Technology Reference

These are OLD notes about technology. Need review and probable revision.

Colonization and Terraforming

Most natural human type planets were terraformed in the past by the other, usually more advanced, civilizations. This is why/how many planets have similar climates, plants, and animals. There are usually some differences in each planet that could not be eradicated.

Terraforming is still done, but on a much more limited basis - as the main worlds typically do not have the same drive to colonize or level of resources or technology as the earlier civilizations did (before The Rebuilding).

If species of life already existed on the terraformed world, most of them were destroyed. Some was incorporated, but only very carefully. There were a few disasters when the original life forms (usually low level like viruses) integrated with the new terraformed environment. This is another reason that current main worlds do little, if any, terraforming.

Cyber-Related Technology

Artificial Intelligence

The central and main worlds (along with some of the minor worlds) have advanced technology around the level of Star Trek, but without the sophistication of Data. Nay'air had AI beings (referred to as arti-life) somewhat beyond the abilities of Data (Star Trek) or Rommie (Andromeda), but more varied and quite a bit different.


Most sophisticated devices depend on computers, typically embedded chips and circuitry, although automation technology is deliberately limited. With the significant exception of medical and life-preserving equipment, computers are physically distinct.

Implants are not widely used due to several factors:

  • infamous incidents of malfunctions with tragic aftermaths
  • difficulty in hooking them up properly and easily to the human brain (without severe side effects)
  • prejudice against cyborgs, AI robots, and similar
  • the amount of training required
  • the ever-present danger of body-jacking

Energy storage

The most advanced worlds (e.g., Nay'air, Tremain, Artala) have energy crystals which aren't quite crystals, but super effective, long lasting batteries. Main worlds use batteries which are much more efficient and longer lasting than what Earth currently has.

Paper and Book Equivalents

Paper equivalents are generally electronic paper looking devices with long lasting batteries (low usage requirements) that are the equivalent of a entire book, research paper, technical manual, etc. They are usually transported flat or rolled up. They often contain visual and audible media clips.

Book equivalents are generally the shape and size of a book, but are the equivalent of an entire library, database, etc. They usually have a touch pad (which may be keyed to a passcode or an individual's biometrics) that is used to open and close (power up/down) the book. Depending on the model, a book may physically open and expand, revealing the pages. Or simply display each page on its surface. Some models can provide accessibility output for the blind, deaf, and otherwise physically impaired. Optionally, a book may have connectors that allow it to retrieve or send data to a computerized information device.

Papers are often copyprotected. (Of course, sophisticated and expensive facilities can copy them.) Books are usually copyprotected with more secure methods and algorithms. The copy protection determines whether the book/paper may be copied, how often, by whom, and so forth. The highest level copy security software stores which paper/book is the original. Often, the original will retain critical functionality and information.

Note: books created before The Rebuilding by the most technologically advanced worlds can not be faked with any technology currently known by the central or main worlds. It is suspected that the lost technology may still exist in some undiscovered ruins from that time period.

Communication Technology

Personal Com Devices

Central and main worlds have the equivalent of cell phones. And someone has to pay for the underlying service/connection abilities - either the government or the individuals or something. ID systems are used. And typically a person checks their com device in at the space port to register their id (or get an id) so that they can use the planetary communication system. Otherwise, they are limited to access of their ship and its resources.

In addition to the typical PDA/Com Device, there are book readers (like paper) and glasses. The glasses usually connect to a computer of some sort and are used when visuals are required. There are ear plugs and tooth devices for more discreet communication needs.

Connection types:

  • vocal
  • visual
  • tactile
  • audio
  • brain - very rare, as they are dangerous and leave the user open to viruses and body-jacking

Connection devices:

  • glasses
  • reader
  • earphone
  • mic
  • keyboard


Cover image: Ruartei Section of the Galaxy by Tulonsae using MidjourneyAI


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