List of Worlds

This is a list of the various worlds and their titles (article subheadings).

Atlas, The Realms of Ruartei

The Caelum

Caelus, Political Center of the Grand Society

  • Vecu, Capital Planet of The Caelum
  • Opis, Cornucopia of The Caelum
  • Sethlans, The Forge of The Caelum
  • Bellona, Premier Military Center of The Caelum
  • Portunus, Transit Center of Caelus
  • Porta, Communication Portal of Caelus

Tellus, Technology Center of the Grand Society

  • Tellurus, tbd
  • Rania, Astrogation Center of The Grand Society
  • Bia, Exotic Fuel Supply of The Caelum
  • Enodia, Communication Portal of Tellus

Nefertem, Commerical Center of the Grand Society

  • Maut, Capital Planet of Nefertem
  • Shahad, The Jewel of The Caelum
  • Almatjar, The Market of the Grand Society
  • Wusul, Communication Portal of Nefertem

Elder Worlds

Sancus, Guarantor of Ruartei

  • tbd, Communication Portal of Sancus

Central Worlds

Metis, Knowledge Center of Ruartei

  • Asvoria, Gatekeeper for the Great Library
  • Ismene, Home of the Great Library
  • Thetis, tbd
  • Daira, tbd
  • Eldora, Communication Portal of Metis

Major Worlds

Minor Worlds

The Fringe


Cover image: Ruartei Section of the Galaxy by Tulonsae using MidjourneyAI


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