person to be displayed instead of the cover image.


  • <added> Family Life / h1 / heading text only
    • Structure / h2 / family structure, key roles and relationships
    • Culture / h2 / family beliefs, customs, and traditions
    • Public Agenda => Status / h2 /social reputatation, standing, status, achievements, recognition, etc.
    • Assets / h2 / significant resources, property, possession, and wealth
  • History / h1 / history overview and significant events


  • h1 titled: Family Tree
  • Family Tree Embed of (Main) Founder

Json Metadata


"members": [ "person-name:name-id", "person-name:name-id" ]


  • members:


Custom Templates

Cover image: Ruartei Section of the Galaxy by Tulonsae using MidjourneyAI


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